Chapter 371 An unexpected situation thousands of miles away

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 Professor Long has performed many surgeries here, and his patients are all businessmen and political figures.

To be honest, Professor Long also really wants to get an honor.

For many years, no one thought of giving him this honor. Today, it is even more impossible. He has no outstanding performance.

However, it is also necessary to witness Liu Muqiao’s glorious moment and take a photo together.

He sat in the car while meditating, looking at the street scene.

Bangtai and Bing were sitting in another car.

They are also invited.

Bangtai was hired as a visiting professor by the National University School of Medicine five years ago. He also teaches two classes every year, both for master's and doctoral students.

Bonta doesn't take this thing very seriously. He has so many titles on his head that he can't even count them. There are about 60 important titles.

Among them, his most important title is academician of the Royal Academy of Sciences, followed by rotating chairman of the World Association for Pancreatic Surgery.

Regardless of the rotating chairmanship, as the top spot in the pancreatic industry, there are only three people who can sit in the pancreas field in the past ten years. He, Teng Ce, and White Yang.

They take turns taking charge.

It seems that in the next ten years, another person will be added, Liu Maqiao is coming with great force!

"Bing, starting from next week, you can go out." Bangta turned his head and said to Bing.

Bing was surprised.

How did this moment come so quickly?

In fact, he had been looking forward to this day for a long time, but he didn't dare to bring it up.

Bangtai is a big mountain pressing on his head.

Originally, Bing was qualified to make flying knives two years ago.

However, Bonta did not say that Bonta needed him to stay at home, and the pancreas center at home needed a pillar. If he went out, Bonta would have to stay at home.

Besides, the pancreas market is almost monopolized by a few of them. Anyone who steps in will be regarded as an enemy.

Today, Bangtai suddenly suggested that it must be related to Liu Muqiao.

"The teacher means..."

"This world doesn't belong to me, Tengce, White and Yang. You should come in and share the pie. If it's too late, you won't have a chance. Based on your strength, you were originally the leader of the second echelon.

Character, your ability is slightly stronger than Professor Long. However, in the medical field, the differences are very subtle. When you come out, our team will have one more person, and the competition share will be one more. At least, we can suppress it.

Teng Ce. As for Liu Muqiao, we can't suppress him. Since we can't suppress him, we might as well list him as an ally."

Bing thought about it, yes, what the teacher said was so good!

The first camp was originally composed of Teng Ce, Bang Tai, and White Yang. The three of them are in the supply-side market. They are very high-profile and reject many surgeries every year.

The supply of these three doctors exceeds the demand, so there is room for survival in the second tier. Even Professor Long, who ranks around 10 in the second tier, has a lot of overseas surgeries to perform.

Now, Liu Muqiao has suddenly emerged. Once he enters this market, he is destined to be in the first echelon. Then, the market in the past has been disturbed and the balance has been broken.

Bangtai plans to put Bing into the first tier.

In this way, there are five people who have broken the past supply and demand relationship. In a certain period of time, supply will exceed demand, and the market needs to grab it.

Bring Liu Muqiao over to be your allies, take care of each other, recommend each other, and save each other, so that you can survive well in this space from now on.

"Teacher, are you okay with me flying solo?" Bing said.

"It will never be possible to rest assured. Today, you said that the abdominal aorta was ruptured. If Liu Maqiao was not here, would there be a second possibility?" Bangtai said.


There are always surprises in surgery.

Who is sure that there will be no problems?

Bangtai has experienced aortic rupture and bleeding three times, and all three times, the patients ended up dead. In addition, he has one or two surgeries every year that he cannot perform, and finally give up halfway.

Similarly, Teng Ce is no exception. He has also had failures in this area.

"Bing, you can't stay at home anymore. I'll start packaging you when I get back and make you a first-class expert. You have to be prepared to do flying knives outside 3 or 4 times a week. You, try to do 4, 4 times a week.

5 surgeries, sometimes 2 surgeries a day. It will be very hard."

"Teacher, I am not afraid of hard work. I remember, teacher, your highest record was to fly to 3 countries in one day and perform 5 operations. You are my role model."

"Well, very good. At home, I'm going to let Xiao take over your hand. Have you noticed his progress?"

"Teacher, don't you think John is better?"

"I'm more optimistic about Xiao!"

"Okay then, listen to you, teacher."


The group arrived at the small auditorium of Adi National University. The special envoy of the Minister of Education personally led the way, and they went to the lounge next to the small auditorium.

Here, there are a lot of documents to sign.

As an honorary doctorate and a visiting professor, Liu Muqiao will enter the annals of history forever, and these materials will be preserved forever in the university archives.


At this time, in Beijing, a very common surgery was in crisis.

The incident happened at the Pancreatic Surgery Department of Lu General Hospital. An ordinary patient suddenly discovered that the tumor could not be removed during the pancreatic cancer surgery.

The tumor tissue infiltrated into the abdominal aorta.

There are two options now, one is to give up the operation, and the other is to hire foreign aid.

The first option is very cruel, that is to announce that the patient will pass away in about one month, and the process will be painful and irreversible.

The second option is to ask an outside hospital. After much deliberation, the doctor in charge, Hu Junjun, thinks that even if he invites Professor Long back, he probably won’t be able to get it.

Professor Long has worked here for 37 years.

However, there is one person, Liu Miqiao, who may be able to undergo the operation.

Contact us now.

However, what was shocking was that Liu Miqiao was still far away in Adi Country, and he would have to wait until early morning tomorrow to fly back.

It’s time to tell the truth to the patient’s family.

The final choice must be decided by the family.

The first assistant got off the operating table and told the patient's family about the patient's current condition.

The patient's family members were stunned for a while, and finally responded, "Wait, even if you wait for one day, we will ask for the operation to be taken down!"

How cruel it is to watch a hopeless patient die day by day!

Therefore, even if it is 1% hope, we must make one hundred percent effort.

The surgeon looked at the electronic clock on the wall and saw that the operation would last 8 to 10 hours, which would be a very difficult task.

But besides Liu Muqiao, who else can win it?

Maybe if they change to another hospital, they will choose other professors, several other professors who are as famous as Professor Long, but Lu General Hospital will not.

They are very aware of Professor Long's level. The patient in front of them is very special. His tumor has penetrated into the abdominal aorta.

The risk of dissection is that the aorta will be removed and the patient will die on the spot.

The doctor who performed the surgery was Professor Long’s direct disciple Hu Junjun.

He learned from Professor Long that there was only one possibility for China's future leader in pancreatic surgery, and Liu Miqiao was the best choice.

This chapter has been completed!
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