Chapter 292 Excessive modesty

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 Other departments have several chief doctors and deputy chief doctors, but their department only has two deputy chief doctors, him and Yang Jian, and the others are in charge.

The strength is very thin.

Yang Jian hopes that Liu Muqiao will come for internship, but he is afraid that after he comes, his prestige will be greatly reduced and it will be difficult to manage others in the future.

He tried to ask today, and he had a plan in mind.

Liu Muqiao saw him asking and said, "I have no plans yet."

"I hope you can come to our urology department for internship as soon as possible and improve the level of our urology department."

Liu Muqiao chuckled and said: "It's easy to say, there are only a few common urological diseases in your department. To improve your reputation, the key is to improve the diagnosis level of rare and difficult diseases. Tell me, what are the difficult patients now?"

When Yang Jian heard this, he thought to himself, you haven't even started an internship in our department yet. Do you think you have a very high level?

This is impossible.

"There is such a patient. In the past few months, every time he had to urinate urgently, he would faint after urinating. He was seen in many places and in many departments, such as cardiovascular department, neurology department and psychiatry department.

I looked at it, but I’m not sure what the diagnosis is.”

Yang Jian looked at Liu Miqiao, waiting for his answer, and thought, if you could diagnose it now, I would eat all the instruments in the instrument tray.

Liu Muqiao smiled slightly.

"Let me ask you, does his blood pressure fluctuate? Will his blood pressure increase when he urinates?"

"That's right."

"The duration of syncope is usually more than 10 minutes?"


"Especially if you can't hold in your urine?"


"Well, it's very simple. I'm sorry you didn't think of it. Isn't this a patient with phaeocytoma? Do a bladder CT and the treatment is very simple. Just cut it off."

Yang Jian looked at Liu Miqiao, with his mouth open, and said nothing for a long time. When he came to his senses, he said loudly: "I won't ask the flying knife for this operation, you will do it!"

It turns out that this patient has been diagnosed clearly by remote consultation with doctors in Beijing. Yang Jiandu has already contacted him and is planning to ask professors from Beijing University Hospital to perform the surgery.

This operation is difficult to do. Pheocytoma has a characteristic that once it is physically squeezed, a large amount of adrenaline will be released, and the blood pressure will suddenly increase. The patient will be in a hypertensive crisis, and his life may be in danger at any time.


During surgery, controlling blood pressure is the most critical. The surgeon should try not to squeeze the tumor as much as possible. However, how can he not squeeze the tumor during the operation?

The tumor grows on the bladder wall. If it needs to be separated and peeled off, adrenaline may be released into the blood, causing blood pressure to rise.

Secondly, during the entire surgical process, medical treatment must also keep up. The dosage of sodium nitroprusside and nitroglycerin must be adjusted accurately at all times, which is a test for both the surgeon and the anesthesiologist.

Liu Muqiao got a book, "Excerpts from Urology Surgery", which mainly collects rare, difficult and interesting cases in urology surgery. However, Liu Muqiao was completely blank about the surgical skills of urology surgery.

In fact, even now in the general surgery department, although Liu Miqiao can perform the most difficult radical surgery for pancreatic head cancer, for general surgery operations, such as appendicitis, colon surgery, intestinal obstruction, gallstones, etc., there are dozens of operations.

Liu Muqiao doesn't know how to do it at all.

This is a real Liu Muqiao.

Therefore, when Yang Jian wanted Liu Miqiao to perform this operation, Liu Miqiao had only one choice: refuse.

"I can't do this operation."


"I have never seen it, let alone learned it."

"Really or not? You can perform pancreatic surgery, and you are still a rare expert. You can't do a relatively simple bladder tumor resection?"

"No. Don't tell me that you don't know how to do urology surgery. I don't know how to perform most surgeries in general surgery. For example, I don't know how to perform hernia surgery, and I don't know how to perform cholecystectomy. So, I don't know how to do the surgery in your urology department.

, it’s not surprising that I can’t do it.”

Liu Muqiao said it very naturally, but the people listening were not calm.

Hu Bolong, Du Xiaoping, Jiang Weiwei, and a deputy chief doctor, plus anesthesiologists and nurses, all turned their heads and looked at Liu Miqiao.

Real? Fake?

Aren’t you a fucking freak?

Pancreatic cancer surgery is a surgery that abdominal surgeons have been striving for all their lives but may not be able to do it. You can do it after just one look. Moreover, it is not just an ordinary skill. You have suddenly become the top expert in the country, allowing Professor Long, the big boss in the country, to do it.

We all kneel at your feet!

However, if you say now, you won’t do it for hernia.

Hernia is the simplest operation in abdominal surgery. It can be performed by interns, but you don’t know how?

In the upper abdomen, laparoscopy for cholecystectomy only takes half an hour. There are only five steps in the entire operation. You said you don’t know how?

And you just know how to develop pancreatic head cancer!

It can be said that pancreatic head cancer shows that you can master all the skills of abdominal surgery, and you are proficient or perfect, but you cannot do other surgeries.

"Liu Muqiao, please don't be too false when you say it, okay? You have to be logical in your lies so that others will believe it." Hu Bolong couldn't stand listening anymore and reminded him.

Only then did Liu Muqiao wake up.

However, he doesn’t want to hide it from them, so he just won’t.

"Yes, I really don't know how to do it. Originally, I would also like to say that I don't know how to do appendix! But at least, I have followed you on stage a few times to treat appendicitis. I'm sorry to say that I don't know how to do it, for fear of you.

Call me stupid." Liu Maqiao said.

Are you afraid I didn’t say you were stupid?


Liu Muqiao, can you be humble?

Excessive modesty is arrogance! It is despicable, despised, evil, and cursed by everyone!

Are you stupid?

Will we call you stupid?

You're so fucking eloquent.

Do you want us to always remember that you are a genius? Do you want us to always remember that you are the number one expert in pancreatic surgery?

This is too much!

"Liu Miqiao, okay, okay, if you don't agree to Yang Jian, just say so. Don't use our general surgery as an example! Who doesn't know that you opened your abdomen three times? Everyone knows that you have superb vascular anastomosis skills, and they also know that you

The bile-jejunostomy, entero-jejunostomy and pancreatico-jejunostomy are all perfect. Why do you need to lie? You said you can’t do hernias and can’t remove gallbladders?” Hu Bolong criticized Liu Miqiao.

Liu Muqiao swallowed hard. He had something to say, but it was all in vain. He said too much, and although it was not tears, the more he spoke, the more unclear he became.

So far, the system has rewarded a lot of general surgery skills, but compared to the knowledge that general surgery needs to master, it is less than 1%.

Liu Muqiao will not explain any more.

He just confessed to Yang Jian, "I really don't know how. You should ask for a flying knife, but you should ask for it. I can't do any of your urological surgeries."

"Then why can you diagnose diseases that are not diagnosed in several hospitals without seeing the patient?" Yang Jian asked.

"Diagnosis and surgery are two different things. From now on, if you want to know about rare and frequently-occurring diseases in urology, you can chat with me. I have many interesting cases to share with you."

This chapter has been completed!
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