Chapter 1963 Can I refuse Mr. Qin?

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 In the countryside of Jingcheng in southwest China, a young couple received a big gift: their first baby was born.

This place is embraced by mountains, and is filled with the shade and fragrance of primeval forests. Various wild mushrooms on the ground exude an alluring fragrance.

At the southern end of the Hengduan Mountains, auspicious clouds appear.

A boy weighing 5 pounds was born.

Father Yun Qi suddenly had an idea in his mind and named his son Yun Fei.

Just when Yunfei's cry sounded, the tops of the huge nanmu trees on the top of Rooster Peak began to tremble in a rare way. There were several people above them.

This small town named Mengyang is remembered by some people for this reason.

This is an interlude.

Let’s return to Qingdao Provincial Hospital.

"Please call Liu Miqiao back!" Xiyu rarely says the word Liu Miqiao. She usually calls her master. Even if she calls her Liu Miqiao, she will add the word "master" at the end.

"There was no way to contact him on the plane." Zou Qingxiang cried sadly, knowing that he had made a mistake.

Wrong, completely wrong, Xi Yu did not agree to her at all, but she was prepared to exchange materials and scenes for love regardless of other people's objections.

"I don't care, anyway, I don't want Liu Miqiao to see this scene!"

Xiyu had no way to stop Mr. Qin from proposing. Originally, she wanted to humiliate him, but she couldn't be too presumptuous. They are local snakes, who knows what will happen to them one day?

"I'll think of a way."

Zou Qingxiang also felt that this matter was not good, and it was very inappropriate for Liu Miqiao to see this scene. Now, the only way is to contact the hospital.

Liu Muqiao's and his others' phones have been turned off, and the captain's communication only retains contact with the tower.

After contacting the hospital, Zou Qingxiang almost collapsed because he now understood that Liu Miqiao had completely misunderstood and thought that Xi Yu was sick, or that he thought that Xi Yu was dead.

He thought about his statement and realized that his joke was too big. Liu Miqiao would never forgive him unless he skinned him.

What did I say? I can’t remember clearly, but every word said that Xiyu was dead and could not be saved.

Damn it, how could a man in his forties make such a mistake?

He didn't dare tell Xiyu.

Absolutely not!

They are here for a funeral, so if Xiyu finds out, is that okay?

"Find a way to contact Liu Muqiao, wrong, wrong, completely wrong!" Zou Qingxiang said to Chen Ying on the phone.

"Well, I can only try."

Chen Ying knew that to contact Liu Muqiao at this time, she had to go through the tower. This was the first time this happened, and Chen Ying had no experience.

It’s 6 o’clock.

Doctors from Antai Hospital stood at the entrance of Qingxing Provincial Hospital, all filled with indignation. Many of them hid fruit knives in their pockets, and some brought out scalpels.

This scalpel, despite its small size, is so sharp that you have never seen it. It can cut off a tendon, a muscle, or an artery with almost no obvious resistance. You don’t even need to use force, the blade flies past, and it’s right in front of you.

The thing is divided into two.

Xi Yu did not appear.

She did not hide away, but looked through the information in the clinic. The latest issue of "China" rheumatism journal published her article, "The Intrinsic Relationship and Treatment Strategies between Tenosynovitis and Frozen Shoulder".

Tenosynovitis is more common in the arms and wrists. It and frozen shoulder are both minor problems, but they cause considerable pain.

In the past, this disease was mainly treated with physical therapy, acupuncture, and plasters, but the results were not good.

Moreover, there is insufficient understanding of this disease, which is considered to be an age-related disease. The inflammation is random and has no direct connection with the body’s immunity.

In other words, this problem is not classified into "rheumatic" diseases.

Yu Yu noticed that periarthritis of the shoulder and tenosynovitis are actually rheumatic diseases, a type of aseptic inflammation caused by immunity. Therefore, this is a good explanation for why these two diseases like to occur at the same time.

"Cupping" has shown good efficacy in Xi Yu's treatment strategy.

"Cupping" itself is a method of inducing inflammation, and allowing inflammation to "transfer" is an important method for Yuyu to treat frozen shoulder and tenosynovitis.

This article was placed on the front page, with comments from the editor.

This is a seemingly small article, but in fact it is of great clinical significance. Small methods can solve big problems, which is the most effective treatment method.

Xiyu had almost forgotten what happened outside.

This is Yu Yu’s character. Some people say she is heartless, so she is in a good mental state.

Xiyu has published 11 SCI papers, all of which are very valuable. According to regulations, she can actually graduate.

She did not apply, and Liu Muqiao had almost forgotten the fact that she was still a student.

She recently submitted her graduation thesis, and the three professors responsible for reviewing it all gave her an A. The defense was just a formality.

There was a sound outside, and huge thunder resounded through the sky.

Xiyu frowned. Only then did she remember what was going on outside.

She put the magazine on the table and looked back at herself on the glass. It was a habit. When going out, she had to check her appearance, whether her hair was neat, whether her clothes were clean, and whether her face needed makeup.

This is not to meet Mr. Qin, this is a kind of self-love for her.

Her mother is very strict with her. A girl must have a good image and be clean and tidy.

Her mother also asked her to be gentle and virtuous, but later her mother couldn't figure out whether her education was a success or a failure. She gradually discovered that Xi Yu seemed to be somewhat contrary to being gentle and virtuous.

However, we cannot deny her gentleness and virtuousness, because when she is with her father, Xiyu is a typical little cotton-padded jacket, but for her brother, it is another extreme.

She has never lost a fight with her brother. It's not that her brother lets her do it, but that he really can't beat her.

Xiyu walked out of the clinic door, out of the clinic building, and came to the square.

Good guy, there were hundreds of people watching. Colleagues from Antai Hospital were also there. Zou Qingxiang had a panicked look on his face.

10 Rolls-Royces, clad in red and colorful, are neatly lined up in the square.

100 Harley-Davidson motorcycles surrounded 10 Rolls-Royces.

This posture is eye-opening to the people around you.

They were amazed, and the sound of tut-tutting sounded from time to time in the crowd.

Some of my colleagues at Antai Hospital are beginning to understand. If it were me, I might not be able to withstand the temptation. Even Jiang Weiwei understands Xiyu a little.

If I were Xi Yu, I would also choose to marry this person.

Because she has a reason. Liu Miqiao didn't say he wanted to marry her. He would probably choose Jiang Wei or Su Yajuan. Xi Yu's chance is not greater than one-third.

If I were Xi Yu, many people have this hypothesis, can I reject Mr. Qin?

This chapter has been completed!
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