Chapter 2060 Bell and Osmanthus

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 "Just call me bell. Bell's bell."

After sitting in the car and being restrained for about three minutes, the young woman spoke.

"I am currently a student at Nanyang University, a master's degree student, majoring in biology." Ling introduced herself, "In the future, I will manage a biopharmaceutical company."

"Oh, the girl is actually studying for management. Yes, expert management is more accurate and efficient. Do you have a pharmaceutical company in your family?"

Liu Muqiao is more interested in pharmaceutical companies. He now owns three pharmaceutical companies. Two are shareholdings and one is a sole proprietorship. Now the Qingjiang company, French Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. has sold its shares to Liu Muqiao, and this company is his sole proprietorship.


Relatively sole proprietorship. Zhao Yilin and Zou Qingxiang together have 9% of the shares, and he alone holds 91%. In exchange, Liu Maqiao's shares in French Pharmaceutical Holdings were also reduced, leaving only 10% of the shares.

The reason is that there have been major changes in the shareholders of French Pharmaceutical Company, and 40% of the shares are foreign capital. He knows that this is a malicious infiltration, and the target must be Liu Miqiao's new drug.

He kicked France out of its shares in Qingjiang Pharmaceutical.

"Yes, my family has a pharmaceutical company. My brother has gone out on his own and my father is in politics. In the future, I will take over the management of this company."

Ling seemed to have introduced herself inadvertently.

This kind of introduction is very necessary.

If I am selected as Liu Miqiao's dance partner, I must at least tell Liu Miqiao that I am not just because of my beauty, but because I have status.

Sometimes identity is more important and valuable than appearance.

"Oh, Ling, you are still a rich young lady." Liu Maqiao was indeed a little surprised.

The middle-aged female driver who was driving continued, "Ling's father is a feudal official and the boss of Zhiluo Province."

The female driver was 40 years old. Her voice was steady, neither urgent nor slow, and the sound quality was very good. It gave people the impression that this woman was extraordinary.

"Excuse me, what's your surname?" Liu Maqiao couldn't ignore her.

"Call me Osmanthus fragrans." The middle-aged woman said.

Liu Muqiao was shocked, why does he have such a vulgar name?


"Oh, what a surprise, isn't it? My real name is Osmanthus fragrans. This is the free translation of the name after being translated into Chinese. The transliteration is different. However, I like the name Osmanthus very much. There are seven sisters in our family, and they are all named after flowers.

Of the names, the most rustic one is my seventh sister, who is just called Rape Flower." Osmanthus said.

"Oh. There are seven sisters in your family." Liu Maqiao asked.

"That's still the tip of the iceberg. There are still nine brothers in my family." Osmanthus said with a smile.

"Ah." Liu Muqiao whispered. There are 16 brothers and sisters in a family. I really can't imagine it.

It must be a wealthy family.

Yes, Liu Muqiao guessed it right. Their family is really a wealthy family, not an ordinary wealthy family. The Rolls-Royce she is riding in now is Guihua's mount, and her personal wealth is more than 8 billion US dollars.

In fact, the people invited to the dance tonight are not ordinary people.

Guihua heard Liu Muqiao's cry, knowing that he was surprised that there were so many brothers and sisters in her family, and she also knew that he would definitely guess how rich she was.

She's not going to show off.

Tonight is really not something she can show off, because her family is only rich, and their main asset is owning a large area of ​​rubber trees.

His family is one of the three kings of rubber trees in Nanyang, accounting for a quarter of Nanyang's rubber production, and is the main producer of special rubber, the price of which is more than double that of ordinary rubber.

However, her family is just a businessman, and no one in the family is involved in politics. In the ever-changing Southeast Asia, it is necessary to keep a low profile.

Of course Liu Muqiao didn't know that even such a wealthy family behaved in such a low-key manner. If they were in China, they would have become a household name.

The car was walking leisurely on the streets. I have to admit that Nanyang is also an amazing country, and the city management here is also very good.

Arrive at a park.

The car drove straight in and the door opened automatically.

Osmanthus did not brake, but gently pressed the horn as she passed the guard.

Very light.

The sound is very low. If you don't pay attention while sitting inside, you won't hear it at all.

This is a big park.

Very beautiful.

Many unique tropical tree species are neatly arranged, giving people a refreshing feeling.

Ling and Guihua chatted with Liu Muqiao from time to time, but they did not question Liu Muqiao, nor did they talk about work or life.

This is very different from usual.

Normally when meeting strangers, I have the urge to inquire about others, otherwise I will feel unsure and it will be difficult to talk about them.

They have something to talk about.

They introduced the customs and customs of Nanyang, and even introduced the organizer of tonight's dance.

Tonight's dance organizer is one of the big sisters in Nanyang - yes, the big sisters don't have a martial arts ring, so there will be more versions.

There are at least five people who are known as big sisters, and tonight is one of them.

Today, the richest woman owns 13 mineral deposits, among which chrome ore and nickel ore are the most famous, accounting for 20% of the international market share.

Two achievements is no small number.

No one can guess her purpose of getting acquainted with Liu Muqiao, but it should be related to her body.

This woman is very famous in Nanyang. Because the mining industry she controls plays an important role in the fields of steel and batteries, her social status is also extremely high. When she needs help from others, she always likes to organize small private dances.
Of course, there are not many people who are worthy of her dancing. She will only use this trick when dealing with major problems.

This shows Liu Maqiao’s status in her heart.

Osmanthus--Liu Miqiao wants to laugh when he thinks of this name. Generally speaking, most of the girls named after Osmanthus are rural women. Who would have thought that girls from wealthy families are also named after Osmanthus.

I have to admit that Guihua’s driving skills are very good.

Her master must be a highly skilled driver.

Because there is a characteristic of Guihua driving, that is, the brakes are rarely used, there are no setbacks at all, and the driving is smooth and smooth.

There is prejudice against female drivers in society. Female drivers are poorly represented. They drive randomly and often make inexplicable mistakes. The most serious one is using the brake as the accelerator.

However, Guihua drives very well.

Of course, the level of quality is seen from the perspective of smoothness and comfort. People riding in the car do not feel any frustration or swing.

This is the comfort that many rich people pursue.

One advantage of driving a Rolls-Royce is that there are few people to mess with, so there is a lot of space when driving. No one rushes to cut in front of you, and no one honks behind you.

In reality, there are very few people like Peng Shan who are not afraid of trouble. The vast majority of people try to avoid luxury cars and get into trouble with themselves. Even if you are justified, you may not be able to win. Most cars are not available to anyone.

A bumper is worth a lot of money, so it’s wisest to stay away.

This chapter has been completed!
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