Chapter 422 Difficult film reading

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 Smith was the host, and he briefly introduced the main participants. Today, it is up to them to decide whether the surgical plan designed by Liu Maqiao and others can be passed.

There are 7 boss-level characters. Tom is not among these 7. He is a super boss.

There are three such super bosses in the Neurological Center of Hopkins Hospital, and the other two are relatively rare. It is difficult for them to attend such a discussion together.

The other two are both in their nineties.

With such a super boss participating, we already take it very seriously.

However, today’s occasion also requires such a super boss.

Neurology, isn’t brainstem puncture a super heavyweight technology?

Originally, the other two super bosses were also planning to participate, but were stopped by the hospital's senior management.

These precious characters are not easily disturbed.

In the end, the hospital decided to let Tom come out and take care of the situation.

Today's procedure is that Liu Muqiao reads out the surgical design plan, other experts raise questions, and finally the seven big guys vote to decide whether the plan can be passed.

Super Boss Tom does not participate in the voting, he only plays a supervisory role.

Liu Muqiao read the text according to the script, and the pictures were printed on the screen. There was no need to explain, there were text descriptions on them.

"The route you take to insert the needle - the theoretical route - has to pass through a nerve nucleus, the cough center. If there is a slight deviation, the cough center will be stimulated, and the patient's reaction will be a violent cough. We all know that at this time, the patient cannot have the slightest emotion.

Mobile. Don’t you think the risk is very high? What is your response?”

House, one of the 7 giants, asked the question first.

Their research on the brain is almost to the millimeter level, and they have studied every part and every nerve nucleus in depth.

Only this kind of research can find out the pathogenesis of the disease and find a treatment. For example, in Parkinson's disease, there is a problem with the reflex arc of the globus pallidus and the subthalamic nucleus, which ultimately leads to a decrease in dopamine secretion and tremors.

Successfully studying the functions of the globus pallidus and the subthalamic nucleus revealed the principle of a disease and found a treatment method.

The big guys at Hopkins Hospital have inherited the spirit of their ancestors and have done very in-depth basic research.

This question gets to the point.

Liu Miqiao's expert neurology knowledge was still enough to cope with it, and he said seriously: "There is no way to deal with it. However, I will not touch the cough center."

"How do you ensure that the cough center is not touched?"

"Because, as I said, my puncture technique is very precise and there will be no deviation."

"Even a 0.5mm deviation can cause problems."

"In brainstem puncture, I will not have a deviation of 0.5 mm. I know that an error of more than 0.5 mm in brainstem puncture is sometimes fatal."

"You can definitely do it?"


"But, I noticed that you penetrated blindly."

"Yes, I performed the blind puncture on the basis of familiarity with CT and MRI films, and I am more confident than under CT guidance."

Another professor interrupted their argument.

He said: "Since you said that there will be no deviation in your puncture, then I don't need to question other issues, such as the damage to the communicating arteries, because you rejected all our questions and doubts in one sentence.


Liu Muqiao nodded slightly, "I'm sorry, I'm not arrogant. My brainstem puncture technology is precisely based on this skill of mine. Otherwise, I would not dare to carry out brainstem puncture."


7 Professors, you look at me and I look at you.

Can this kind of review meeting continue?

After a while, a tall professor spoke.

"It is a wrong idea for you to abandon CT guidance. CT guidance is carried out under visual conditions. If there is any danger, it can be discovered in time. As for your blind puncture, there is no way to avoid the danger. I do not approve of your blind penetration.


Liu Muqiao rolled his eyes. The words he explained were the same as before. He really didn't want to repeat them again.

He didn't answer.

The professor didn't ask further questions, he already knew the answer.

fell into silence again.

The professors don’t know what questions to ask.

If it was Liu Miqiao's puncture, and the theoretical needle insertion route could be followed, there would really be no problem to raise.

The problem is that blind penetration, even under CT guidance, does not cause errors. How can this be achieved?

They have all read Liu Muqiao's paper.

In the paper, the success rate of brainstem puncture is very high. Although there are 7 death cases, they are all caused by the disease itself.

However, everyone knows that papers can be faked.

Data can be modified.

Someone asked Liu Muqiao another question.

"How did you master this unparalleled piercing technique?"

Of course Liu Miqiao couldn't tell the truth, and no one believed him. He said: "Maybe it's his talent. After I read the CT films, a three-dimensional figure was formed in my mind, which was transparent. In this way, the puncture became very easy."
"You are very knowledgeable about CT films and MRI?"

Liu Muqiao nodded and said, "Yes."

"To what extent?"

"At least expert level or above."

"Oh?" Many voices expressed surprise or disbelief.

Imaging knowledge is very profound, and after reaching a certain level, it is difficult to improve.


Are you better than the experts?

What is that concept?

"Can I give it a try?" a professor asked.

"Give it a try? Do you mean film reading? Yes. I read films and like to watch films that are a bit difficult." Liu Muqiao said.

"Okay." The professor made a call to a well-known professor in the imaging department.

After 10 minutes, a short bald white man came in.

Holding two films in hand.

"Professor Thomas, please sit down." Professor Smith quickly stood up to greet him.

Thomas is another big shot at Hopkins. His ability to read images is very powerful and he is a big shot in imaging.

He was holding two very difficult CT films and an MRI film in his hand. He was the only one in the whole hospital who could read this film correctly.

"Mr. Liu Miqiao, please take a look at these two pictures." Thomas thought to himself, if you can see the problem in this picture, I will eat these two pictures alive.

You must know that Thomas is an absolute authority internationally. In the imaging academic world, there are 10 big names. His reputation is among the 10 big names, and his name is at the top.

Liu Muqiao watched the film carefully for 20 minutes.

The film is shown on the screen and can be seen by everyone.

Many people won’t bother after watching it for 3 minutes.

Only a few big-shot characters watched it for more than 10 minutes.

Tom put on his reading glasses and read for 15 minutes.

Zhao Yilin also looked at it carefully for 10 minutes and really couldn't see any problems.

This is a typical CT film and MRI film of a normal person. To say it is abnormal, is there a small gray shadow in the frontal lobe? Is there something wrong with it?

Too reluctant.

If you deliberately look for questions like this, you will never find a formal answer.

Could it be that this is a normal film?


This is the real problem.

This chapter has been completed!
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