Chapter 2045 I can’t even understand it

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 For brainstem hemorrhage, 5 ml is considered a major hemorrhage, which is equivalent to more than 100 ml of blood elsewhere in the brain.

10 ml, it can be said that there was no salvation in the past.

Fortunately, this is Antai Hospital, and it is the neurology department of Antai Hospital, and Liu Maqiao is also present.

Grandmaster level piercing master.

However, when Liu Muqiao heard Zhao Yilin ask, he still told the truth, "Who knows? We can only give it a try."

Brainstem puncture can only be performed by Liu Miqiao so far, and the success rate is about 60%. For a blood loss of more than 10 ml, the success rate may only be 40%.

Because the key to success rate is not the puncture technique itself, but the degree of the disease.

Liu Miqiao has no problem with puncture. He can accurately puncture the place where he wants to puncture. But when the disease reaches the terminal stage, he can only resign himself to fate.

After all, Liu Muqiao is not 100% sure.

Zou Qingxiang was already ready. In fact, Liu Muqiao did not waste time. After carefully watching the CT film, he took the puncture needle from Zou Qingxiang and started puncture.

A little nervous.

Or rather nervous.

Zhao Yilin's palms were sweating. He always thought that Xiang Lifang's heartbeat and breathing would stop in the next second. This kind of cardiac arrest caused by basic central nervous system disease would make resuscitation useless.

Zou Qingxiang's hands were shaking a little.

It was not just Zou Qingxiang who was shaking violently, but also Zhang Changgong and others.

Normally, they are all masters. When puncturing other patients, their hands are like mechanical arms, motionless.

But today is very bad. At the critical moment, my hands are shaking.

Fortunately, there is one person who is not affected by emotions——Liu Maqiao.

He carefully inserted the puncture needle into the lower brain stem of Xiang Lifang's occipital area. This is a restricted area of ​​life, and Liu Miqiao's puncture needle had to draw out the blood. Strictly speaking, there was still an element of luck.

Human anatomy is generally the same, but different people have different variations, which are beyond the control of doctors.

The puncture is in place.

Draw out the blood.

It took Liu Muqiao about ten minutes to wash away all the blood.

"The next step is to transfer to the ICU ward, please let Li Yi worry about it." After Liu Miqiao said this, he felt it was inappropriate, "Don't worry, I will stay by her side."

Zhao Yilin sighed.

He knew that Liu Muqiao's treatment skills were better than Li Yi's, but Li Yi was a professional, while Liu Muqiao was just doing it.

"Today you, Liu Muqiao, must stay on guard until Xiang Lifang is out of danger before you can leave. Besides, Li Yi is in the Third Hospital now. Call Li Yi back quickly."

At this time, Zhao Yilin has fulfilled his duties as chief director.

Zhao Yilin is the chief director of neurosurgery and manages 19 departments. In fact, there are not many specific tasks. Coordinating relationships may be what he does most. He usually pretends to check quality, but in fact it is not of much value. Each department has its own

The management is almost done. Besides, there is also the medical department of the hospital, which often comes down to check and supervise.

There is one thing that Zhao Yilin plays a big role in. When there is a conflict between departments, he will be asked to mediate. Zhao Yilin has very strong mediation skills and everyone is willing to listen to him.

Besides, it’s not enough if you don’t listen. Zhao Yilin sometimes becomes aggressive and scares everyone who sees him. Some people say that even Sun Tao wants to give him three points.

In this courtyard, there is only one person who can restrain Zhao Yilin, Liu Muqiao.

Therefore, everyone obeys Zhao Yilin in the management of the Neuropsychiatric Center.

Sometimes he is biased and sometimes unfair. For example, when Zou Qingxiang and Wu Di have conflicts, he will help Zou Qingxiang. Wu Di has nothing to do if you feel wronged.

However, the wronged party will not always be wronged. Zhao Yilin will also pay attention to comfort him. Generally speaking, he is relatively fair.

Today, his words are an arrangement. He rarely directly arranges for Liu Miqiao.

In fact, Liu Miqiao does not need to be reminded. He will do his best to rescue Xiang Lifang. Department of Neurology. Liu Miqiao has deep feelings. Xiang Lifang was very good to him back then. Liu Miqiao cannot help but remember this feeling.

Xiang Lifang was transferred to the ICU1 department.

Transferring departments is very simple. The beds in Antai Hospital are high-end goods worth more than 100,000 yuan. When transferring patients, there is no need to move the patient at all, just push the bed. Moreover, each bed has an uninterrupted independent power supply system and oxygen system.
This kind of bed can support the ventilator to work continuously for two hours.

It only took 10 minutes for the patient to be transferred to the ICU, and the transfer was successful. The entire set of monitoring was replaced by ICU care, and Director Lao Wan came in as his replacement.

Liu Muqiao wrote a prescription, injected Xiang Lifang with a dose of "Life No. 1" and then officially entered the ICU for treatment.

Liu Muqiao did not leave.

He observes the patient every 10 minutes.

The graduate students who usually follow Li Yi gathered around and asked Liu Miqiao questions.

Liu Muqiao readily agreed.

"Okay, ask, so I can test you."

However, after asking a few questions, the graduate students were a little dumbfounded because Liu Miqiao's knowledge of critical care medicine was very different from that in the textbooks, and some of them were subversive.


Although Li Yi usually talks about knowledge that exceeds the textbook, in general, it is still acceptable. Even if it is different from the textbook, it is not too outrageous.

A lot of what Liu Muqiao told them today was outrageous.

I haven't heard that you can take 5 epinephrine pills at the same time. Even now, they don't dare to use it.

I haven’t heard that 10 tubes of Lobelin can be added to 100 ml of saline for intravenous infusion.

As for hormones, they are even more unorthodox, with 24-hour maintenance infusion.

These are different from the textbooks. Where did Liu Miqiao learn it?

No one dares to question.

"Forget it, don't ask. My knowledge is of no value to you. You can't learn it, but it will cause confusion for you. Only Li Yi can understand my knowledge."

This sentence is very true. Except for Li Yi, no one has ever used Liu Miqiao's method. Even Liu Miqiao's nominal apprentice Nie Wei did not dare to learn from Liu Miqiao.

Liu Muqiao's critical care medicine is quite advanced, and even Li Yi can only partially accept it.

Liu Miqiao went to check on Xiang Lifang again. His blood pressure was a little low. He hesitated for a moment and gave a verbal doctor's order to give him a dose of dopamine.

Half an hour ago, Xiang Lifang's blood pressure was very high, with the systolic blood pressure exceeding 180. Now the systolic blood pressure is only 90. Most doctors will be very happy. This blood pressure indicates that the intracranial hypertension has been relieved.

Liu Miqiao must strictly control the contraction function of blood vessels, which is the most critical step for him to rescue the patient. He must adjust Xiang Lifang's systolic blood pressure to about 110mmHg, so that the perfusion of important organs will be ideal.

This is a knowledge point that is difficult for other doctors to master.

Even Director Wan didn't grasp it, but Li Yi had a preliminary understanding.

This chapter has been completed!
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