Chapter 2068 Mind Reading 2

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 Liu Tao has great insights.

He smiled and said to Liu Muqiao: "It's all up to you to decide what to do."

This is Liu Tao’s so-called wisdom.

Liu Muqiao smiled and said: "My profession is to treat patients, so let's go back to the roots. I've seen all the more than 100 patients here, and I won't add one more, okay?"

He didn't care who he was asking, and more than 100 people cheered in unison, "Okay, of course!"

The executive principal could only say to the following office director: "Notice that all other activities today are cancelled."

All subsequent itineraries were cancelled. It was impossible for them to accompany Liu Miqiao to see a doctor here, so they had to disperse. The next work could only be reconsidered.

Liu Muqiao opened his posture and formed a group of 10 people. He checked it over - that is, he felt his pulse and asked the prescription to pop up. Simple insomnia was grouped into a group and given to Xu Min. "For these, you write the prescriptions in order."

It’s square number 3, 2, 7, 18, 40, 5, 1, 10, 34.”

Xu Min is responsible for the prescriptions for these nine people.

The remaining one, beyond insomnia, has other physical diseases, most likely a tumor, and most likely a pancreatic tumor.

"You need to be hospitalized. You have other physical problems. Treat that disease first. If you have insomnia, you can see Xu Min for treatment in the future."

Liu Muqiao could not help him treat his insomnia first, because after the insomnia was cured, the patient might not seek further medical treatment.

Liu Muqiao asked Xu Min to prescribe a set of laboratory tests, "Be sure to check the upper abdomen and MRI. I suspect that the pancreas has CA."

Just go on seeing the doctor group by group.

If each group of patients takes about 20 minutes to read, it will take a whole morning.

Of these 107 patients, 88 had simple insomnia, and 19 patients had other problems, 7 of which were severe depression.

It seems that just teaching the treatment of insomnia is not enough, we also need to teach several ancient methods of treating depression.

At the end, Liu Muqiao wrote 10 more ancient prescriptions to Xu Min, "These are prescriptions for treating depression and anxiety. When you treat insomnia, pay attention to distinguishing other diseases, especially cancer patients. So in the future, you

When seeing a doctor, you can’t just take a quick look like me. You go one by one, look, smell, ask, and do basic tests and routine examinations. Although most people’s examinations are normal, we must prevent even a missed diagnosis."

Xu Min would naturally not object to what Liu Muqiao said. This is common sense.

There are many voices in society saying that hospitals conduct indiscriminate examinations, tests, ride-hailing tests, and ride-hailing charges. This is actually a serious misunderstanding.

Sometimes, both patients and some administrative officials often criticize the hospital, criticizing excessive medical treatment and excessive examination.

In fact, this is a kind of ignorance. It can be said that routine projects in the scientific community are obtained with blood and tears. If these examinations and tests are not performed, the consequences may be serious misdiagnosis and missed diagnosis.

For example, today, if Liu Muqiao had not had an ancient triggering system, he would not have discovered some other diseases and would have treated them as insomnia. These patients may become terminal cancer patients and lose their lives in the near future. Some depression patients cannot

With timely drug intervention, you may commit suicide by jumping off a building or taking medication.

Xu Min does not have the ability of Liu Muqiao, so she can only conduct further examinations by prescribing laboratory tests, CT, MRI, etc. After ruling out other diseases, she can focus on treating insomnia.

This is the right way.

Liu Muqiao asked Xu Min to do this.

Of course, the result of this is that the patient needs to spend more than 1,000 yuan.

In fact, objectively speaking, it is only natural that medical treatment costs money. We should not call hospitals black-hearted hospitals and regard them as public enemies of the people.

It was indeed very cheap to see a doctor 40 years ago. At that time, except for farmers, everyone else had public medical care, so they spent very little money.

Nowadays, the cost of medical treatment has increased hundreds of times. This is also a fact.

Objectively speaking, the medical services 40 years ago and today are completely different. The services you receive in county-level hospitals today are equivalent to the services provided by Xiangya, West China, and Union Hospital 40 years ago.

In other words, the level of service you enjoy is no longer the same.

Forty years ago, the treatment you received in a county-level hospital was only equivalent to the level of a health center today.

Over the past 40 years, the level of doctors has improved significantly. You must know that 40 years ago, there were many doctors in county hospitals who only had technical secondary school level. And it was a technical secondary school of that era, with a one-year and two-year education system. Now the minimum education level in health centers is three years.

Technical secondary school with academic system.

In county-level hospitals, undergraduate students are only in the single digits, and a college degree is already very impressive. Nowadays, it is not uncommon for township health centers to have college students, and the proportion of undergraduates is also quite large.

Equipment, 40 years ago, examinations in county-level hospitals were very simple. There were 500 mA

There are several tests that can be done, namely liver and kidney function. For other tests, if anyone has a black and white B-ultrasound, it is the latest trend.

It can be said that the examination equipment in township health centers now is exactly the same as that of county-level hospitals 40 years ago.

40 years ago, medical treatment relied on luck. If you met a good doctor, he could help you diagnose a disease accurately based on experience. But now it is more objective. Through equipment inspection, it is accurate.

In the past, some diseases required the highest-level doctors to diagnose. Now, maybe a doctor who just graduated yesterday can help you diagnose.

Therefore, the treatment you receive in township health centers now is equivalent to the treatment you received in county-level hospitals in the past. On the other hand, the level of county-level hospitals now is close to the level of large provincial hospitals 40 years ago - the key is the investment in large-scale medical equipment.<


To be honest, as a doctor 40 years ago, many times you could only rely on guessing. The weapon in your hand was sight, touch, tapping and hearing. Now, an MRI is 10,000 times more accurate.

Coupled with the depreciation of the currency and the increase in wages, there is simply no comparability between medical expenses 40 years ago and today.

Liu Muqiao got angry when he heard some people criticize the hospital for expensive medical treatment. Is it expensive?

The average treatment cost for Antai Hospital for Chinese people is only 18,000 yuan, while the average cost for treatment for foreigners is 70% of international standards, and the average cost is 30,000 US dollars.

Of course, this includes differences in disease types. When foreigners come to treat diseases, most of them are late-stage patients, so the cost should be higher. However, for the same disease, the cost for foreigners is more than 10 times that of Chinese people. This is an objective fact.

Foreigners like to come to Antai Hospital for medical treatment. Firstly, the curative effect is good, and secondly, the cost is low.

Hey, the cost of Antai Hospital is low, this is the evaluation of foreigners.

That's too far.

You should know that Liu Muqiao's studio is not a charity, and he also charges fees. According to Nanyang University's practice, half of the net profit generated by the studio is given to the hospital and half goes to the person who opened the studio.

Although Liu Muqiao does not expect to make much money at Nanyang University, he still deserves his share of profits.

He told Xu Min that the necessary examinations must be done, not because of profit, but to reduce missed diagnosis and misdiagnosis.

This chapter has been completed!
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