Chapter 456 You bite me

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 This first month is very lively.

Two TCM outpatient clinics suddenly popped up in Antai Hospital, attracting a large number of patients seeking TCM treatment.

One is the "Liu Miqiao Neurology Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic" opened last year. Qian Hao is the chief physician, and his two apprentices, young doctors imported from Qingjiang Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, serve as his assistants.

Check 80 accounts every day.

The second clinic is the "Liu Miqiao Rheumatism Specialist Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic" opened a few days ago this year. The attending doctor is Qian Jiafu, and there are also two young doctors who study traditional Chinese medicine as his assistants.

Check 80 accounts every day.

However, the registration at the outpatient clinic of Qian Sili, a master of traditional Chinese medicine in the first attachment of traditional Chinese medicine, suddenly became a little loose.

In the past, his number one role was hard to find.

Ever since Qian Hao's outpatient clinic opened, he has become more relaxed here. Especially after Liu Miqiao recently opened a second outpatient clinic, it has become even more relaxed to call him.

In the past, it took a month to register an account in advance, but now it only takes a week, sometimes three days, in advance.

This is not a good sign.

In the past, to register with old guy Kumamoto Yoshi, you had to make a reservation six months in advance. Now that it’s in your own hands, this bustling scene is a bit like late spring.

The feeling of flowers falling.

What is particularly hateful is that Kumamotoji started seeing a doctor again.

3 times a week, 15 numbers each time.

Although only 45 patients are consumed every week, these 45 patients are a signal flare, telling everyone that Jiangdong Province not only has one Qian Sili, but also an even more powerful Kumamotoji.

What's even worse is that in terms of curative effect, many of his patients had poor curative effects and recovered within a week after arriving at Antai Hospital.

This is a very headache.

These are all good things done by the old guy!

He vented his anger on the old man, but there was nothing he could do about it. Now, when the old man sees a doctor, there will always be two apprentices by his side, one to help him copy prescriptions and write medical records, and the other to help him take care of his life.

It's hard to tell whether he is doing this to guard against money.

How to deal with Xiong Benji, Qian Sili pointed his gun at Liu Muqiao.

Recently, he filed a lawsuit against Liu Muqiao, accusing him of illegally practicing medicine.

This case is not settled yet.

Qian Sili hoped to go through the court to convict Liu Miqiao of illegally practicing medicine, and it would be best to ban him from entering the medical industry. However, the law enforcement brigade loves money, and they wanted to fine Liu Miqiao's money.

110,000 is not a small number for a law enforcement brigade with only 32 people.

Of course you can't win a fight with money and force, but if you want to be fined, then fine it!

The law enforcement brigade responded to the person who complained, "It's not that we don't punish them, it's that they don't pay."

"Since you are law enforcement officers, if someone refuses to surrender, you just let them go like this? Where is the dignity of your law enforcement brigade?"

Yes, where is the dignity?

They found Liu Muqiao again.

"You are limited to hand over 110,000 yuan to the law enforcement brigade within 24 hours!"

Liu Muqiao grinned, "Is this an ultimatum?"

"That's what it means."

Liu Muqiao smiled and said: "I tell you clearly that I will not hand it over. Since you say that I practice medicine illegally, I also tell you that I have exceeded the scope of your law enforcement. Because I am not a licensed physician, and you enforce the law."

The target audience is practicing doctors."

This is what the hospital lawyer told him.

Besides, even if you go to the police, the most you can get is a reprimand without any consequences. It’s just a violation of the law, not a crime, and detention is not enough.

Of course, it would be troublesome if the Health Bureau puts pressure on it.

Liu Muqiao's violation of the law is not a big problem, but units are more sensitive to administrative pressure. The Health Bureau can put pressure on Director Pi and impose some restrictions on the hospital, which would be troublesome.

However, Liu Muqiao is not worried.

Therefore, the two cadres from the Law Enforcement Brigade who issued the order to Liu Miqiao were dumbfounded when they heard Liu Miqiao's tone. This is a tough nut to crack.

"If you refuse, we will enforce it and you will have to pay a late fee."

Liu Muqiao laughed and said, "Force is force. I want to see how you can force it. As far as I know, force must go through the police. Didn't I say it earlier? I hope you will take the judicial approach.

The two cadres stood up and threw the notice to Liu Miqiao, "If you don't want to drink a toast or drink a fine, that's up to you."

Liu Muqiao picked up the notice, tore it up gently, and said, "I don't like drinking, and I don't drink any wine."

After seeing off the cadres of the law enforcement brigade, Liu Muqiao didn't feel any psychological burden at all. There were so many people begging him, but it would be unreasonable for me, Liu Muqiao, to still lose against a few of your small cadres.

When you are not sick, you don’t want to take a second look at the doctor. Once you are sick, it is good for the doctor to give you one more minute.

The presence of a great doctor like Liu Muqiao in Qingjiang City is a resource anyway, especially for senior figures in Qingjiang City, many of whom are beneficiaries of Liu Muqiao's medical skills.

Over the past few months, Dean Pi has used the back door to send several patients to Liu Miqiao for treatment from time to time. How many of these back door people are not powerful people?

Now, you, a law enforcement brigade, want to touch Liu Muqiao, which is really crazy.

When the captain of the health law enforcement brigade heard the report from the returning cadres, he shouted angrily, "It's against the law! It's really against the law! How can a little doctor not take our law enforcement brigade seriously? Increase the punishment! He must be punished."

Go bankrupt!"

The deputy captain wants to laugh.

However, he will not remind their captain.

He and the captain have never been of the same mind.

He wants to see the captain's excitement.

As a law enforcement agency, understanding the law is the first priority.

However, the current heads of the health law enforcement brigade are basically laymen, neither studying law nor medicine.

As the only deputy captain who studied medicine, Tan Xingfa became a thorn in the captain's side.

Tan Xingfa is a minority in the law enforcement team, he is a marginal figure.

The captain of the law enforcement brigade is a secretary by trade, and he has a good sense of power.

Originally, it doesn’t matter if you don’t understand the major. As long as you listen to the opinions of experts with an open mind, there will be no big problems in your work.

But this man, who has learned a lot of political skills, occupies this position, does not listen to anyone, and leads a few gangsters to run amok.

This time, he rushed towards Liu Muxiao.

Who knows, this sudden rush did not seem to frighten Liu Miqiao.

"Double! Double the fine!"

He yelled at his men.

But, is there a double law?

"Look for the legal provisions. If you don't fear the punishment of Liu Mu, he will not be honest! At least, we must make him obedient and listen to us."

Vice Captain Tan Xingfa found it funny.

He didn't say a word.

The captain waited for a while and saw that his subordinates could not find the corresponding legal provisions. He smiled coldly and said, "You are also studying law. Do you need to find it so hard? Just issue an order and ask Antai Hospital to fire him."<


This method is indeed feasible administratively.

When an employer wants to fire someone, there are many ways.

However, he did not expect that Antai Hospital would fire him?

The captain of the law enforcement brigade called personally and asked Dean Pi to fire Liu Miqiao.

First of all, Dean Pi still held back and explained patiently.

But where can the law enforcement captain listen?

"You must fire him! You can't do it without firing him."

"This is impossible." On the other end of the phone, Dean Pi's tone hardened.

Even if he no longer serves as the dean, it is impossible for Dean Pi to fire Liu Miqiao.

"What, you actually talked to me like this?" The captain was furious.

"What? I'm talking to you like this and you withdraw from me." Pi Yuan was also very angry.

This chapter has been completed!
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