Chapter 2006 Donor

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 Liu Muqiao is rational.

He did not arrange for a trunk transplant immediately. Before that, he had to do a lot of detailed work.

First of all, he has to do the work on the donor. There are now three donors, all of whom have good genetic backgrounds. The three loci are the same, which basically guarantees that the rejection reaction will not be too strong. Secondly, there are no major aspects of the entire gene.


In fact, whether a person will get sick in his life or not, all diseases he gets are related to genes. The external environment and lifestyle only play a secondary role, and the inner genes are the most important.

For example, high blood pressure has an obvious family history, and diabetes also has a strong genetic tendency. Even some cancers are determined by genes. In genetic selection, try to choose people without such family backgrounds.

Antai Hospital's laboratory is very powerful and has already gone to the forefront in genetic testing. They can perform tumor genetic testing and genetic testing of common diseases. In China, this laboratory can be said to be unique in the clinical application of genes.<


Establishing a powerful laboratory was not Liu Miqiao's original idea. Later, when he got rich, especially when the laboratory was run by Tom and others, it was quite profitable. With more money, Liu Miqiao did not consider using the money to do other things.

For other things, in addition to paying performance bonuses, the rest of the money was invested, and the laboratory grew bigger and bigger, and it became the most powerful clinical laboratory without realizing it.

There are several types of laboratories. There are clinical laboratories, which mainly provide clinical services and provide test sites for clinical trials, such as genetic testing of diseases, determination and analysis of diagnostic factors for diseases, and also include experiments on drugs and pathogenic microorganisms.

Testing. In other words, this kind of laboratory directly serves diagnosis and treatment.

The other type of laboratory is for basic medical research. It does not directly serve clinical services, but mainly serves basic medical research. Of course, in the end, it is also used for clinical use, but the things it studies are still some distance away from clinical practice.

The results cannot yet be directly applied to clinical applications.

However, the two laboratories have a lot in common. About 90% of the equipment and technology are the same, and the scope of research is also interchangeable.

There were originally more than a dozen laboratories of the size of the Antai Hospital Central Laboratory in China, mainly concentrated in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou. However, in the past two years, Antai Hospital has come to the forefront for two reasons.

One is that there is a lot of money. There is no way, Antai Hospital Central Laboratory just makes money, with hundreds of millions of funds invested every year, it will be difficult not to make progress!

Scientific research institutions' own hematopoietic capabilities are generally not very strong. They need funding from higher authorities or investment from companies that convert their own technology. Funding is always relatively tight. It would be great to have an investment of hundreds of millions a year.

Antai Hospital's annual profit output is hundreds of millions, Qingjiang University's annual allocation of 80 million has not been reduced, and Liu Maqiao's own part of the dividend money has not been touched. Taken together, the funds available to the laboratory are very abundant, and he is not afraid to invest.

The hands are afraid of the feet.

It can be said that Antai Hospital has the latest and most advanced equipment.

Of course, Liu Miqiao also has a backdoor. Originally, many high-end equipment were blocked by other countries, and other research institutes couldn't buy them. However, Liu Miqiao had a trick up his sleeve. If you don't sell it to me, I won't treat you.


Liu Muqiao's back door is very wide. So far, no one has been willing to sacrifice his life to impose an embargo on Antai Hospital. He can buy whatever he wants. Except for weapons, of course.

The second reason is that the Antai Hospital Laboratory is following an international path. Many internationally renowned researchers have joined this laboratory, and many people have produced results here.

Fame comes with fame, and Tom and others are good at management. In recent years, this laboratory has become extremely famous, and has become one of the top ten laboratories in the world.

Of course, Liu Muqiao has made a lot of contributions here. His ancient prescription research has produced several trump products, adding a dazzling aura to the laboratory.

A bit off topic.

In short, the laboratory of Antai Hospital is one of the best laboratories in China. If we only count clinical laboratories, it is the best.

Li Liuyi's donors were comprehensively analyzed in this laboratory. All three donors met the clinical requirements, and among them, donor No. 3 was the best.

Donor No. 1 is an athlete, 22 years old, 1.75 meters tall, weighing 150 kilograms, a student in the long-distance running event of the Department of Physical Education, with a heart rate of 56 beats/minute, vital capacity A, and impeccable physical fitness. No bad records were found in genetics.

Car accident, brain damage, irreversible, now relying on a ventilator to maintain life.

Donor No. 2 is a bank employee who loves sports. He is 29 years old, 1.72 meters tall, weighs 145 pounds, has a heart rate of 62 beats/minute, and a vital capacity of A. In terms of genetics, his father has vitiligo. But it doesn’t matter, Li Liuyi

You already have your own child, so there is no such thing as having another child. Besides, whose child it is, it’s a bit confusing. Is the child still your own? This patient was in a vegetative state after a cerebral hemangioma ruptured.

Yes, breathing depends on artificial respiration.

Donor No. 3 is a pilot. He is 27 years old, 1.71 meters tall, weighs 138 pounds, has a heart rate of 60 beats/minute, and a vital capacity of A. There are no genetic abnormalities. There are 3 matching genes and 2 weak ones.

Positive, one more weak positive than others. He suffered severe brain stem damage due to a plane crash.

These three donors are actually dead. Once the ventilator is removed, they will soon suffer cardiac arrest, so they cannot be considered alive.

Although there is no moral obstacle, psychologically, Liu Miqiao still needs to be fully prepared. He will have to do at least one or two animal experiments. Killing an individual will have a huge psychological impact.

The donor negotiations were conducted by Liu Miqiao and were strictly confidential, with only one person from the other party participating.

The donor’s uncle.

They refused to accept money or any other form of remuneration, but there was one requirement, that is, the recipient, Li Liuyi, must accept visits from the donor's parents.

This is easy to understand.

They can understand it as a head transplant. The son did not donate his body, but he accepted someone else's head, and he is the beneficiary.

This is the condition proposed by Donor No. 3.

This is a bit troublesome. Is Li Liuyi willing to accept this condition?

Liu Muqiao also tested the conditions of No. 1 and No. 2

No. 1 has not yet clearly agreed to donate their body. After hesitation, they prefer to be the recipient of the transplant and accept someone else's head. After the operation, they will recognize it as their own son.

Number 2 is more straightforward, and they are willing to accept a small amount of money. They are more rational, and only need 1 million for the rest of their lives.

The parents of No. 2 are farmers without pensions and have only one son. They believe that his son does not want them to have no money for retirement.

They agreed to receive 1 million. Although Liu Muqiao was prepared to give them 8 million, they did not agree because it was enough to maintain a basic life and live a simple life for the rest of their lives. How could they still be in the mood to live a prosperous life with the money exchanged for their son's body?

This chapter has been completed!
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