Chapter 1886 The detective comes out

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 Li Liuyi did not come to work for three consecutive days, and he disappeared.

The laboratory formula was taken away the day before he disappeared, and the data was also taken away.

Colleagues in the Department of Critical Care Medicine found it particularly strange that Li Liuyi would never be absent without asking for leave.

It is very rare for him to not come for ward rounds without asking for leave, unless there are special circumstances.

Make a call and turn off the phone.

In other words, Li Liuyi suddenly disappeared for three days.

Hu Yan is Li Liuyi's senior assistant, equivalent to the deputy director and chief physician of the Department of Critical Care Medicine. She is 3 years older than Li Liuyi.

She had to report it to the hospital leaders.

At first, the hospital leaders didn't pay much attention, because there were many great professors at Peking University, and all of them were very good, and observing discipline was not a heinous crime. The hospital's management turned a blind eye to high-ranking doctors.
These great doctors treat patients here and perform surgeries there, no one cares about them.

Li Liuyi is the most famous at Beijing University. He will be the first to be recommended as an academician next time. Who will care about him as the winner of the top prize at the Science Conference?

Maybe a rich man asked him to see a doctor, or maybe he was invited to travel for a few days.

However, the hospital leaders suddenly felt nervous. Hu Yan said that Li Liuyi had taken away scientific research materials, which was a big deal.


Or maybe you took your scientific research results and went to another country?

I can't help but think it's serious.

The leaders of the hospital quickly arranged the search for Li Liuyi.

First, we were tight inside and loose at the outside. We tried our best to find it without notifying the police. We worked all day and found nothing, not even a clue.

The hospital quickly held a meeting until 12 o'clock in the evening, but there was still no good plan.

The final focus is more focused. Since Li Liuyi took away the information, it was a premeditated and planned escape.

The next step is to report the crime.

The police received the report and knew that this was a big deal. The person was the winner of the highest science and technology award and had taken away major scientific research results.

Their judgment also believed that Li Liuyi had fled.

The nature of escape is different, and they have to activate another mechanism.

A week has passed since the incident, and there is no news.

Liu Muqiao got the news a week later. He hurriedly boarded the plane heading north. He couldn't find any clues about Li Liuyi in his mind.

He must go to the scene and trigger the criminal investigation skills in his brain.

What’s interesting is that Ye Lin received an order to go to Beijing as a detective.

Liu Muqiao looked at Ye Lin and smiled bitterly. You are a great detective. This time, you may be able to return to your original form. When you step off the altar, it must be a tragic ending.

"Brother, what do you think about this case?" Liu Maqiao deliberately sat next to Ye Lin on the plane.

"Uh, I guess, uh, he probably fled. Can you contact your detective?"

Ye Lin has not produced any results in the past year. His usual work is still lecturing, writing books, fishing, drinking tea, and playing chess.

Having gained experience in the past few years, he has summarized a set of ways to play tricks, the first of which is to talk less.

As a human being and as a detective, the most important thing is to say as little as possible.

Especially recently, even at home, he remains silent and talks as little as possible. He deliberately trains himself to talk less.

Ordinary people who don't speak much will be said to be dull and not good at talking. People with high status who don't speak are mature, steady, profound, temperamental and wise.

People with great wisdom have no common language with ordinary people, so they don't talk much.

Ye Lin does the latter.

People in the hall or the department often come to ask for advice, and the words he speaks are very few. To others, every sentence sounds like the essence and the crystallization of wisdom.

Now, Ye Lin has reached 7 or 8 points in practice.

However, the person I met today was Liu Muqiao. He couldn't pretend to be sophisticated. Only Liu Muqiao and Uncle Ye knew his secret in this world.

"You may be disappointed. I haven't been able to contact that mysterious person recently. Of course, I will try to contact him."

Liu Muqiao smiled slightly, but quickly stopped smiling.

Liu Muqiao has never believed that Li Liuyi fled. Last time, they offered 1.8 billion US dollars to buy his achievements, but he was not tempted. Now, why would he flee?

It was the criminal gangs, Liu Maqiao targeted them.

The question now is how to find this group of people.

As for the scientific research data, there are two possibilities. One is that Li Liuyi sold it to others and hid it himself. The other is that Li Liuyi was worried that the data would be obtained by that group of people, so he hid the data himself.

Liu Muqiao hopes it is the second possibility.

He did not consider the third possibility.

"Ye Ting, don't make preconceptions and flee. I don't think so. Based on my understanding of Li Liuyi, he will never flee." Liu Muqiao didn't want Li Liuyi to bear such a stigma.

Ye Lin hurriedly said: "I'm just suspicious, and I'm not familiar with Li Liuyi. It's very possible that your guess is right."

Ye Lin respected Liu Muqiao very much. Sometimes, he regarded Liu Muqiao as the detective behind him. This invisible illusion made him always look up to Liu Muqiao.

Liu Muqiao also likes Ye Lin's recent performance.

Recently, when Ye Lin was chatting, his language had decreased by 60%, which was less than half of the original. At first glance, he really seemed to have the depth and temperament of a god.

Liu Muqiao knew that Ye Lin was nothing, just an ordinary policeman. However, after being educated by the upper class for several years, he had gained more knowledge and made great progress in the art of speaking.

Ye Lin only returns to reality and remembers who he is in the dead of night, or when he gets along with Liu Miqiao.

Although Ye Lin has not made any achievements in the past year, or in other words, has not solved a decent case, his life is still colorful.

This year, he gave lectures 26 times, almost once every half month, which is quite frequent. His appearance fee was very high, hundreds of thousands each time, and his income was more than 10 million. As for teaching, he

There are 20 hours in a semester, almost no income, and the teaching allowance is so negligible that it is negligible.

The royalties for books also amount to tens of millions, which is the income from the reprinting of old books. He also wrote a new book last year, which has not yet been delivered for printing, but the advance royalties have already arrived, 50 million.

As for foreign lectures, he did not agree to many, and his English was almost mute. Therefore, last year, he only accepted 3 invitations. His income was not bad, 6 million.

Another major source of his income is the ribbon-cutting and opening of the company.

When some large-scale enterprises open their doors and require large investments, they usually pay attention to auspiciousness and celebration, and invite famous people to participate in the ribbon-cutting. And the detective is the best candidate.

According to folklore, Ye Lin has the ability to ward off evil spirits. Once he appears, there will be no trace of the demons and ghosts within several kilometers.

In one year, Ye Lin earns tens of millions and hundreds of millions, which is very easy.

Taken together, Ye Lin leads a wealthy and stable life without any risks.

This chapter has been completed!
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