Chapter 1993 Don’t offend the river.

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 Today's consultation has nothing to do with B. The Central Hospital knows that Liu Miqiao is here. It is a rare opportunity. There are several important people in Y city who have chronic physical illnesses. They have been treated all over the world, but the effect is not obvious.

These Y City characters are different from B, T, K and others. They represent Y City and are characters on the stage. However, secretly, they have a tacit understanding with B, T, K and others. Many times, they do not understand each other.


Today, Liu Muqiao helps them see a doctor. Tomorrow, it will be B’s turn.

In terms of time, this is called water in a well but not in the river.

There are not many people attending the consultation.

There are only 3 people.

However, these three people are extraordinary. They have great power.

The rules here are very different from those in China. Although these three people are all over 70 years old, one of them is still 87 years old. They have no plans to retire and are still in charge of specific affairs. However, these affairs are not city affairs.

The specific thing is about the morphological consciousness in the superstructure field.

In fact, this is very important, because they are in charge of people's thoughts and behavioral norms.

Y City is the capital of their country, and the management of Y City is actually the management of the country.

When they saw Liu Muqiao, there was murderous intent and anger in their eyes.

They felt teased.

Can a person under 30 years old be called a miracle doctor?

However, this murderous intention soon dissipated. After they saw Liu Miqiao clearly, they gradually felt a sense of humility.

Liu Miqiao's own aura was quickly overcome, and this aura has nothing to do with age.

They are all very energetic people.

In the first round, there was a fierce collision of auras. Liu Miqiao also felt dizzy for a few seconds. But soon, he came back to his senses, and it was the turn of the three patients to feel dizzy.

Liu Muqiao sat down, picked up the medical records of the three people, and read them carefully.

The first one is a 76-year-old bald old man. He has even lost his eyebrows and only has 5 teeth left.

Logically speaking, they are not short of money or medical skills, but why not get themselves a tooth?

Dental implant technology has matured. In China, if the average middle-class person has dental problems, they are willing to spend tens or hundreds of thousands to get a beautiful set of teeth.

This bald old man's status in Y City is not low, and Y City is a very wealthy city. Although the country is in constant turmoil, it is a fact that it is rich.

Liu Muqiao didn't think much about this problem. After looking at his medical records, he found that he was a typical patient with posterior circulation ischemia. Like many diseases of wealth, it was because he lived a good life and had cerebral arteriosclerosis, resulting in insufficient blood supply to the cerebellum and other areas.

This disease is very common in countries with relatively good economies, and the incidence rate is very high. The main symptom is dizziness.

This is also considered a disease of wealth.

It is a relatively common disease in neurology. According to textbooks, or the usual treatment method is to increase blood supply, that is, use vasodilator drugs.

However, theory is theory, and the clinical effect is not very good, and the treatment time also takes several days, or even dozens of days.

However, there is one more thing in Antai Hospital's treatment, which is ancient Chinese medicine prescriptions. Liu Miqiao has collected dozens of prescriptions for treating posterior circulation ischemia. The curative effects are very good. Most of them are cured and discharged within 3 or 4 days, and rarely more than 5 days.

Oh my god.

Maintaining the curative effect is also very simple. Liu Miqiao developed a Chinese patent medicine, which is enough once a day and generally does not cause recurrence.

"Your disease requires the use of our traditional Chinese medicine. I will send the medicine after I return to China. The effect can be maintained for a long time, so don't worry."

Mental comfort is also very important. As you age, it is normal to experience tinnitus, dizziness, and unclear thinking. After mental comfort, these symptoms can be easily ignored and you will feel better about yourself.

Originally, it would have been better for Liu Miqiao to give them Tianlai Acupuncture, but Liu Miqiao didn't want to do it easily. You know, being too famous here is not necessarily a good thing. One day, one of them is sick and invites you to see a doctor. Because they have different factions.

, there are so many checkpoints along the route, it’s hard to say if you suddenly take a bullet.

It’s better not to be famous.

Of course, it is difficult not to be famous. He is already famous. The problem now is to keep his fame as low as possible.

People are afraid of being famous just as pigs are afraid of being strong. Here, this sentence is at least 80% credible.

Therefore, Liu Muqiao had no intention of helping them make Tianlai needles.

The second patient is more troublesome. For his disease, there is only one effective drug in Western medicine - hormone - glucocorticoid.

He has demyelinating encephalopathy.

This disease is an immunoreactive disease. Autoimmunity causes the demyelination, degeneration and necrosis of nerve fibers, causing confusion and blockage in nerve conduction, resulting in a series of neurological symptoms.

In the early stages, patients can still take care of themselves, but in the late stages, they need help from others and may even have difficulty walking.

This disease can occur after deworming.

Anthelmintic drugs can induce this disease, but the specific mechanism is not yet clear.

Obviously, the patient became ill after taking anthelmintic drugs. He has been to many countries for treatment, and the methods were the same, all with hormone treatment.

Hormones have effective effects, but they require long-term consumption and have many side effects. The most serious one is that the secretion of hormones is inhibited. If you stop taking the medicine in the future, your body will lack glucocorticoids and your emergency response ability will decrease.

Glucocorticoids are widely used clinically, but there is a principle that it is best not to use them if possible. If they can be used for a short period of time, they should not be used for a long time. It doesn’t matter if you use them occasionally. Long-term use will generally cause side effects. Obesity, buffalo back, hair

Many people's darkening is an external manifestation, while physiological and metabolic disorders are internal manifestations. Adrenocortical atrophy is the biggest trouble.

The patient in front of me has turned black and has a buffalo back.

The treatment of this patient will be a little more troublesome. Not a few Chinese medicines can solve the problem. It must be hospitalized.

"Is it convenient for you to go to our country? I hope you will stay at Antai Hospital for one month. Your disease can be cured, but you must be hospitalized and go to our hospital. I will make a special dose of medicine for you."

Liu Muqiao said while checking.

"If I have to be hospitalized, then I will go to your country. In fact, I stayed in your magical city for 1 month last year. Shanghai Neuropsychiatric Hospital."

"Well, I understand. It's the same as neurology departments in other hospitals. You have to go to our hospital."

Liu Miqiao actually had a way to treat him without being hospitalized, and that was the Tianlai needle. However, the effect of Tianlai needle was too obvious, and it was easy to become famous. He had used it several times at K's place last time, and Liu Miqiao still regrets it now.<


The third patient is this 87-year-old man.

This man is not simple. He is still full of energy at the age of 87. He is a veteran figure in this country and is quite high in the ranking.

His disease is cerebellar atrophy.

People with cerebellar atrophy have an unsteady gait, lose the precision of their hands and feet, have a positive finger-nose test, and cannot walk straight.

This is an incurable disease, and even ordinary treatments have no effect.

However, people come with high expectations, so it may not work if they don’t give him some curative effects!

This is a difficult problem.

This chapter has been completed!
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