Chapter 331 You are lucky to meet me

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 Come to the bedside.

"Uncle Zhou, how do you feel?"

Liu Miqiao was neatly dressed in a white lab coat. On his badge, there were three characters "Acting Director" written on it. The patient could tell at a glance that both the deputy director and the director were here today.

"Much better."

"In the future, you must quit headache powder. You have not only migraines, but also addictive headaches, so you must make up your mind not to take them. You can't take cold medicines either. Just take a sleep and your vascular headaches will be cured."

Yes." Liu Muqiao said.

With that said, Liu Miqiao did a simple check.

"I'll be discharged from the hospital the day after tomorrow, and I'll take the medicine back for a week."

"Thank you Dr. Liu."

Arriving at bed No. 2, the patient is seriously ill, suffering from subarachnoid hemorrhage and severe headache. He is currently under sedation.

Liu Muqiao carefully conducted a physical examination and said to Liu Muqiao: "Strengthening blood vessel dilation and preventing vasospasm is the key. How much measurement was used?"

"Nimodipine 300 mg." Liu Jianxin said.

"Three times, 900 mg." Liu Miqiao said.

"Ah! So many?"

"Yes, the measurement must be large, otherwise it is useless to just scratch the surface. Only by suppressing vasospasm in one fell swoop can complications be effectively reduced."

Liu Muqiao pushed up his glasses and firmly eliminated Liu Jianxin's concerns.

Liu Jianxin has never dared to use such a large dose to dilate blood vessels. Aren't you worried about further bleeding?

Liu Muqiao smiled and continued: "Every disease, at different stages, has key problems, which are what we usually call the main contradiction. Only by solving the main contradiction can the problem be solved. Now, the body's stress response is vasospasm, which can cause

Large-area infarction. You said that infarction is also death, and bleeding is also death. The chance of death from infarction is 40%, and the chance of death from hemorrhage is 0.6%. Which treatment method do you choose?"

Liu Jianxin is thinking about it. There is no such data in textbooks and I have never heard of it in magazines. You don’t take it for granted, do you?

He didn't dare to ask, and he didn't ask.

Recently, Liu Muqiao has been almost absolutely correct. So far, no one has found any mistakes in him. Compared with Zhao Yilin, he doesn't know how smart he is.

No need to ask, he must be right.

The third patient.

"Lao Zhou, is your dizziness better?"

This bed is for a patient with insufficient blood supply from the vertebral artery.

The main symptom is dizziness, very severe vertigo.

"It's better, but I'm still a little dizzy."

"Well, yes, there is indeed no specific medicine. It can only dilate the cerebral blood vessels and enhance the blood supply to the brain. After the onset of the disease, you will feel dizzy for a week to two weeks. Don't worry, it will be easier to deal with once you understand the pattern of the disease.

While talking, Liu Miqiao grabbed the patient's cervical spine and massaged it for a while.

"Better, better." the patient said quickly.

"It also has something to do with your cervical spine problems. From now on, if you write the word 'dung' with your head every day, the frequency of attacks will decrease."

"Some people say write rice."

"You can write the character "rice", it just has one purpose, the head has to move in all directions. It can also be written "dung", "rice", or "tian".

When we arrived at the bedside of the fourth patient, the patient was new.

"Where is Director Zhao?" He is an old patient and has stayed in the hospital under Zhao Yilin many times. He asked about Zhao Yilin as soon as he came here.

"Now we are Dr. Liu and Director Liu." Liu Jianxin pointed at Liu Miqiao and said.

The patient frowned and said, "Are you also a director?"

Obviously, this is a big question.

Doctors are becoming more and more experienced, and the older they are, the higher their professional titles.

Dr. Liu?

Is a doctorate great? A doctorate is amazing?

The patient couldn't help but frown hard. His nephew was a doctor, and in his eyes, it was nothing but bullshit.

"Can you cure diseases?"

Liu Muqiao didn't say much. He picked up the CT film on the bedside and looked at it carefully.

"What is the admission diagnosis?" Liu Maqiao asked Liu Jianxin.

"Lacunar infarction. Cerebral arteriosclerosis." Liu Jianxin said.

"After a puncture, I suspect it is Ca." Liu Maqiao said.

"What? You said I have cancer?" Unexpectedly, the patient understood and protested loudly, "If you don't know how to treat a doctor, just stop making random guesses, okay? Where is your Director Zhao Yilin? I don't want you to see it, I want your Director Zhao to see it.


Liu Miqiao let him finish, and then said: "Uncle, let me tell you, there is a small lesion on your CT film. I suspect it is cancer. However, it is very early and the treatment is very simple. It only requires a gamma knife."

, just take a photo and do a biopsy. If it’s not, then don’t you feel relieved?”

"I don't believe it. How could I get cancer? You little brat, what do you know?"

Liu Muqiao made a face.

This is my own fault.

You shouldn't discuss your condition at the bedside. Although you say Ca, others understand you. You can't blame them for being more knowledgeable.

Now that the patient already knows, let's lay out the cards and let the patient actively cooperate. Maybe the bad thing will turn into a good thing.

"Old Zhang, don't get excited, let's calm down, okay? You were originally here to treat a cerebral infarction, and suddenly you found a tumor in your head. This is not a bad thing, it's a good thing. Think about it, when you have a headache and are paralyzed

, if you go to see a doctor again, it will be too late by then. Now it is in the early stage and it can be cured."

The patient hesitated for a while and seemed to be less resistant, "You said it's early stage?"

"Yes, early days."

"Is there a cure?"

"Well, there is a cure."

"But it's also cancer in the early stage! I don't believe it. I don't believe it. How could I get cancer? It's still in my mind. I definitely don't believe it. I exercise every day and it's impossible to get cancer..."

The patient is somewhat out of control.

Liu Muqiao waved to his family.

"You comfort him and tell him that this cancer is in its early stage. It is very difficult to detect it so early. He is very lucky to have found it early. I suggest that he do a biopsy today. I will do it myself and diagnose it early. He can definitely do this with Gamma Knife."

.You can search on Baidu to find out what Gamma Knife is. The treatment is very easy."

Liu Muqiao did not freeze here, and then read bed after bed, correcting 3 diagnoses and revising 7 medical orders.

After Liu Muqiao had revised the medical orders and was about to go to the intensive care unit, Lao Zhang, who had brain cancer just now, came to Liu Muqiao accompanied by his family members.

"I'm sorry, Dr. Liu, don't be angry, I had a bad attitude just now."

"It doesn't matter. It was me who was wrong. How about it? You figured it out?"

"Am I really early?"

Liu Muqiao nodded and said: "Yes, early stage, very early stage. It can be said that if another doctor had discovered it, he would not have been able to find it. It just so happens that I am more knowledgeable about CT films. That is to say, I am better than others when looking at the films.

,So, you are really lucky to have met me."

The patient smiled in surprise.


"Really, how about we just do a biopsy today?"

"How is a biopsy done?"

Liu Miqiao pointed to his head, "From here, insert a very thin needle, take some tissue from the brain tissue, and take it out for testing to determine whether it is cancer."

"Ah!" When the patient heard this, how could he still stand firm? His feet went weak and he collapsed on the ground.

This chapter has been completed!
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