Chapter 436 Another unique skill

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 The operation was going on very hard.

It is really necessary to give up the operation. The entire pelvic cavity and the left half are basically stuck together. Not to mention the omentum, intestines, and even the abdominal wall are all made of bricks.

Professor Long sighed.

There is still a gap between what he expected.

"Forget it." Zhang Jun suggested.

"Don't worry, let me see how long the rectum is without being infiltrated." Professor Long insisted.

"The problem is, the rectum is buried deep, how to get in?" Zhang Jun has no choice. In their department, they just give up on such adhesions.

Current visual inspection shows that the rectum, colon, omentum, part of the ileum, and jejunum have all been infiltrated.

Even if they can be separated, one surgery will require several changes.

The small intestine needs to be anastomotic, but it is not known how much of the small intestine is infiltrated, and the anastomosis needs to be performed in several segments.

Secondly, the colon and rectum need to be anastomosed. It is difficult to say whether there is any left rectum. If not, then an ostomy will be done.

In colorectal cancer surgery, few doctors will try this kind of surgery, not only because of the difficulty, but also because of the value.

It is difficult to clean the local area, not to mention the problem of long-distance metastasis. The probability of recurrence after surgery is 99%. Why should the patient suffer this hardship?

Of course, since the operation has been performed, giving up now and doing nothing is not the best option. If you give up like this, the patient will soon have difficulty in passing stool and suffer from infarction. At the very least, he should be given a palliative operation on the abdominal wall now.

An ostomy can relieve the problem of intestinal obstruction.

If this is the case, there is also a problem. After the operation, when the patient wakes up and finds a fistula in his stomach, you can imagine how he will feel.

Never give up until you have to.

Professor Long continues to separate.

The bleeding increased significantly.

Separate and stop bleeding at the same time.

It was difficult to separate and stop the bleeding, and the entire operation progressed very slowly.

Liu Muqiao watched from the side, and he had to admire Professor Long's persistence.

When the surgery reaches this level, many people will choose to give up and just create a fistula on the abdominal wall.

The patient's family can understand that the surgery is so difficult.

However, Professor Long is making a last-ditch effort.

Even if there is a glimmer of hope, he will not give up.

Liu Muqiao is not ready to open the high-end treasure box yet.

To be on the safe side, he must choose to open it when Professor Long is in despair. Only in this case can the most practical item be opened.

"Professor Long, give up and do an ostomy surgery." Zhang Jun reminded.

Professor Long sounded very uncomfortable. At this time, if you don’t encourage me, you always pour cold water on me. What’s your attitude? Where is your professionalism?

He held back his anger.

Besides, it's hard for him to get angry, because after a while, he may really have to do an ostomy surgery.

After doing it for a while, Professor Long sighed.

"Can I still do it?" Liu Maqiao asked.

"It looks like I can't do it anymore," Professor Long said.

"If there are still a few centimeters left in the rectum, is it necessary to do it?" Liu Muqiao asked.

"Yes, but now, the rectum is buried deep and cannot be detected at all." Professor Long threw the scissors back into the instrument tray in frustration.

"Forget it, we won't do it. Invite the family members to come in and take a look and ask them to sign their consent to give up the operation." Professor Long said to the traveling nurse.

The time has come.

Liu Miqiao put out the golden treasure box, stretched out his right hand, and pressed hard on the spring lock, and a big book appeared in front of him.

"Encyclopedia of Colorectal Surgery - Master Level, with 30,000 Cases".

8The pages of a one-foot-thick book are constantly turning.

Pleasant currents were conducted throughout the body, flowing into the bone marrow and cells. This kind of joy was completely indescribable. Liu Miqiao was immersed in this joy that was difficult to express in words.

Three whole minutes.

Professor Long and Zhang Jun looked at Liu Miqiao with horrified eyes.

"What are you doing?"

Liu Muqiao woke up with a start and quickly covered it up, "I suddenly discovered a very simple solution."

"What?" Professor Long said.

"A method of en bloc resection." Liu Maqiao said.

"En bloc resection?"

"Yes, no matter what, if you remove all the adhesions, there is no need to separate them at all."

"Then, do various anastomosis?"


"It's you! How can there be such a technique?"

There really is no such technique.

However, it is in Liu Muqiao's big book.

This is the ultimate surgery for rectal cancer. In his knowledge base, there are a total of 10 cases of this kind of surgery, 4 survived in 3 years and 3 survived in 5 years. Overall, the results are pretty good.

"Professor Long, please let me perform this operation. I am confident that I can perform it."

"You? What did you say before the operation? Didn't you say that you couldn't do it? Didn't you say that you had never done any colorectal cancer surgery? Why did you suddenly know it again?" Professor Long said in surprise.

"This time, that time." Liu Muqiao reluctantly answered. It's really hard to explain.

"An hour ago, an hour later, you told me one moment and the other?" Professor Long was angry, "Why did you lie to me? Can't we be more sincere between us?"

Liu Muqiao said nothing in reply.

I had to say: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

Professor Long hesitated for a while, still very angry, but after all, he was a person with experience. After a while, he said: "You can do it. I have a hunch that you can do it."

Liu Muqiao was a little surprised that he agreed so quickly.

Zhang Jun still couldn't believe it, "Professor Long, do you believe him like this?"

Professor Long said: "You don't have to believe in anything, but you have to believe in Liu Miqiao. He said it will happen, and it will definitely happen, and it's not just an ordinary yes. Just watch."

Liu Muqiao took over the surgeon's care and quickly performed a radical resection.

Seeing Liu Miqiao's drastic resection, Professor Long had a flash of inspiration in his mind. Yes, this is an excellent method. Don't look at the intestines tangled up in the stomach, it is difficult to figure out the clues. Once you take away the unwanted things

After leaving, the rest is actually very simple.

Sure enough, Liu Miqiao quickly removed the mess of adhesions from the abdominal cavity.


The entire abdominal cavity suddenly became clear.

I am very lucky that 9 cm of my rectum is not infiltrated.

Professor Long counted and found that the jejunum has become 3 segments, the ileum has become 4 segments, and the large intestine has 2 segments. There are a total of 6 anastomoses to be done.

Anastomosis is not a problem for Liu Miqiao or Professor Long, and the possibility of intestinal fistula formation is very small.

There is no rush to get married now.

Cleaning is the key.

Although this patient's intestinal adhesions are very serious and there are some lymphatic adhesions, the actual infiltration is not much more serious than that of ordinary late-stage intestinal cancer.

The more I do, the more confident I become.

While he was doing it, he was searching for ancient recipes in his mind.

Well, soon an ancient recipe came out.

Chinese medicines appeared one after another in the prescription: Scutellaria barbata, Aesculus aesculata, Forsythia suspensa, Sophora flavescens, Polygonum cuspidatum, Desmodium...

Searched for efficacy again.

Good guy, the 5-year survival rate of simple traditional Chinese medicine treatment has reached 60%, which is a very high efficacy.

This chapter has been completed!
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