Chapter 1902 Looking for Jon2

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 Liu Muqiao flew to Jicheng. As soon as he landed, he was taken to Jicheng Hospital. It was this hospital that found Shi Youliang and wanted to poach him.

When I arrived at the hospital, I found the spine surgery department. I read the expert introduction to the spine surgery department.

There are two chief physicians, three deputy chief physicians, and one foreign expert.

The foreign expert is a Russian named Love.

Could it be this Love?

I have to ask about it.

I found a nurse in the outpatient clinic who was responsible for guiding patients.

"I would like to ask, who is the most powerful spine surgeon here?" Liu Muqiao asked.

"Oh," the nurse raised her head and glanced at Liu Miqiao, her eyes suddenly lit up, and she quickly said, "You're not the one treating the doctor, are you?"

"No...yes, I'm seeing a doctor. People say I have a hemangioma in my spine and need surgery. I don't know who among you is the most powerful."

Liu Muqiao decided that it would be better to pretend to be a patient.

"Oh, well, our spinal surgery directors, Director Zhou and Director Tang, are very good." The nurse said.

"I read your profile and there is a foreign expert from Love. How is he?" Liu Muqiao asked.

"Professor Love? In fact, he rarely comes here. Every time he comes, he only comes on weekends. If you want to do surgery, you can definitely ask him." The nurse said.

"Can he perform spinal hemangioma surgery?" Liu Maqiao almost screamed.

You know, the only people in the world who can perform spinal hemangioma surgery are Liu Miqiao and Jon.

Love must be Jon!

Liu Muqiao was almost so sure.

Now that it was basically confirmed, Liu Muqiao pretended to be a patient and went to the spinal surgery department. The person who treated him was the highest authority here, Dr. Zhou, a chief physician and former director. He no longer works in the ward.

See a specialist outpatient clinic.

"I have a spinal hemangioma and I want to be treated here." Liu Maqiao put down the registration number and medical records and said straight to the point.

"Spinal hemangioma?" Dr. Zhou wanted to make sure he heard correctly.

"Yes, spinal hemangioma. I would like to ask you to help me perform radical surgery." Liu Maqiao said.

"Where are you from?" Dr. Zhou asked.

"I'm a local from the suburbs. I'm a physician at the county hospital."

If Liu Muqiao wanted to make it more realistic, he would describe his profession as a doctor, so as to lay some foundation for the subsequent conversation.

"Do you think we can do spinal hemangioma surgery?" Dr. Zhou seemed a little surprised. "You don't know that spinal hemangioma is a global problem? Currently, there are only two people in the world who can do this kind of surgery. One is Liu Miqiao.

One is called Jon. We don’t have a spinal cord department here at all."

Liu Muqiao said: "Don't you have a foreign professor? Love, didn't you say he can do hemangiomas?"

Dr. Zhou said: "Who said that? Didn't you read his profile? He is an orthopedic surgeon who mainly performs spinal canal stenosis surgery."

Liu Muqiao's heart sank. He had great expectations, but who knew it would be like this?

Could it be...

Liu Muqiao pondered for a moment and said: "In that case, doctor, please explain to me which hospital the two people you just mentioned are from?"

Dr. Zhou said: "Antai Hospital. Antai Hospital in Qingjiang City, Jiangdong Province. If you go there and see Liu Miqiao or Jon, there should be no problem with your disease. A few days ago, they performed such an operation on Wan Lei and it was very successful.

Liu Muqiao left the outpatient clinic and stayed in the hospital for a while.

He couldn't believe Dr. Zhou's words. It was possible that Jon was not doing spinal hemangioma surgery now because he was afraid of being discovered. He might change his strategy and specialize in other cervical spinal cord surgeries.

He caught a young spine surgeon, introduced himself, said he was a physician at the county hospital, what disease he had, and finally asked: "I want to ask you a question, who is the most powerful doctor in spine surgery here?"


The young spine surgeon said: "In the past, it was Director Zhou, and now it is Director Tang."

Liu Muqiao said: "Isn't the Love from Russia you invited more powerful?"

The young doctor smiled, "Oh, you said him. Since you are an expert, I won't tell lies. He is just a soy sauce person. He only comes here twice a month. We only use his name because we hope to use it."

His name will enhance the reputation of our hospital."

Liu Muqiao continued to ask: "What surgery is he best at?"

The young doctor said: "It seems that he is better at spinal cord injuries. I have never been on stage with him, and I have never seen his surgery. However, this foreigner still has some skills. He has cervical spondylosis and the results of his surgery are good.

Liu Muqiao felt nervous.

It's him!

Although it is not uncommon for doctors to perform cervical myelopathy surgery, it is still one of the most difficult surgeries. Whether major hospitals can perform this kind of surgery is a sign and a watershed in hospital levels.

It can be said that to be a large national-level hospital, the ability to perform cervical spondylosis and spinal cord surgery is a hard indicator for assessment. Jicheng Hospital also performed this kind of surgery in the past, but it was not good at it and only performed the simplest ones.

Love is good at doing this kind of surgery, which means he is a very smart doctor, and the time coincides with Jon leaving Antai Hospital.

It may be Jon's pseudonym.

Liu Muqiao never thought that Jon would run away to Russia.

"How can I see Jon?" Liu Muqiao asked the core question, while giving cigarettes to the young doctor, lighting a fire, and showing courtesy.

"He usually comes only after being invited by Director Tang."

The young doctor enjoys this foreign smoke.

Jicheng is relatively close to Russia, and many people here are accustomed to smoking foreign-flavored cigarettes, which contain relatively heavy tar.

Having pointed out the way, Liu Miqiao changed his goal.

As a family member of Zhang Benshui's patient, he invited Director Tang to dinner.

This person is a big bowl from the Northeast and a famous actor in the entertainment industry.

"My uncle has severe cervical spondylosis, and his left lower limb is numb and weak. He has seen doctors in many places. The diagnosis is cervical spondylosis myelopathy. I originally had an operation at Union Medical College Hospital, but my uncle was worried about complications and was afraid that there would be problems with the operation, so it was postponed until

Now, I need crutches to walk. I heard that the surgery performed in your hospital is very powerful, and my uncle asked me to come and ask if it is true."

Director Tang is a big fan of Zhang Benshui. Director Tang has watched all his sketches.

"To be honest, your uncle is the artist I admire the most. I'll ask Luo Luo to take a look at his illness in person. Depending on when your uncle is free, I'll ask Luo Luo to have a personal consultation." Director Tang said.

"I'm free in these two days! He just came back. As for the consultation fee, we will follow your rules. Oh, Director Tang, as for the examination information, MRI, CT, and laboratory test sheets, we have them from many hospitals.

Both the Union Hospital and Xiangya Hospital have it. Do you still need to redo it?" Liu Muqiao asked.

"No, no, just bring the old movies. How about we make an appointment tomorrow? As for the cost, since I'm your uncle, I won't talk about it. Just give me some love."

Director Tang is also trying his best. Love is thousands of kilometers away in Skogburg. You can just call him and come back?

"Okay, then I'll see you tomorrow." Liu Miqiao was happy because he might see Jon tomorrow.

This chapter has been completed!
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