Chapter 19 I want that intern

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 Blood came out quickly.

The pressure inside is so high.

No wonder the patient developed cerebral herniation.

Liu Muqiao's movements slowed down, and he had decompressed. He had to decompress slowly and wait for the brain tissue to slowly return to its original position.

"Spontaneous breathing is restored."

"The heart rate has slowed down."

"The blood oxygen saturation has also gone up, reaching 93..."

Nurse report.

Liu Muqiao began to draw blood.

It was his first time to undergo cerebellar puncture.

There is a lot of information in his mind, and he has to understand and implement it one by one. The amount of information given to him by the system is very targeted, but Liu Miqiao still needs time to digest it.

This is one of the reasons why Liu Muqiao is very happy to do puncture.

Although you have the knowledge, you still need to practice more to become proficient. The more you practice, the better you will become.

This essence is also the reason why many patients hope that veteran doctors will perform surgery.

It stands to reason that young doctors have good physical strength, good eyesight, and nimble hands and feet, so they are a good age to perform surgeries. However, they are no match for the purity and experience of old doctors. Their hands basically do not need to be controlled by thoughts.

After drawing the blood, there were not many blood clots. Liu Miqiao injected saline solution into the needle again. After washing it several times, he stopped again and covered the needle with gauze.

He has to wait a while.

"How are you now?" Liu Muqiao looked back like a veteran and asked Zhao Yilin.

If Liu Muqiao was beaten to death elsewhere, who would be the superior doctor? Not to mention that Zhao Yilin is the boss of the Department of Neurology?

However, here, everything is very natural. Zhao Yilin is like a very competent junior doctor, quickly observing the patient's condition.

"The left side of the pupil is 4 mm and the right side is 5 mm. There is light reflex, but it is very slow. Blood pressure, 150, 100 mmHg, breathing, oh, stop the ventilator, heart rate 124, a small amount of ventricular premature. Oxygen saturation 98

.." Zhao Yilin picked the key points and said.

As for consciousness, I shouldn’t say more, I’m in a deep coma.

Who would check the consciousness of a dying patient? That will be a few days later.

Liu Miqiao took off the gauze and washed it for a while, but there was still some bleeding. So, we had to wait.

The door of the intensive care unit opened, and an aunt came in. She had a round face, slightly plump, and looked around with sharp eyes.

"Why are these cabinets stacked together? What is the stipulation for 6s? I won't come in for a few days. See for yourselves what a mess it is! Oh? You, my classmate, what are you doing standing there!"

Her eyes were fixed on Liu Miqiao.

Zhao Yilin winked and said softly: "Ignore her!"

"What? Ignore me?" the woman said, "It's all you! Look, can there be an extra bed in the intensive care unit? I'll settle the score with you later!"

The woman turned her head again and said to the nurse: "No one can add an extra bed without my consent. In addition, before leaving get off work, you have to put things back in their original places for 6 seconds. It seems that it has not penetrated into your minds at all. Before leaving get off work, I will come again."

After that, I went out.

Liu Muqiao looked at Zhao Yilin doubtfully.

Zhao Yilin chuckled a few times and said, "Head nurse."

Liu Miqiao said: "Xiang Lifang?"

"Well, this person is in menopause, don't mess with her."


"From now on, when you meet him, you have to avoid him."


"She's perverted."


"Yes, menopausal women are like this. If you have too many wrinkles on your clothes, you will be criticized, let alone dirty. Did you notice that doctors in other departments don't wear hats, but in our Department of Neurology, we all have to wear hats?

.Even I am no exception."

Only then did Liu Muqiao notice that, indeed, Zhao Yilin and the others were wearing hats except in the custody room.

After a while, Liu Miqiao drew blood again, and the red color became lighter.

Zhao Yilin did another check-up, and the situation seemed to be slightly better, but he was still on the verge of death.

Just like this, several times in a row, the color of the liquid drawn out became lighter and lighter.

Liu Miqiao was drawing blood when the door opened again and Xiang Lifang came in.

She was originally discussing something with Zhao Yilin, but when she saw Liu Maqiao draining and cleaning the patient's hematoma, she was so surprised that she couldn't close her mouth for a long time.

"Zhao Yilin, you are too hands-off and let an intern operate it?!"

Zhao Yilin turned around and said: "You have been out studying for a few days. I will tell you something later. Our department will undergo a huge change. Don't worry, your head nurse, I will help you apply to be 55 years old."<


Antai Hospital has a tradition that the head nurse will be replaced when she reaches 50 years old. Xiang Lifang is 49 years old this year, so it stands to reason that she will be replaced next year.

"Don't make a wish with me. It's wrong for you to do this to an intern. If something goes wrong, who can take the responsibility?"

She left because Zhao Yilin said he would find her later, so he took the words back.

Liu Muqiao finished the operation and started to pack things.

"Why, the emergency room didn't find a single patient?" Liu Miqiao asked.

"Hey, don't talk about it. We lost a battle today and didn't receive a single patient." This was what Dr. Zou answered.

He needs to brush up on his presence. Today, six punctures were performed and he had almost nothing to do. Therefore, he participated in the battle to get patients in the emergency room.

Two deputy chief doctors from the Department of Neurosurgery were in charge, guarding the emergency department with resident doctors. Anyone with head trauma was taken away by them.

The morale of Antai Hospital has improved in the past two years. It has become aware of the crisis. Many departments are actively admitting patients. It is not as good as some hospitals, which always shirk patients.

Shifting the blame to the patient is not good for the patient, nor is it good for the hospital.

After packing her things and getting ready to go out, Xiang Lifang pushed the door open for the third time and said to Zhao Yilin: "There is an intern in the pediatric department who is very good at venipuncture. Please help me get it. I have several patients here, but there is no one at all."

There is a way to inject it."

"Haha, my clinical doctor will help you take care of you? You can ask for it yourself." Zhao Yilin laughed.

"Hey, don't take it seriously. 45 beds, you have to do your job and scold your nurse bloody every day just because you can't puncture the blood vessel. Didn't you see that video? It's amazing

"Won't you ask Liu Ya for it yourself?"

"Liu Ya? It's not like Liu Ya, a shrew, doesn't know that I can get people from her? Besides, this intern is not a nursing major, so it's best for you to go."

"I'm not going."

"You! How dare you!"

"I admit, I don't have the ability, okay?"

"No! Among the department directors, who is as strong as you? Is there anything you can't get?"

"Among the head nurses, who is stronger than you? As soon as you take action, Liu Ya will hold it in her hands and give it to you."

"Do you think he is a porcelain doll?"

"Then what is he?"

"His name is Liu Muqiao!"

At this point, everyone burst out laughing. Only one person didn't laugh. She looked at everyone blankly.

"Liu Muqiao, the head nurse called you!"

This chapter has been completed!
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