Chapter 261 Partners

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 This sentence is very confident.

No one who listened thought this was arrogance or arrogance. Even Sima Yue was shocked.

Well, the partner I have been looking for for a long time should be him!

"What do you think is the core competitiveness of an enterprise?"

Liu Muqiao nodded lightly and said: "Of course it is corporate culture. The core of culture is philosophy. Therefore, I think the philosophy of a company is the soul of the company and the core of its competitiveness."

"If you were to run a business, what would be your philosophy?"

"It's very simple. I'm looking for a few like-minded people to realize my value, which is to realize the value of the company. This point is highly consistent with what you just said."

"Well, I've noticed it. Can you be more specific?"

"Yes, my business and my medical research goals are consistent."

"Is this the value you create for your company?"

"That's right. I only produce drugs that I think have significant curative effects, and I will never get involved in those so-called star drugs that are specious."

"Star drug? Do you also think there is a star drug?"

"Yes, conscientious doctors have long noticed that many star drugs defraud patients and medical insurance of their money, but their clinical value is minimal and not even worth the side effects."

"There is a very profitable star drug, but you are not going to produce it?"

Liu Muqiao shook his head.

Nowadays, in clinical practice, many drugs with large sales volume, wide range of uses, and cures all diseases are actually useless star drugs. If companies want to make a fortune, they can really make money by producing these drugs.

Liu Muqiao would not consider it at all. He only produces "Huatuo Regeneration Pills" with definite curative effects.

"Liu Muqiao, I hope we can become partners."

Sima Yue stared at Liu Miqiao with her beautiful eyes for a long time. She felt that this decision was the right one. The man in front of her was the partner she had been looking for for ten years.

Sima Yue once had several partners, and the cooperation lasted less than a year. Due to different philosophies and different styles, they eventually parted ways.

People who have worked with her include Mr. Li from Xiangyi Pharmaceutical, Mr. Wang from Hatch Pharmaceutical, and Mr. Cao from Mobil Pharmaceutical.

They are indeed talented people who are very good at making money. They are all in high positions in the company now, some are presidents and some are vice presidents. Their companies are all profitable and they are big star companies.

The Huangzi Injector produced by Xiangyi Pharmaceutical is said to be able to cure all diseases and has a wide range of clinical uses. Some county-level hospitals regard it as a miracle drug and use it whenever they see patients.

Hatch Pharmaceutical's calcium supplement alone costs 2 billion a year in advertising costs. People across the country, from children to the elderly, are taking calcium supplements. It actually defeated vitamin D and became a magical tool for calcium supplements.

As for Mobil Pharmaceuticals’ brain gold, we won’t give it as a gift during the holidays this year. If you want to give it away, just give it brain gold! It forces the drug store to sell it voluntarily even if it doesn’t make a penny. Otherwise, your drug store won’t be able to get on the market.

Sima Yue disdains being associated with them.

Of the 50 varieties produced by Sima Yue, 33 are classified as essential drugs by the state, and the other 17 are expensive anti-cancer drugs. Some are classified as self-funded drugs, and some are classified as partially reimbursed drugs.

None of the varieties are slow-selling drugs.

Seven of their varieties are not profitable at all, or even lose money, but they supply them to the world.

These 7 important drugs are all drugs for the treatment of rare diseases.

It can be said that France Pharmaceuticals is an irreplaceable enterprise in the country. Its performance is not the largest and its profits are not the highest. However, when it comes to France Pharmaceuticals, no one in the industry does not respect it, and no one dares to

Demean it.

"Liu Miqiao, several partners I have worked with, although we parted ways, I did not completely misjudge them. They are now elites in pharmaceutical companies, and some of them have achieved higher achievements than me."<


"Can you tell me their names?"

Sima Yue smiled slightly, then shook her head gently.

"They are all celebrities, and this is their privacy. Forget it, let's not talk about them, let's talk about our cooperation."

Liu Muqiao thought for a while and said, "Don't worry, let's talk about cooperation after my 'Huatuo Regeneration Pill' is officially approved as an 'approved brand name'."

"Well, that way, you will have the initiative in the negotiation."

"Not entirely. I hope to bring a decent gift, so that it is decent, right?"

Sima Yue chuckled, "The actual effect is the same."

Liu Muqiao also laughed, "That's right."

"100 million to 500 million, this is our deposit, Liu Miqiao, which number do you think is more appropriate?"

Liu Muqiao did not pretend to be pretentious and said readily, "I'll lend you 300 million first. It's a loan."

"I know, for 300 million lines, our interest rate is 1.4%."

"Okay, I want to transform the process and produce higher quality products, and I need a lot of money."


The experts from Huacheng are gone.

Sima Yue took Yuan Li to stay in Qingjiang City for a day. They visited Liu Maqiao's pharmaceutical company and pointed out some shortcomings, but mostly they expressed appreciation.

A company with only 500 people has a monthly output value of 50 million, and the efficiency is very good. After learning about the salary, Sima Yue nodded.

There are really not many companies with an average monthly salary of 15,000.

Even the wages of workers at the lowest level have increased to 8,000. It is indeed a conscientious enterprise.

Director Ye is a shrewd man, and two words seem to be written on his forehead: capable. Sima Yue nodded secretly.

If this young man joins a star company, he will definitely be outstanding.

This person must be well cultivated and transformed.

It is not easy to change a person's concept, but Sima Yue is confident.

"Liu Muqiao, please send Director Ye to our company for three months."

Liu Muqiao agreed without thinking.

He thought that Sima Yue must have deep intentions and must have discovered Director Ye's shortcomings. Liu Maqiao always felt that Director Ye was not only smart and capable, but also a little more gangster. As a real entrepreneur, he must have Haoran.

Righteousness, not gangsterism.

"But, I still have a lot of things to do here! I can't leave." Director Ye reminded Liu Miqiao, who cares if I leave?

"A company cannot be without anyone. You have to train it to become a plane that can pilot itself, a machine that won't shut down automatically." Liu Muqiao said.

Sima Yue smiled and said: "Director Ye, don't worry, I will send a team over, and you can be completely assured of them."

When Liu Muqiao heard this, he said happily: "Today, you will follow Mr. Si to Huacheng. You can only come back when Mr. Si thinks you can graduate."

"Okay. I will definitely live up to your expectations, Mr. Liu. Oh, by the way, if you encounter any trouble, Squad Leader Qin from the third workshop will be on call."

When Liu Muqiao heard this, his heart tightened.

Got it.

"You take squad leader Qin to Huacheng too, I don't need him here."

Liu Muqiao said these words more seriously.

Director Ye is a smart man, please shut up.

In the evening, Director Ye followed Sima Yue onto the plane.

This chapter has been completed!
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