Chapter 2077 Close your studio

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 Liu Muqiao really doesn’t want to argue with them.

It's boring. Or I can't come to a correct conclusion.

Indeed, Liu Muqiao knows that real Chinese medicine is to treat according to the syndrome differentiation of Chinese medicine, and to treat according to the disease and the person.

Traditional Chinese medicine - Traditional Chinese medicine does not require blood tests, urine tests, electrocardiograms, liver and kidney functions. Authentic Chinese medicine only requires a few fingers, a pulse pillow, and can prescribe prescriptions based on inspection, hearing, inquiry and examination.

But Liu Muqiao can't do it. Neither can Xu Min. Even Su Yajuan is unwilling to do this.

Su Yajuan has personal experience that medicine can only be a combination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine.

She discovered that many patients discovered many hidden diseases through laboratory examinations, which could not be achieved by looking at them.

Of course, this group of old Chinese medicine doctors would not agree. In their eyes, those instruments and equipment are redundant and have no relevance to the debate of Chinese medicine.

For example, cerebral infarction is diagnosed by Western medicine as cerebral infarction, but traditional Chinese medicine considers it as meridian occlusion. Based on the patient's limb weakness, it can be judged as meridian occlusion. CT is unnecessary. The treatment is to unblock the meridians and activate the meridians.

But Western medicine is different, because the same symptom can be cerebral infarction or cerebral hemorrhage. It must be clearly distinguished between cerebral infarction and cerebral hemorrhage before medication can be given.

This problem is actually two systems with no intersection at all.

However, Liu Muqiao abruptly combined the two, using Western medicine diagnosis and traditional Chinese medicine, and the results were very good.

What do you say?

The old Chinese doctors gathered around Liu Miqiao and became more and more excited. They loudly said: "You will kill traditional Chinese medicine! You are the eternal sinner of the Chinese nation!"

Oh, it’s so high?

Liu Muqiao found it difficult to accept.

It seems that I have to argue with them.

"Traditional Chinese medicine, it is indeed enough to look, smell, ask, and feel. Just have a pulse pillow on the device. However, technology had not developed at that time, and our ancestors could only see patients through sight, smell, asking, and feel. Now, we are in the explosion of technology.

In this era, why can’t traditional Chinese medicine make progress?”

Liu Muqiao felt that the truth couldn't be simpler. Aren't these few sentences enough?

Who knows, these old men will be even more angry.

"Technology! Technology! Technology has ruined traditional Chinese medicine! Is traditional Chinese medicine still like traditional Chinese medicine? A few years ago, I went home to worship my ancestors and visited several traditional Chinese medicine hospitals. It was heartbreaking! Traditional Chinese medicine hospitals, county-level, municipal-level, and provincial-level.

It's all fucking Westernized. Every hospital is trying to sell dog meat. Hey, I've given up. Originally, I planned to visit some old Chinese doctors after worshiping my ancestors, and learn some unique tricks, but who knows?

, do you know how shameless he is? Even the masters of traditional Chinese medicine are watching CT films. Oh, it’s sad! How sad! If Hua Tuo had known, he would have crawled out of the ground. Isn’t this not forgetting one’s ancestors? Isn’t this going toward oneself?

Destruction? It’s over, it’s over, you, Liu Miqiao, are just doing the fucking integration of Chinese and Western medicine on the mainland, but now you’re going to Nanyang to do it, and we don’t agree to it!”

This is a big problem.

For the Chinese medicine practitioners in Nanyang, this is really a big problem.

They originally wanted to preserve a pure land of traditional Chinese medicine in Nanyang, but unexpectedly, Liu Miqiao came, and Nanyang University also opened a medical school of traditional Chinese medicine!

Can Chinese medicine be taught in the classroom?!

No! It must be stopped.

Traditional Chinese medicine is passed down from master to apprentice and cannot be established in a university.

There are many universities of traditional Chinese medicine in mainland China. This is the root cause of the destruction of traditional Chinese medicine!

These people believe that they have learned the traditional Chinese medicine from their ancestors and have the obligation to carry forward the authentic Chinese medicine. They deeply hate Liu Miqiao's rise in Nanyang.

They formed a team and came to the capital of Nanyang to ask Liu Miqiao to change his ways.

However, Liu Muqiao was not happy when he heard them explain traditional Chinese medicine in this way. According to your opinion, domestic universities of traditional Chinese medicine should no longer be established, all should be withdrawn, and return to the past pattern of master-disciple transmission. This is what is natural.

A stupid move that will ruin your future.

"Seniors said that the University of Traditional Chinese Medicine should be disbanded. I strongly disagree with this point. In the past thousands of years, what are the benefits of recruiting disciples like this? They are all closed. You don't have my advantages, and I don't have your advantages.

They also do not communicate with each other. On the contrary, each school has erected barriers to guard against each other, fearing that others will learn the academic knowledge of their own school. The key is that if master and apprentice teach each other, their knowledge will be narrow and they will not be able to make great progress. Moreover, master and apprentice

When teaching to each other, there is also a bad habit. Each master will not teach his secret knowledge until he is on his deathbed. Think about it, how many secret skills have become extinct and how many essence prescriptions have been lost. You say that you want to return to master-disciple transmission and dissolve the university.

, that is completely wrong..."

Liu Muqiao published a long speech.

Unexpectedly, these old men were stubborn and refused to listen to Liu Maqiao's opinions. Instead, they insisted on their own opinions.

"In university classrooms, we can only teach things that can be said, and we can only explain knowledge that can be explained. There is no way to deal with things that can only be understood but cannot be expressed in words. Tao can be Tao but not Tao, and names can be famous but not famous. What traditional Chinese medicine pays attention to is following

Study, groping forward under the personal guidance of Master..."


Indeed, it would be great if this were the case. This is also the only advantage of traditional Chinese medicine.

Nowadays, doctors of traditional Chinese medicine teach in the classroom, then practice, and then enter clinical practice as trainee doctors, and become full-time doctors after one year. Of course, there is also the issue of standardized training. Obviously, an important link is missing, that is, the personal transmission of the master.

This is a disadvantage that the University of Traditional Chinese Medicine cannot overcome.

It can be said that 99% of the students do not have more than one year of personal teaching experience from their masters. Instead, they follow "under the leadership" of their superior doctors after graduation. This kind of shadowing is completely different from teaching by master and apprentice.


The true master-disciple transmission means that you look at the same patient, and the master looks at it again, and tells you what he sees and hears, especially his experience and experience during the treatment, and he teaches each other.

This is the teaching between master and disciple.

Nowadays, the common form is that graduates are assigned to hospitals, and under the leadership of the attending doctor, they directly manage the hospital bed. The attending doctor checks your medical records and medical orders, or the attending doctor dictates the diagnosis and treatment plan, and you follow it.

This can be regarded as master and apprentice, but this is purely Western medicine.

Among the many Chinese medicine doctors, there are also a few lucky ones who are selected by the hospital to follow famous medical apprentices from our own hospital or higher-level hospitals.

This method is close to the master-disciple tradition of the past.

But there are too few such people, and it is rare for only a few people in a hospital to have this opportunity in ten years.

Liu Muqiao also believes that mutual teaching between master and apprentice has certain advantages, but this advantage only exists in the name of famous doctors. It is obviously not feasible to engage in this kind of mutual teaching between master and apprentice.

Generally speaking, the supply of college learning exceeds demand, which is the basic reason why traditional Chinese medicine can still exist in the medical system.

If there were no universities of traditional Chinese medicine, would there still be so many doctors of traditional Chinese medicine in the society? They have long been excluded from the formal medical system.

This chapter has been completed!
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