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Chapter 1949 Three Fingers

 Who would have known that Liu Muqiao would agree immediately.

"I can give you first-class talents, but you know, these talents are international bigwigs, and there must be enough sick people to serve them."

Liu Muqiao said it very easily.

But Dean Tao didn’t sound so relaxed.

He could tell that the so-called "enough number of patients" meant extremely difficult patients. Even if all the patients in one province were gathered together, they would not be able to be fed.

For a person like Du Xiaoping, the so-called "feeding" means that there is no less than one operation for pancreatic head cancer almost every day, and it cannot be early stage.

There is one case of pancreatic head cancer every day. It is impossible for Qingdao Province to have so many cases. Even if several provinces in the northwest were combined, there would not be so many.

Dean Tao was a bit embarrassed by the fact that he couldn't support him.

"In fact, it's easy to solve. We adopt a flexible approach and make appointments. Our people fly over and perform several more surgeries at a time. This solves the problem of insufficient sources of disease."

Liu Muqiao immediately proposed a second plan.

This is sincerity.

"Okay!" Dean Tao shouted.

Although he is a good negotiator, no hospital has promised him this method in previous negotiations.

In the past, the provinces and cities responsible for supporting Qing Province were generally developed provinces, with Beijing and Shanghai providing the most assistance.

They will not agree to such a condition. This method is more difficult to implement, because doctors in large hospitals will not listen to this. If you ask them to do flying knife for free, it doesn't matter once or twice, but if it is more, they will not

Do it.

Antai Hospital is different. Their purpose is to develop the northwest market. General pancreatic head cancer is not their target case. The cases they need are complex patients. Therefore, their obligation to help the provincial hospital is actually helping themselves.

Now, Antai Hospital has more than 30 professors and associate professors who can perform pancreatic cancer surgery.

Jiang Weiwei is already an associate professor.

A doctor who is close to being able to perform Vilishi surgery should of course be the deputy chief physician.

Jiang Weiwei was actually promoted normally, she was successfully promoted last year.

Next, she plans to be promoted to chief physician in 3 to 4 years. Unconventional promotions at Antai Hospital have become routine.

Zou Qingxiang is an exception.

He is already a chief physician and a full professor. He has only stayed in the position of deputy chief physician for three and a half years.

Currently, Antai Hospital has a total of 32 surgeries for pancreatic head cancer, of which 26 are able to perform Vilishi simple surgery.

In fact, there are not too many patients who need Vilishi surgery clinically. Only one-eighth of pancreatic head cancers require simple surgery.

Therefore, it is not difficult for Liu Muqiao to send one or two people to stay at Qingxing Provincial Hospital for a long time. This is different from other hospitals. In other hospitals, there will never be more than 10 people who can perform pancreatic head cancer surgery. More than this number is a waste of talent.

.The hospital will not train so many people, because how can one hospital have so many surgeries for pancreatic head cancer?

Antai Hospital is different. They receive patients from all over the world. In the future, 50 such masters will have enough to eat.

What I thought was a difficult negotiation was easily resolved.

When Liu Muqiao saw a pit, he jumped in. How could he wait for the second pit?

Dean Tao was also confused.

In the past, no one jumped into the first pit, so naturally there was a second pit.

The second pitfall is generally unavoidable. Since you are supporting the Qingdao Provincial Hospital, if you can’t provide people or money, then what can you provide?

Money will definitely be paid, it’s just a matter of how much.

This is Dean Tao’s ability.

If you are prepared to offer 1 million, he will ask you to offer 2 million; if you are prepared to offer 5 million, he will ask you to offer 10 million.

Today he is ready to open his mouth. If you don't agree to provide talents, he is going to open his mouth and ask Liu Miqiao to provide 10 million in addition to the 3.0T MRI machine.

A one-time donation of 10 million by a supporting organization is quite large. Even the First Hospital of Peking University and the First Hospital of Shanghai Medical University do not give away 10 million casually.

Regardless of the tens of billions of hospital income, the economic situation of most hospitals is still very tight. There are very few hospitals without bank loans. With 10 million as interest, you can borrow several billion.

Billions of models can raise the level of hospital construction and produce huge economic benefits.

Dean Tao's past experience is that it is not difficult to get a few million dollars, but once it reaches tens of millions, the other party will look embarrassed and negotiations will generally be difficult.

When the food was on the table and a banquet with thousands of people on the table was about to begin, Dean Tao spoke.

It is better to speak at this time. The most hungry time is 5 minutes before a meal. This guy is a bit shameless and often speaks at this time. In order not to be so embarrassed, the guests often agree.

Although this approach was very damaging to their reputation and they refused to assist them the next year, they were not worried because the higher authorities would arrange for other units to take over.

They have never lacked poverty alleviation units.

Today, he spoke, "Dean Liu, our hospital is in a very difficult situation, and the provincial finance is also very difficult. I hope you will be our poverty alleviation unit. Don't you also have tasks?"

Liu Muqiao said: "Yes. However, we do not have poverty alleviation tasks in other provinces yet. If there are tasks in the future, we will take the initiative to apply to assist you."

Dean Tao smiled and said, "It's so easy to be our aid unit. I can do it with just a phone call." He does have this ability. In order to save trouble, the Poverty Alleviation Office will find you yourself, and they are eager to do so.

Liu Muqiao also knows that there will be this task next year. As mentioned above, Antai Hospital was exempted from this task a few years ago when it was just starting out. Now, Antai Hospital has become the richest hospital in the province. You are dissatisfied if you don't help others.

The 1st, 2nd and 3rd Affiliated Hospitals have all protested over this matter.

Antai Hospital is also an affiliated hospital, and it is the largest affiliated hospital. The First Affiliated Hospital has given up the position of the boss. How can you, the boss, not help the poor?

Therefore, next year, Antai Hospital will have poverty alleviation tasks in other provinces.

Since you have a task, choose a meaningful one.

"Okay, we will help you." Liu Maqiao said.

"That's great. Director Liu, your hospital is more efficient. Can you support it with more funds this year? Our budget this year is very tight."

Dean Tao seemed to have forgotten to say it was time to start eating, as almost two-thirds of the food on the table was served.

"Okay. Just name a number." Liu Maqiao said easily.

"That's it, then I'm going to speak. What I said is inappropriate. Please don't be angry." This is Dean Tao's routine. He is not sure where the bottom line is, and he doesn't want to give the initiative to others.

"It's okay. Just tell me. If you can't bear it, I'll tell you." Liu Maqiao has become accustomed to accepting donations in recent years, so he feels confident.

"How about this number?"

Dean Tao suddenly lost his courage. He himself felt that 10 million was too much and too greedy. He raised three fingers and was about to say 3 million. He dared not say the word "ten million" anymore.

He said a word of 3.

This chapter has been completed!
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