Chapter 321 Panic and no choice of road

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 An expert can tell at a glance that this is not an ordinary surgical skill. The director of our hospital opened his eyes wide. This guy is really a master!

Don't worry, if you encounter such a master, you can't do it without learning two tricks. He remembered another patient who had a big wound on his back and would not heal for a long time.

"Dr. Liu, there is another patient. I hope you can help me. There is an old man who has a carbuncle on his back that cannot be cured after a long time of treatment. I have tried every method, but there is no cure."


Liu Miqiao recalled the wounds he had played with in the past. Only two patients had carbuncles. This kind of disease is rarely seen anymore, and he couldn't help but become interested.

"Okay, but carbuncle can't be cured in a few days, and I can't stay here for a long time. You arrange for someone to call him after I leave and tell him how to change the dressing."

The director's surname was Dai, and he wished he could say, "It's just me."

When I came to the patient's bedside, I took off my clothes and saw that it was indeed a carbuncle. It was big, deep and round, exactly like the illustration in the textbook.

"Here, do you want to go into the operating room?"

Liu Muqiao shook his head, "We'll do it here. However, the other two beds of patients need to be moved away, because it will be very smelly after a while, so you all have to be mentally prepared."


Director Dai is a little confused, why does it stink?

There is a smell, but it's not too bad.

Foul odor generally represents anaerobic bacterial infection, which mostly exists in deep oxygen-free places.

Director Dai is also a senior chief doctor and a well-known expert in the local area. He pays attention to this wound every day and sometimes even changes the dressing himself.

How could there be an obvious anaerobic infection?

Director Dai doesn’t believe it.

Liu Muqiao took the initiative and said to the other two patients in the bed: "You guys go out for a while, it will be very smelly later."

"It's okay, it's okay, we are all farmers, we use excrement as fertilizer and we are used to smelling it."

Liu Muqiao laughed, "Then I'll show you what it means to stink."

Liu Miqiao took off the curved pliers from the dressing cart, found another piece of gauze, and soaked it with hydrogen peroxide - "Oh, by the way, I haven't numbed you yet."

He stretched out his hand and placed it near the patient's nose, "Sleep, sleep, have a good sleep."

The patient is asleep.

Then, Liu Muqiao picked up the pliers and gauze, put a bucket of gauze into the wound, and pushed it in 20 centimeters.


Director Dai screamed.

"Didn't you stab it into the abdominal cavity?"

Liu Muqiao didn't answer. He pulled it out and a stench spurted out!


The two patients and three companions shouted, "It stinks! It will kill people!"

Run out as hard as you can.

Director Dai also wants to escape.

But no.

There were also several interns who held their noses tightly and did not dare to breathe.

"If you follow the past dressing method, you will not get better in your life. Did you see that this carbuncle is nesting deeper and deeper? It is indeed in the abdominal cavity. It is wrapped up, and the stench of several years is nestled inside." Liu Miqiao.

Talk and operate at the same time.

"This should be the smelliest smell in the world." Director Dai said.

"No. There is a kind of corpse odor, a thousand-year-old corpse odor, that's called a stink. If someone gets a little stink on his clothes, it will stink for ten years. The only way is to throw it away."

The smelliest corpse that Liu Muqiao had ever smelled was a corpse from an ancient tomb of the Song Dynasty in the anatomy laboratory of Qingjiang University. The smell finally forced Qingjiang University School of Medicine to renovate the house, even the floor tiles.

Read it again.

Therefore, Liu Miqiao didn't care at all about the stench today.

"You made a mistake in detecting this wound, thinking it was only 10 centimeters deep, and half of the inside is basically isolated from the outside world. It is in the deep part of the carbuncle. This is the reason why the disease cannot be cured." Liu Miqiao continued to explain.

He usually doesn't talk much, but once he starts giving a lecture, he is very willing to impart professional knowledge.

"How did you discover that there was purulent tissue deep inside?"

"Experience. Do you know? I have seen several wounds like this. If you do a CT on him, you can find out early that the carbuncle is divided into two layers. The outer layer is aerobic bacterial infection, and the inner layer is

The layer is anaerobic infection."

As Liu Miqiao said, he rinsed the wound with hydrogen peroxide for a while, and then used ten pieces of gauze to clean the wound.

"Give me two tablets of ornidazole."

The intern quickly brought two tablets of ornidazole from the nursing department. Liu Maqiao crushed them and put them into the wound. He added: "Prescribe antibiotics against anaerobic bacteria for seven consecutive days, and completely change the dressing with hydrogen peroxide every day. After a week, check the wound condition."

, if there is no inflammation, you can suture it in stages, first suturing the inside, and then after 7 days, you can finally suture it."

The first dressing change was over, and Liu Miqiao was still smelly. He took a bath in the bathroom in the doctor's duty room, took out new clothes from his suitcase, and wore them.

Director Dai also yelled, rushed in and took a shower, and finally came out and shouted, "I've seen it, I've really seen it."

Liu Muqiao was in a good mood. A wound like this was rare in ten years. It was in his knowledge base. There were only ten cases in total, which was very precious.

Director Dai didn't want to let go of such an opportunity, so he wanted Liu Miqiao to teach him some experience and let him eat. Unexpectedly, as soon as he opened his mouth, he was stopped by the woman who had been accompanying him not far away.

"Okay, your mission has been completed, let's go."

Liu Maqiao smiled at Director Dai, sighed, and said: "Tracheitis, please control it tightly, there is nothing you can do."

"Whose wife is in strict control? I am not your wife!"

Liu Muqiao grinned and said, "It's not true now, but that doesn't mean it won't be true in the future, right?"

The woman gave him a hard look.

When I returned to the hotel, someone brought me food soon.

The food is good.

One portion of stir-fried beef with millet and pepper, one portion of braised pork, a bowl of bitter vegetable soup, a plate of pea sprouts, a small bowl of chicken and mushroom soup, and two bowls of white rice.

Looking at this exquisite dish, Liu Maqiao devoured more than half of it.

However, a person, in a place like this, is a bit eerie and calm.

After lying on the bed for a while, I thought of Military Master Liang and the others again.

Will there be any information about them?

He held his mobile phone and couldn't help but want to open it, just to see if there was any information.

I hesitated for a moment.

Although the woman warned him, he still couldn't help it.

The phone is on.

No information.

Suddenly, the phone rang.

Liu Muqiao was startled.

An unknown phone call.

"Hahahaha, you finally turned on your phone! Listen! I want you to help someone see a doctor. Get ready in ten minutes. Don't play tricks. Pack your bags and we'll set off as soon as we arrive."

The voice on the phone was very domineering. It was obvious that they had detected the specific location of Liu Muqiao just a moment ago.

What to do?

Liu Muqiao had a premonition that this time he would go to see a doctor abroad.

Will you jump into the wolf's den?

Xie Min said that she must not go abroad.

This warning is correct. It is beyond your reach to go abroad. The reason why Zhao Yilin did not come back for so long is because it is too difficult to go abroad.

Liu Muqiao was not polite and said loudly: "You can treat the disease, but the patient must be sent to Jingcheng Hospital."

"Boy, this is not up to you."

"It's up to me whether the doctor will cure you or not. I don't want to. Even if you beat me to death, I won't cure you."

"Don't be nagging! Get ready quickly! Let's go right away."

Liu Muqiao turned off the machine, dragged his luggage, and ran around the yard in a panic for a long time. After a while, he was lost.

Where is this?

There are big trees all around, and you can't tell the difference between east, west and north.

Leave again?

I feel at a loss when I leave.

He decided not to leave.

This chapter has been completed!
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