Chapter 361 How can you leave your life to him?

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 Regarding traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine, Liu Miqiao does not have any specific views at all. He believes that it is practical.

Besides, Liu Muqiao has also mastered acupuncture and massage in traditional Chinese medicine, and his skills are still in the top ten, on par with Qingyunzi. Do you think he will deny traditional Chinese medicine?

Professor Long, on the other hand, is a person who admires Chinese medicine very much, and it is impossible for him to deny Chinese medicine.

However, Xia Minnan and Kuang Shihui are repulsive to Liu Miqiao and Professor Long. They are not repelling Western medicine, but they are repelling those who practice Western medicine to come to TCM.

This is understandable.

When people who practice Western medicine try Chinese medicine, they will first apply Western medicine theory and look for answers from Western medicine theory.

For example, Gastrodia elata has the effect of treating hemiplegia. Western medicine practitioners will consider isolating hemiplegia-treating molecules from Gastrodia elata and refining them for clinical use.

Traditional Chinese medicine does not recognize the role of a single medicine. The prescriptions are based on monarch, minister, adjuvant, and envoy. Several medicines are combined together to have the greatest therapeutic effect.

Later, Xia Minnan and others pointed the finger at Liu Miqiao, and they denied Liu Miqiao's "Huatuo Regeneration Pill".

They think "Huatuo Regeneration Pill" is a hoax.

Xia Minnan said loudly: "Traditional Chinese medicine must be personalized. Only by prescribing medicine that suits a specific person based on what he sees, hears, hears and understands can he treat the disease. Your 'Huatuo Regeneration Pill' is the same, without dialectics. It is a prescription that completely violates traditional Chinese medicine."

Principle, just messing around!"

Liu Muqiao could only shake his head.

He thought, according to your theory, then all Chinese patent medicines are just nonsense?

Kuang Shihui was even more excited. He said loudly: "Now, what are you doing with Chinese patent medicines! That is complete nonsense. I am firmly opposed to the transformation of Chinese medicine into Western medicine. We Chinese medicine practitioners will die on this road in the future!"

Liu Muqiao saw that the neck tendons of the two old Chinese medicine doctors were as thick as a finger. He was afraid that they would have a cerebral hemorrhage and did not want to discuss this issue with them.

This issue cannot be discussed clearly by just a few people, not to mention that there are many people who say they want to eliminate traditional Chinese medicine. If we continue to discuss it, it may hurt our feelings.

"Boss, although I, Liu Muqiao, have only a superficial understanding of traditional Chinese medicine, I have some experience in massage and I would like to ask you for some advice." Liu Muqiao stood up and said.

"Do you know how to massage?"

Kuang Shihui is very skeptical.

He has not been practicing massage for too long. In China, he mainly treated spleen and stomach diseases, and massage was just a side job. Later, when he came to Adi Country, he fully engaged in massage.

Even so, he believes that his level of massage and acupuncture will not be inferior to many people in China. There is no problem at all in being an expert and provincial massage master.

Now a young man with a big butt actually said that he has experience in massage. He really wants to cry.

"Here, help me do a cervical spine massage." Kuang Shihui gave her neck to Liu Miqiao.

Liu Muqiao was very particular about taking out the hand sanitizer he carried with him and disinfected his hands.

Then, he put his hand on Kuang Shihui's cervical spine.


A scream.

Xia Minnan was startled, "Don't mess around!"

"Hiss-ah-oh!" Kuang Shihui's voice changed from time to time, making Xia Minnan wonder what was going on.

Suddenly, Kuang Shihui cried "Wow" and burst into tears.

Xia Minnan was shocked and asked hurriedly: "Lao Kuang, what's wrong with you?"

Kuang Shihui waved his hand, meaning don’t disturb me.

Liu Muqiao did not stop.

He tried his best, rolling, buckling, pinching, pushing...

Kuang Shihui looked like she was enjoying herself very much.

"Lao Kuang, what are you..." Xia Minnan was still worried.

"You should try it too. It's so enjoyable. I help others all day long, but it turns out I'm coaxing foreigners! Tomorrow, I'll pack up and go back to find a better traditional Chinese medicine hospital for further study." Kuang Shihui said.

Just in time, Liu Muqiao finished it, 5 minutes, simple version.

If we make a 15-minute enhanced version, Kuang Shihui will really fly back to study.

"It's amazing, Dr. Liu. Your massage is the real massage. Mine is completely deceiving foreigners. You can teach me, otherwise I will really learn the art again. But, how many years does it take to learn it?"

, can I still move?"

Liu Muqiao knew that Kuang Shihui's level was actually just a little better than Director Peng. Compared with Professor Pan, he was not even a level lower.

Because, Liu Muqiao just got a treasure box - a poor elementary treasure box.

Xia Minnan said: "Come on, let me give it a try. Dr. Liu, you can do it for me, and Master Kuang can do it for me too. I will know which one of you has done it well by comparing it."

Liu Maqiao, a young man who didn't know how to be subtle, really showed his ability and pushed Xia Minnan's cervical spine. "Ah!" A happy voice told Kuang Shihui clearly.

Do I need to say who is more powerful?


Xia Minnan was enjoying herself beautifully, but she thought to herself, isn't this baby here to cause trouble - to cause trouble for our Chinese medicine practitioners?

Kuang Shihui has become very decadent. She has been complacent in the past few years. It turns out that compared with a novice, she is not on the same level. What should she do in the future?

Go back to study art?


At my current age, I can still learn to knit!

Return to China?

Return to your country to see a clinic?

Do you still want to return to China at this level?

Forget it, there are no competitors abroad, so forget it about coaxing foreigners here.

Anyway, they have so much money that they are stupid.

I’m not going back. I’m just learning the art again and talking about it.

However, the opportunity cannot be missed. If you ask Dr. Liu to teach you, if you learn from such a master, you will definitely make a lot of progress. Maybe you will suddenly have an "epiphany"?

Traditional Chinese medicine has this kind of study method. You can practice medicine for a lifetime, and suddenly one day you will have an epiphany and become a great doctor.

So, after Liu Muqiao helped Xia Minnan perform cervical spine massage, he pestered Liu Muqiao to learn the technique.

Liu Muqiao was not stingy and explained the essence of massage. Kuang Shihui was so excited that he danced with excitement.

So valuable!

However, due to Kuang Shihui's limited level, it was a pity that Liu Miqiao's two hours were spent, and he gained at most 10 to 20%.

They dispersed in the early morning when Professor Long wanted to go to bed.

The next day, Liu Muqiao and Professor Long came to the demonstration classroom of Royal Hospital No. 1, and Mohe's medical team officially wanted to inspect him.

This is also a necessary procedure.

Even if Liu Muqiao is determined to be the surgeon, he will explain the surgical technique and accept consultation and questioning.

There is one more task today. The experts and family members in the audience will decide whether Liu Miqiao can be the surgeon.

Judging from the current situation, the possibility of Liu Miqiao being the surgeon is very small, and most people prefer Professor Long to be the surgeon.

When Liu Muqiao sat down at the Q&A chair, there was a loud bang and a commotion at the judges' table.

"How can this work! You're too young!"

"Impossible! I'm still a student!"

"Professor Long, isn't this joke too big?"

"How can the prince's life be left in his hands?"

"The consultation can be cancelled. He is too young."


Although the language of the discussion is not English and I cannot understand it, you can guess what they are talking about from their expressions.

Liu Muqiao didn't have much trouble. It was all expected. There was no need to be anxious. They would accept it slowly.

Today will be difficult, but don’t worry, you should be able to convince them.

This chapter has been completed!
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