Chapter 1878 A terrible thing

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 Li Liuyi did not give in.

Why give in?

I won’t do this business with you.

Li Liuyi’s thoughts are very simple.

He continued his experiments.

This experiment has actually proven its efficacy, and now it is proving its toxic and side effects.

There will be no results soon. Some side effects will take a long time to be verified. Therefore, Li Liuyi is not planning to announce the results in the near future.

This does not affect its clinical use. It is undergoing clinical trials at the same time. As long as someone is willing to accept it, it can be used clinically.

Li Liuyi works in the intensive care unit, and there is no shortage of people who are willing to undergo experiments. In fact, patients are also willing, and even begging, in this situation, hoping that new drugs can be used on patients.

The more new drugs are tested, the more people think they may have miraculous effects.

Li Liuyi noticed that more than 95% of patients' family members are willing to sign for the use of new drugs.

He is in no rush to announce the results of version 4.0.

However, just because he is not in a hurry does not mean that others are not in a hurry. The buyer will come over every now and then, and every time, they will say almost the same thing.

It’s just that the price has risen to 2 billion US dollars.

If you buy version 3.0, they are willing to pay 30 million US dollars, of which 10 million is to compensate Li Liuyi for stopping the test.

Li Liuyi's attitude has not changed at all.

He is not short of money. The experimental funds are provided by Peking University. There is 10 million yuan in scientific research funds every year. If you want to increase it, you can apply for it temporarily.

Li Liuyi’s last reward, the total bonuses at all levels, reached 16 million yuan, he personally received 12 million yuan, and others also shared 4 million yuan.

It's not necessarily true that he is rich. It costs tens of millions to buy a better house in Beijing. With the money he earned from Dexin Hospital and Antai Hospital, he just bought a house, not far from Beijing University.

Now, his total amount is only ten to twenty million, which is barely considered a middle-level person in the capital.

If he sells the drug patent to others for 2 billion US dollars, he can really reach the sky in one step.

However, there are two difficulties.

The first is that he is not allowed to continue researching version 5.0. This condition is too harsh. As a scientific researcher, it is too uncomfortable for him to be suddenly not allowed to research. He would rather not get the money.

Second, he was unwilling to sell the patent to a foreign pharmaceutical company. What's more, although the patent belonged to Li Liuyi, the results were developed during working hours. He had constant ties with Beijing University, and Beijing University had the right to intervene.


The first problem is that Li Liuyi feels it is impossible to stop scientific research. If he stops scientific research, he will get sick.

Their conditions are too harsh.

Besides, version 4.0 is not Li Liuyi’s final version. He has not yet applied for mass production of version 3.0, and it is very likely that he will not apply for version 4.0. He hopes to research the drug more perfectly.

Compared with Liu Muqiao's first aid skills, the gap is not small.

He definitely doesn’t want to end his research. Perhaps, he will officially apply for a patent and mass-produce it after version 9.0.

By then, it shouldn't be a problem to sell billions to domestic companies, and you can still own certain shares.

Of course, the key issue is really not money, but that he wants to make the medicine better.

Now some people disagree and want a one-time buyout.

The goal of the medicinal company is to make money. He cannot wait indefinitely. They have version 3.0 or version 4.0, which is enough. A good drug has a 30-year patent period. He must make enough money.

If Li Liuyi keeps upgrading, it will be much more difficult for him to make money.

His greatest benefit is to sell version 4.0 within 30 years, with minimal cost control and marketing investment.

Of course, if you look at economic benefits alone, Li Liuyi will not lose money if he earns 2 billion U.S. dollars at a time, but are scientists just for money?

He will research this drug to its peak no matter what.

Last night, Li Liuyi worked hard for most of the night and took the kidney tissue of the mouse under the microscope to observe. There were no obvious changes in the glomeruli and renal tubules.

He is studying the damage of drugs to kidneys.

When he got home, he fell asleep, and when he woke up, it was already 8 o'clock in the morning.


Something's wrong.

How could you sleep until 8 o'clock?

Something that has never happened before.

Even if Li Liuyi worked until early in the morning, he would get up on time at 7:00 in the morning. This has been a habit for many years, and there are no exceptions.

How could you oversleep today?

He shook his head and felt slightly dizzy.

No? I didn’t come into contact with any poison last night. I only used some phenol when making slices, so it’s not poisonous.

He gets up.

Suddenly solidified.

His eyes looked at the head of the neighbor's dog "Xiu Xiu" on the desk, which was bloody. The dog "Xiu Xiu"'s eyes were wide open and stared at Li Liuyi.

Li Liuyi was stunned for three minutes.

Then, his first reaction was to call 110.

The police acted very quickly and arrived in 8 minutes.

However, after two hours of investigation, they could not conclude how the gangsters got in!

There are no traces.

It's hard to explain, but I can actually do it without seeing any traces. I can only draw this conclusion, I met a "master".

As for asking Li Liuyi to provide suspicious clues, he had no choice but to lie.

Although he knew it was related to selling patents, Li Liuyi didn't dare to say that, really, he suddenly became afraid of that group of people. Even with the help of the police, he still didn't feel safe.

He chose not to say anything.

This case lasted for 3 days, but finally came to nothing with no conclusion.

On the night of the third day, Li Liuyi saw a person, a middle-aged man wearing sunglasses and a stiff face without any expression.

"Li Liuyi, you are very smart." The voice was cold, almost like a mechanical voice.

"As expected, it's you." By this time, Li Liuyi was no longer afraid.

"Well, you have a very high IQ. I hope your emotional intelligence is equally high. If you figure it out one day, just tell us so that we don't think of other ways."

"You should give up. I will continue to improve in the next 10 years. I know that my current medicine is still far away from the final goal. Now that I suddenly stop researching, you should kill me.

." Li Liuyi suddenly became so heroic that he felt as if he was about to die.

"Death? How is that possible? We won't let you die. We only want your patent or formula for the 4.0 version of the first aid medicine."

"If you insist, then give me 10 years. After 10 years, I will give you the patent, not now."

Li Liuyi considered giving in. At this time, he also thought of Liu Miqiao.

This group of people, only Liu Miqiao can cure them.

People with a higher dimension have the power of a higher dimension. If dimensionality is reduced, these people will be like ants.

Li Liuyi gave a buffer time, "In 10 years, I will give you a complete formula, or a patent. Within 10 years, you can't disturb me."

An image of Liu Miqiao appeared in Li Liuyi's mind. This was his only savior.

This chapter has been completed!
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