Chapter 56 Xiong Benji

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 No one cares about hypnotism except those students. How can you believe what the students say?

Therefore, the sensation of hypnotism was very short, just a few days, and no one talked about it anymore.

Too mysterious.

Too far away from science.

Fortunately, Liu Muqiao was freed from hypnosis.

However, there was one exception, Kumamotoji. He was basking in the sun on the balcony of the villa. It was a bit hot, but he insisted on sunbathing for a while and supplemented with some vitamin D. It is much better than taking calcium.

He also drinks a cup of yogurt every day.

In the fruit plate, there should be at least three kinds of fruits, all washed cleanly, and they must not contain pesticides or industrial waxes.

For the water in the kettle, he insists on not using plastic, but using special ironware.

The water is real spring water brought specially from halfway up Wanfo Mountain.

He drinks six drinks a day.

He likes green tea and is very wary of fermented things, except of course yogurt and steamed buns.

He has two small bowls of rice every day, which must be Wuchang rice, the authentic kind.

Vegetables are a problem. He only eats seasonal vegetables. He has a special supply channel. He does not grow vegetables in his villa, only flowers and plants.

They are not ordinary flowers and plants, they are all precious Chinese medicines.

Kumamotoji insists on taking Chinese medicine every other day. The prescription changes frequently, and his apprentice helps him prescribe it. He said that he cannot cure his own problems and the effect will not be good.

Kumamoto is over 80 years old. He has no high blood pressure, no diabetes, no bone hyperplasia, no blurred eyesight, no deafness, and still walks 3,000 steps a day.

Now, he insists on outpatient service from Monday to Friday. There are 15 patients, and no one can be more. When seeing a doctor, it is mainly his apprentice who sees and writes a prescription. He takes a look at it, um, it passes, otherwise he will say, what more should be added or subtracted?


15 numbers, one morning, is enough.

The examination is very detailed, the questioning is also very detailed, and it takes longer to take the pulse. Many times, Kumamotoji also takes the pulse.

Therefore, the average time spent on one patient is 15 minutes.

800 yuan per number, worth it.

Sometimes some numbers are released, and the scalpers immediately go out. If they can get 5 numbers in a month, the scalpers should laugh.

In the black market, one account can earn 2,000 yuan.

There is only one such super master in the whole province.

There are very few opportunities to allocate numbers. For the sake of fairness, registration is now made online. It is said that the reservation has been made for one year later.

There are two views on Kumamotoji.

One is the fanaticism among the people, who regard him as a god who can cure all diseases, much more powerful than Hua Tuo and Bian Que back then.

One is in the industry.

People in the industry are more objective. Kumamotoji does have a few skills, and he can solve many diseases that cannot even be diagnosed.

For example, patients with unexplained itching were cured after taking his prescription medicine within a week. Another example was patients with belching and non-stop belching. He also cured a lot of patients. Also, some people had trouble sleeping, and after

Just take the medicine he prescribed and you will be fine.

However, people in the industry see the problem differently. Kumamotoji has cured many such patients, but not all of them can be cured. In other words, there are many individual cases, and the effect in large quantities is not ideal.

For example, someone said that he could cure cancer. However, many cancer patients died after taking the traditional Chinese medicine prescribed by him for several months or years.

People in the industry respect him but are not fanatical about him.

Kumamotoji knows this.

In this life, the thing that bothers him the most is hypnosis.

As for whether he knows hypnosis, even his disciples don't dare to ask.

In the past ten years, I have not heard of Kumamotoji’s hypnosis.

Xiong Benji has not forgotten Liu Miqiao.

"Is there any news from Liu Muqiao?"

"No." His close disciple Qian Sili wanted to inherit his legacy, so he also became Kumamotoji's personal secretary.

"How could it be gone?"

"He spends most of his time in the intensive care unit of the Department of Neurology, and outsiders cannot get close to him."

"Do you think that video is real?"

"It's absolutely true. My apprentice took it personally, so there's nothing wrong with it."

Kumamotoji’s apprentices have also taught master’s students.

"I want to meet this baby, I can't wait."

"Okay, I'll arrange it as soon as possible."

"It would be great if this kid could study Chinese medicine instead. You can help me with the work. I want to pass on all my gains in this life to him."

The apprentice swallowed hard.

"Master, please agree to Mr. Huang's appointment for medical treatment. He has been waiting for three months."

"Well, this afternoon. After I take a nap."

"Okay. I'll notify him right away."

"Oh, by the way, tell him that he wants to give me the fur, so you can help me refuse it. It will make you feel uneasy if you keep this kind of thing at home, and we can't do anything illegal."

"Okay. I'll definitely do it."

Mr. Huang drove very fast, and after only half an hour, he arrived in front of Kumamotoji's villa without disturbing the old man, who was taking a nap.

Xiong Benji’s apprentice Qian Sili received Mr. Huang.

Mr. Huang is a lamp manufacturer, with a business volume of several billion a year. He has long wanted to ask Kumamotoji to see a doctor, but he has never received a positive reply.

Kumamotoji is not pretending. He is old, and it is good to see 15 patients a day. In addition, in addition to these 15 patients, there are some special patients.

Of course, there are very few such people. They must be of high enough rank. Business owners with a turnover of less than 10 billion should not even think about asking them to see a doctor. You can make an appointment online.

Mr. Huang belongs to this kind of person and is not qualified enough to open the back door.

He made up his mind and bought a piece of skin, a tiger skin, at a high price, and wanted to give it to Mr. Xiong.

Unexpectedly, Mr. Xiong firmly refused.

"Dr. Qian, do you think my disease can be cured?" Mr. Huang asked.

Dr. Qian took a look at Mr. Huang's trouser legs that were pulled up. On his legs, there was a long patch of skin, a skin disease similar to cowhide.

He smiled slightly.

Say nothing.

He understands the rules and will not take credit for the disease he cures. He has to give the credit to his master.

"Can it?" Mr. Huang asked again.

"Be patient, what I say doesn't count, my master has the final say."

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"I'm so anxious! I've been treated in many places. I've been to several big hospitals in Beijing, but nothing can be done about it. You don't know how painful it is. The itching is one aspect, and it also looks disgusting. What should I do if others wash their feet and massage them?

Wash? I paid ten times the price and no one picked up the escort. This kind of pain is unbearable."

"Understand, understand."

"Is there any hope?"

"Don't worry, wait until Master wakes up and ask him slowly."

Mr. Huang picked up his wallet and took out 50,000 yuan, "This is the cost of today's treatment. Okay, I will also thank you very much."

Doctor Qian was not polite, took the money and put it in the drawer.

"That leather..."

Doctor Qian waved his hand, "Stop talking, I won't want it."


Two hours later.

In a consulting room specially set up in the villa, Kumamotoji took his pulse personally.


"Is there hope?" Mr. Huang heard Xiong Benji hum and asked quickly.

"You have to promise me a few conditions. If you do it, there is hope, there is great hope." Kumamotoji said.

"No problem, I will definitely do it." Mr. Huang's face lit up.

"To quit drinking, you must never drink at all."

"No problem."

"The time is three years. Because the treatment is divided into three stages. The first stage is to relieve itching, which lasts three months; the second stage is to consolidate, which lasts half a year; and the third stage, which is also the most difficult, is to transform into normal skin, which takes three years.


"Oh, I can quit whatever you want me to do."

"Well, quit smoking, spicy, seafood, vegetables with a strong smell, such as coriander, onions, garlic, etc."

"No problem."

"There are also hot pot and barbecue."

"No problem."

"Then comes the medicine. Three months of antifungal medicine, Diflucan. Although it has some side effects, it is the key medicine. Then there is the traditional Chinese medicine, which should be taken without interruption for three years. It should be washed externally and taken internally."


"If you do it, your disease will not be completely cured, but it will be 70% to 80% cured. You are sure of it."


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