Chapter 223 Epilepsy Surgery

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 There is a cool southerly breeze in the morning in Shanghai.

Liu Muqiao stood on the balcony breathing the fresh air of the new day.

The sun rises from the east, looking big, round, and red in the slightly foggy sky.

Liu Muqiao took out his mobile phone and took a few photos.

Dr. Zou is still drooling in his sleep.

The sumptuous dinner last night was an eye-opener for him.

He devoured a tiger shrimp as big as his arm; he couldn't swallow the French foie gras, which cost 320 yuan a portion. Liu Miqiao didn't want to eat it. The smell of the half-cooked foie gras made him want to vomit, so he secretly put it in the vegetable bowl.

After a few spins, no one knew who it was, and there were a total of 4 lumps on the turntable, so no one made a fuss in the end.

The world's famous dishes are not as delicious as the braised pork cooked by Xie's mother. He would rather eat a bowl of pot noodles.

Today, Liu Muqiao was in a strange mood, nervous and excited at the same time. An epilepsy patient was undergoing surgery. He was the chief surgeon, Professor Shortfoot was the first assistant, and Dr. Zou was the instrument technician.

I had a dream a few months ago, but I never thought it would come true today.

Happiness comes too suddenly.

Zhao Yilin was in a bad mood.

He was so anxious that another patient died at home.

Originally, it didn't matter if the dead were dead. The hospital was not only a place for treating illness and saving lives, but also a place for dying. Every hospital prepared a morgue just to prepare for the dead.

Qingjiang University Affiliated Hospital, the morgue is a large room of more than 200 square meters, which can accommodate hundreds of corpses.

It is usually the job of interns to deliver corpses in the middle of the night. Under dim lights, they choose which wooden box the corpse should sleep in. After timid students have experienced it once, they will usually remember it for the rest of their lives.

You have to look inside the wooden box from the top. It depends on your luck whether other corpses have taken over first.

When you see a livid face appear in your field of vision, even the most courageous students will tremble with fear.

There are not many deaths in Antai Hospital, especially in recent months, and deaths in the Department of Neurology are relatively rare.

Last night, I got a call from home that another patient with cerebral hemorrhage had died.

Zhao Yilin was very upset.

He wants to keep the mortality rate ultra-low.

He also knows that making flying knives is risky.

That's the risk.

This is the price.

The price of making a flying knife.

Dr. Zou is the most heartless.

"If you die, just die. It's normal!"

He really felt that it was normal for patients to die in the hospital, and he had many deaths in his hands.

"We will definitely leave after the operation!" Zhao Yilin made up his mind.

The original intention of the Neuropsychiatric Hospital of Shanghai Medical University was to keep them for two more days. Several departments wanted to invite them for consultation and lectures, especially the Parkinson's Disease Department 1, which wanted to see the Taoshift method.

Zhao Yilin is eager to go back.

Although it is said that the dead are already dead, a lot of patients have accumulated in one day. To digest these patients, you have to work overtime when you go back.

Liu Muqiao looked at his phone and saw the WeChat message sent by Zhao Yilin.

"Go down and have breakfast."

Liu Muqiao woke up Dr. Zou, who was very unhappy.

I was awakened by you again in my sweet dream.

Last night, Dr. Zou was happy. There was a beautiful nurse who was responsible for serving Dr. Zou-drinking. Dr. Zou drank happily, and finally got the beautiful nurse drunk.

It was the first time for him to receive such special treatment, and he was certainly intoxicated.

However, how did he know that the person he drank with last night was not a nurse at all, but a specially invited bartender from the hotel.

When I came to the buffet restaurant, I glanced at the price board. The buffet breakfast price was 168 yuan each.

Liu Muqiao picked an egg, a piece of cake, a small yellow croaker, some vegetables, some fried noodles, and a few pieces of cantaloupe.

That’s all I eat in the morning.

Zhao Yilin filled the bowl, and he actually ordered three fried eggs.

"Have you never eaten eggs?"

"I like to eat."

"Three is too many. Your cholesterol must be high."

"Hehe, you are wrong. My blood lipids are normal, my blood pressure and blood lipids are normal. Look, my weight is very standard. I am 1.80 meters tall, but only 70 kilograms."

Just as he was talking, Dr. Zou came.

At first glance, Liu Miqiao had no choice but to purse his lips. He didn't know whether he wanted to cry or laugh.

"Can your stomach hold it?"

"It's 168 yuan per person. If you don't pay more, you will suffer a big loss."

The two basins are full, and a few pieces of pickles are still hanging on the edge of the plate, about to fall off.

Professor Shortfoot is here.

"This is a hotel jointly built by our hospital. All three meals are free. Is the food okay?" Professor Banjiao said.

"The room is also free?"

"Yes, we have four suites in one department. Those who can't go home after working overtime, or are far away from home, live in hotels. For meals, we have five canteens. There is competition, but the food is generally good."

"Your hospital is very large."

"It is considered a big specialty hospital, but compared with general hospitals, it is far behind. Our first and second hospitals are considered big. Our hospital has only 2,000 beds, and its annual revenue is only over 40 billion.

"It's amazing."

"Our strength is in scientific research. It is difficult to run a specialized hospital. Compared with general hospitals, there is no brand spillover effect. There is always only one card to play, so we can only work hard on scientific research."

"You achieve a lot every year, right?"

"Hey, what should I say? What can I say in front of you? Isn't it embarrassing?"

"Elepsy, do you perform many surgeries?"

"I can't say too many, probably more than 80 cases a year. Most of them are treated conservatively. The surgery is difficult and the positioning is complicated. I'm talking about the positioning, not the CT positioning."

"Well, I know you are talking about the brain tissue sites that induce epilepsy."

"After today's operation, there are two more patients. Please help me take a look at them. Secondary epilepsy is too difficult to control."

Liu Muqiao nodded.

He is now convinced that he is an expert in epilepsy.

The expert level recognized by the system is waterless. It is not the same concept as the experts we usually talk about such as professors and associate professors.

The operation is performed in a large operating room.

Different from general hospitals, there are not many operating rooms here. The number of operating rooms is less than three digits. Liu Maqiao walked all the way and estimated that there were more than 80 operating rooms.

But it’s very advanced.

The walls of the operating room are decorated with space materials, and the level of laminar flow is very high.

This is related to the fact that most craniotomy operations are performed in this hospital. Once infected, the consequences will be serious.

Liu Muqiao looked up and saw that they were operating room No. 76.

Liu Muqiao checked the patient one last time, and soon the anesthesiologist numbed him.

The nurses here are very helpful.

On the other hand, Liu Muqiao, Dr. Zou and Zhao Yilin were a little clumsy.

Liu Muqiao secretly made up his mind to go to surgery for internship.

The operating room is well equipped with 4 nurses, which is standard.

In the past, epilepsy surgery was a major operation. When the operating room was notified to temporarily add another operation, of course they had to staff it according to the major operation.

According to the protocol, an epilepsy surgery requires 4 nurses, 1 anesthetist, and 4 doctors.

There are 4 doctors today, but the difference is that 3 of them are strangers.

This situation is common, but not very common.

It is very common to ask experts from outside hospitals to perform surgery.

However, when experts from outside hospitals are invited to perform surgeries, most of them are Westerners with blue eyes and white skin. They are rarely yellow-skinned and dark-eyed. Even if they are, they are Japanese professors. When they come in, they usually bow, "Hi,

Please take care of me." Just be polite.

Although Japanese professors are very polite to nurses, once they get on the operating table and curse others, they are very harsh and vicious.

"Bagya Road!"

Except in TV movies, you can often hear it here.

Today, in another room, in front of the closed-circuit television, there is a Japanese professor watching Liu Miqiao's surgery.

He simply did not believe that Liu Miqiao could find the site that caused the epileptic seizure without opening the skull.

He has already scolded Professor Shortfoot several times.

This chapter has been completed!
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