Chapter 2027 I want to introduce you to someone

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 On Sunday morning, the sun rose from the east, and a dazzling light woke up Li Yi from his sleep.

Last night, it was almost all night.

It was very lively. He rescued patients in the hospital, and then rescued two patients in the affiliated hospital, and both of them were saved.

Although he was very tired, the joy of success made him full of energy. When he returned to the dormitory, he ate a bowl of instant noodles and then fell asleep with satisfaction.

Since Li Yi came to Antai Hospital, the treatment capabilities of the entire critical care medicine department in Qingjiang City have suddenly increased a lot.

People who were thought to be dead in the past are now hard to say. After Li Yi's rescue, they are likely to survive.

Li Yi is very famous.

Many people say that his level is by no means lower than Li Liuyi.

Today, Li Yi wanted to take a nap, but the window was not closed tightly, so he still woke up.

Li Yi had a problem. It was difficult to fall asleep again after waking up, so he had to get up rationally.

Today is Sunday, Li Yi has a day off today.

He does not have to make ward rounds every day, nor does he have to be there every day. He has a deputy director, Lao Wan, and five department directors. He only needs to go to the scene in serious cases and when there are problems.

Especially on Sunday, he has plenty of time for himself.

My original plan was to sleep in in the morning, play a game of chess with my chess friends at noon, and read a book in the afternoon and evening. The whole day was just boring.

This kind of life seems boring, but in fact, it is very comfortable for Li Yi. It is really happy for people in their 40s to still have such a time.

For many people, reaching this age is the most difficult time in their lives. They are sprinting to the top of their work, and their family is full of elders and younger children. Their wives have entered menopause and are nagging and suspicious every day.

Men at this time are working very hard.

There is a saying that there is a hurdle between 45 and 55 for men, and it is also the most dangerous age for the body. Serious and strange diseases often occur at this age.

It is really rare for a diamond king like Li Yi to be carefree in his early 40s.

Li Yi doesn't care too much about finding a girlfriend. He is not in a hurry. He believes that we are destined to meet each other thousands of miles away.

Yesterday, that "Sister Xianglin" came to the door again and was kicked out by Li Yi.

Li Yi gets up.

Half an hour later, he arrived at Master Wang's Noodle Shop.

Hey, it just so happens that Liu Miqiao is here too.

"Have you just come down from the operating room?" Li Yi asked.

"Yes, it was a temporary pancreatic surgery, and the blood vessels were invaded." Liu Maqiao was also waiting for noodles.

Master Hong's father cooked noodles for Liu Maqiao.

Now, Master Hung is the ceiling in terms of the level of noodle restaurants. He doesn’t take action easily. In principle, he mainly cooks noodles for people above the department director level.

It sounds like Master Hong Hong is not very friendly to the people. It’s not okay for you, a noodle cook, to classify customers into three, six or nine grades.

But Master Hong has his reasons.

We are all equal in terms of personality, but in terms of contribution, different people are different. What is wrong with serving those who have made great contributions?

The country and units also commend advanced people. What’s wrong with me, Hong, serving people who have made great contributions?

Liu Muqiao is here. He came from his family to serve him.

Master Hong Hong has made money in the past few years, which is no longer comparable to that of ordinary doctors. He bought a large villa by the Qingjiang River and lived a very comfortable life.

He told his disciples that when Liu Muqiao came, they would notify him and he would come as soon as possible to cook noodles for Liu Muqiao.

That's the case today.

Of course, Li Yi is also a person served by Master Hong.

After a while, noodles for two people arrived.

"It's delicious." Li Yi praised.

He has eaten too many noodles, but the ones here are still the best. It is not difficult to understand why Master Hong Hong can earn tens of millions a year.

"Next week, an expert named Wang Dawei will join us." Liu Muqiao seemed to say casually.

"Oh, which aspect?" Li Yi heard Wang Dawei's name for the first time.

"It's about the spinal cord." Liu Maqiao said lightly.

"Oh. Wang Dawei? Oh, I understand." Li Yi's answer was very concise. He did not continue to say anything, but ate the noodles seriously.

"I originally wanted to hold a welcome ceremony, but forget it, why bother? In fact, it doesn't mean anything." Liu Miqiao seemed to be talking to himself.

"I don't think it's necessary either. The welcome ceremony I had last time was actually redundant."

When Li Yi recalled that ceremony, there was actually a strong smell of gunpowder. Fortunately, he had real skills and quickly subdued some dissatisfied people.

"Li Yi, there's something I want to ask you. Do you and Zhao Jing have this plan? Also, I didn't check your body after the surgery. How is it? Is there anything abnormal?


Liu Muqiao still asked about it.

Li Yi became serious and said: "You have two questions. Let me answer your second question first. I can tell you that there is nothing wrong with my body. I know what you mean. Rumors are spreading widely. I

I don’t want to refute the rumors, but I can’t. As for the first thing, Zhao Jing, there is no relationship between us. In fact, I don’t like her type. I hope to marry a gentle and virtuous woman. This kind of strong woman is not

Suitable for me."

While eating noodles, Liu Muqiao pondered for a moment and said, "I'm just asking. I can tell you that there is nothing wrong with your health. As for Zhao Jing, you are right. Men want to have a warm haven, but women are too strong."

It’s not good either. I won’t advise you either. However, Zhao Jing has advantages, so don’t jump to conclusions too early.”

Li Yi chuckled a few times, "To tell you the truth, if it was possible, we would have ended it early. She and I were pretty good without becoming enemies. She believes that I am a person who does not keep his word.


Then, he told her about the two times he asked her to drink coffee.

Liu Muqiao smiled bitterly and shook his head and said: "This is because you are not destined. The first impression is the most important. It will take a long time for you to establish an image of being true to your word in Zhao Jing's heart."

Li Yi waved his hand, "Let's not talk about Zhao Jing. Maybe this is God's arrangement. It should be a good thing for me. I know that Zhao Jing is not the person I want to meet."

Liu Muqiao smiled and said nothing more.

At this time, another person came in.

Zhao Yilin.

"Hey, are you free to eat noodles here? I'll have a bowl too." Zhao Yilin's last words were to Master Hong.

"Didn't you go back to your hometown today?"

Liu Muqiao asked.

Zhao Yilin recently returned to his hometown 40 kilometers away from Qingjiang City on weekends to grow vegetables and relax. He planted a piece of land in his hometown and raised a pig for food. His house in his hometown was also rebuilt, occupying only an area of

The area is 1,200 square meters, with two courtyards at the front and back, and a courtyard in the middle. It is very luxurious and cost more than 10 million.

Zhao Yilin shook his head, looked at Li Yi, and said, "I want to introduce you to someone. What are your requirements?"

This chapter has been completed!
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