Chapter 249 Neuroregeneration Factor

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 How to say?

This matter is said to be unclear.

In the end, Liu Muqiao could only say, "My skills are unbalanced. Some are well practiced and some have not been practiced. For example, debridement and suturing, manual hemostasis, and laparotomy - no, no, you have seen laparotomy."

, very bad. But next time, it might not be so bad."

Hu Bolong didn't quite understand what he meant. The general idea is that you are good at debridement and suturing and stopping bleeding with your bare hands, but not very good at anything else.

No, it’s not very good, it’s very bad!

"In the future, if you want to develop in surgery, there is only one way to go, practice more. Well, this patient's abdomen is your business. Oh, by the way, Tan Yi, you guide him.

Hu Bolong is gone. At this stage of the operation, he will no longer care.

Tan Yi did a final abdominal exploration and found no new injuries, so he handed over the task of closing the abdomen to Liu Miqiao.

Liu Miqiao took over the work of closing the abdomen, and he did it very hard. Every stitch and stitch was very unfamiliar. The stitch length and the depth of the stitches were all stitched together, which was terrible to watch.

Liu Muqiao's skills are like this, debridement and suturing, his suturing is very standard, and the current abdominal closure, although it is also a suture, is so strange, he is a typical novice.

Liu Muqiao himself felt his scalp numb from seeing it.

Needless to say, when patients look at their scars in the future, one stitch is long, one stitch is short, one stitch is dense, and one stitch is sparse, and they will definitely know that it must have been sewn by an intern.

Tan Yi really regretted having Liu Miqiao's abdomen closed. It took more than half an hour, but it was a trivial matter. The most intolerable thing was that he was worried that the drainage strip was not in place.

Liu Muqiao was not satisfied either.

The patient's current condition is pretty good, with blood pressure reaching 90/60mmHg, heart rate 106 beats/min, and respiration 22 times/min.

After getting off the operating table, Tan Yi was still complaining, please don't do anything next time, otherwise it will cause a dispute.

Jiang Weiwei disagreed with Tan Yi's statement. She argued, "Everyone has a process. This is the first... second time. There must be a process for people to grow, right?"

"You don't understand. There is no need for him to master surgical techniques or know the types of diseases. He can at most see how our operations are performed. There is no need to do it himself. He will return to the Department of Neurology in the future." Tan Yi said very clearly.


Jiang Weiwei argued: "One more skill, one more skill. The skills are not overwhelming. He is both a neurological expert and a surgical expert. Tell me, how interesting that is!"

"You're stupid, layman's words! How can one person be an expert in several subjects?"

"Why not, general practitioner!"

"You are talking in layman language again. Can general practitioners compare with specialists? General practitioners know everything, but they are not proficient. A doctor who is proficient in one or two diseases is very impressive."

"But not Liu Muqiao. Isn't he proficient in pediatrics? Isn't he proficient in acupuncture and massage? Isn't he also proficient in neurology? What's wrong with being proficient in surgery?"

Jiang Weiwei protected Liu Miqiao and made strong arguments.

"Can he be proficient in surgery? If he does, I will be his son!" Tan Yi vowed.

"Whose son should I be?" Hu Bolong heard it just as he arrived at the doctor's office.

"Director, you don't know. You said you wanted him to have his abdomen closed. Why did he close his abdomen? When you look at the patient's wounds someday, I won't even dare to describe them. They are worse than other interns." Tan Yi said.

"No way, I've seen his wounds debrided and sutured, it's not bad!" Hu Bolong said.

Du Xiaoping also said: "I have also seen his wounds that were debrided and sutured, and they are very beautiful."

"Hey, you won't believe it. I will never forget it for the rest of my life! In other words, it will be unforgettable!"

Liu Muqiao himself didn’t understand. When I was debriding and suturing, there was no problem with suturing the skin, but why couldn’t I suture the abdominal cavity?

The phone rang.

There is an emergency in the neurology department.

He said so and went out to the neurology department.

Seeing Liu Muqiao go out, Tan Yi said: "Old Hu, I always feel that Liu Muqiao is a bit weird. His surgical ability is good sometimes and bad sometimes. You can say that some of his practices are good and some are bad. This still can't be done.

Explain. I have also seen the stitches used in his debridement and suturing. They are very beautiful, but on the operating table today, they were so unfamiliar that I wanted to punch someone."

"He is always weird. Who can explain him? It stands to reason that he is not normal in neurology, acupuncture, massage, and pediatrics. Don't talk about it. He is a geek. He is amazing. It cannot be denied. In many aspects, he is

Even though he is a rookie, he cannot deny it. However, from now on, you should remember to bring him to the stage for pancreatic surgeries and major bleeding surgeries. His ability to stop bleeding with his bare hands seems to be real."


At this time, Liu Muqiao encountered another patient with brainstem hemorrhage.

As soon as he arrived, he washed his hands, disinfected them, put on gloves and went on.

Dr. Zou and his colleagues made preparations very quickly. Except for Liu Miqiao, who was delayed for 10 minutes while watching the CT film, the puncture time only took 1 minute.

The pressure in the brainstem decreases rapidly, and the patient quickly becomes conscious.

One more successful patient has been added.

Dr. Zou looked particularly excited.

So far, 11 cases of brainstem puncture have been performed, and no one has died. It has to be said that there is a lot of luck.

Liu Muqiao is not complacent. He believes in dialectics. Good luck and misfortune. It is hard to say that there will be no problems with brain stem puncture in the future.

Just as I was about to leave the intensive care unit, my phone rang.

Overseas phone number.

It's Smith's voice.

Smith told him on the phone that his team had developed a "nerve regeneration factor" and the results in animal experiments were very good.

Liu Muqiao felt nervous.

The opponent has arrived.

"Tell me about your achievements." Liu Maqiao tried to calm himself.

"In animal experiments, the nerve regeneration rate reached 43%." Smith said loudly from the opposite side.

This time, it was Liu Maqiao's turn to be silent.

After a while, he said: "Congratulations."

Zhao Yilin noticed that Liu Muxiao's expression was wrong and quickly asked, "What's going on?"

"The Smith team finally succeeded. They invented a nerve regeneration factor and the nerve regeneration rate reached 43%."

When Zhao Yilin heard this, he remained silent for a long time.

What is the concept of 43% regeneration rate?

Their results in the first phase have reached a 43% regeneration rate. So, what about the second and third phases? How scary!

Alas, it was all the fault of youth, it would have been better if we had formed a partnership.

Liu Muqiao quickly searched for the latest knowledge about stroke rehabilitation in his mind. He found that his knowledge about using Huatuo Regeneration Pills was included in the knowledge base, but the regeneration factors of Smith Group could not be found at all.

"Is there any chance of cooperation now?" Zhao Yilin asked.

"No! He does his thing and I do mine. When there is competition, there is motivation. I have recently studied Huatuo Regeneration Pills to see if there are any improvement plans."

Doctor Zou said: "Yes, no cooperation! Our results are certain, maybe Smith lied about military information!"

Hmm? Is this possible?

Liu Muqiao also trembled in his heart. Could it be a smoke screen put out by Smith for cooperation?

It has been almost 20 days since the paper written by Dr. Zou was published. It should be translated into English in about the same time. Is Smith anxious after seeing this paper?

If so, he will definitely call again.

On the surface, Liu Maqiao didn't care, but inside, he was anxiously waiting for Smith's call.

Sure enough, not long after, Smith called again. He invited Liu Maqiao to visit Johns Hopkins Hospital, and hoped that he would arrange the trip as soon as possible.

This chapter has been completed!
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