Chapter 588 Going to meet an old man

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 Without a good assistant, the operation is very difficult.

For the first time, Liu Muqiao felt the importance of Du Xiaoping, Hu Bolong and others.

Of course, the surgery performed by Ma Lin and the director is not very bad. The key is that they do not have good subject leaders, or in other words, their teachers are so poor that no matter how hard they work, they can only reach this level.

It took Liu Muqiao 4 hours to separate the cancer tissue. There was still a long cleaning process, not to mention, there were so many anastomosis.

After 6 hours, Marin couldn't stand it anymore.

Take a few minutes to rest and drink a glass of milk to replenish your energy.

Su Yajuan is pretty good, her physical fitness is pretty good, and she doesn’t even complain about back pain.

People who have not undergone long-term training will collapse long ago if they stand for 6 hours continuously.

Liu Muqiao has been trained.

He has a strange phenomenon. His surgeries are either very short, taking about ten minutes, or very long, with 6 or 7 hours being common.

Neurological surgeries generally only take ten minutes.

Pancreatic surgery operations are lengthy.

"You two rest a little longer, and we'll continue slowly." Seeing that Su Yajuan was in good spirits, Liu Muqiao wanted to teach Su Yajuan a lesson.

Maybe Su Yajuan also has a talent for surgery?

Thinking too much.

Liu Muqiao took Su Yajuan for more than ten minutes, and then he realized that he had thought too much.

Su Yajuan is an ordinary person. There is no obvious difference between her and ordinary interns. She is just a graduate.

Marin and the chief of surgery washed their hands, dressed, and put on gloves again.

The operation continued and lasted for 9 hours before the operation was completed.

"Sorry, we were delayed."

"You can't say that. You have never seen this kind of surgery, so you will naturally be slower."

"Dr. Liu, I learned a lot today."

"Me too, I've made great progress."

That's right.

I have been working with Liu Muqiao for 9 hours. If I haven’t learned anything yet, it would be terrible.

Teng Ce and Liu Miqiao performed two surgeries, and their surgical skills have reached a new level. Can you two chief physicians not make any progress?

"Dr. Liu, next time, you should bring a first assistant. We will be the second assistant and third assistant. It is enough to just follow and learn. The gap between us and you is still a little too far." Ma Lin told the truth.

Liu Muqiao smiled and said: "My normal speed for this operation is 6 hours. If my partner is more powerful, it can be done in 5 and a half hours. In the future, you still need to send more people to the coast and inland hospitals."

Hospital training."

The director of surgery said with deep understanding: "That's right. You mainlanders have already sent people abroad to study abroad. We should at least go to the mainland to study. Dr. Ma, how about you study with Dr. Liu for a year?"


Su Yajuan is a little tired.

One obvious sign when she is tired is that she becomes very quiet.

She sat quietly on the seat by the window, in a daze.

She was very surprised, how could Liu Muqiao be so energetic? He was still helping Ma Lin and the others answer questions.

There was no trace of tiredness on his face.

He is full of energy and seems to have endless energy.

Next, Liu Muqiao didn't plan to rest. Didn't he still have two special wounds? Help them take care of the wounds, and then rest peacefully.

After treating two wounds, it was already evening.

Flight tomorrow morning.

Liu Muqiao and Su Yajuan were placed in a five-star hotel in the city.

They had dinner in the hotel. After the meal, Liu Muqiao said to Su Yajuan: "You go and rest for a while. I have to go out for a while."

Su Yajuan feels very strange. I didn’t listen to what you said. What else happened?

Liu Muqiao smiled and said, "I didn't tell you, I'm going to see an old leader. In the past, he lived in the capital, but now he is old. He has returned to his roots and wants to go back to his hometown to spend the rest of his life. I'm going to help him get treatment."<


"I'll go with you too." Su Yajuan didn't think much about it.

Liu Muqiao hesitated for a moment, smiled, and said, "Okay, but there is a rule. You can't tell others about the people you met tonight."

"Ah? If so, then I won't go." Su Yajuan realized that Liu Muqiao was not meeting ordinary people.

"It doesn't matter. Since you mentioned it, let's go and see him. The old man is very kind." Liu Muqiao said.

Soon, a black car parked in front of the hotel.

Liu Muqiao and Su Yajuan got into the car.

The car drove for half an hour and drove directly into a small western-style building in a picturesque place.

They got off the bus.

This is a small yard.

A small building with one floor.

7,8 houses.

Liu Muqiao and Su Yajuan followed the middle-aged man who picked them up into the house. There were several middle-aged women inside, and they all greeted Liu Muqiao.

The sound is very small.

Liu Muqiao came to the door of a house and gently opened the door.

Someone shouted from inside: "Xiao Liu, come in quickly."

An old man, sitting on a single sofa.

Liu Muqiao called "Master" and went in.

Su Yajuan also went in.

She also called "Master".

"This is..." the old man asked doubtfully.

"Su Yajuan, a newly recruited graduate, I am going to teach her my traditional Chinese medicine." Liu Muqiao said.

"Studying Chinese medicine?"

"No, I studied Western medicine and graduated from Xiangya. I am interested in Chinese medicine."

"Oh, rebellious? Well, you must have this spirit, otherwise, where will there be progress?"

Su Yajuan smiled and said, "Master, this is called not doing my job properly."

"Where? It should be like this. Liu Muqiao, you should treat Su Yajuan well and teach her all your Chinese medicine." The old man pointed to the sofa and said, "You sit down."

At this time, a middle-aged woman came in, each with a cup of green tea, which was light green and very endearing.

Liu Muqiao put the tea away, walked behind the old man, touched the old man's cervical spine, and rubbed it gently.

The old man's hometown is in the countryside of Huncheng. A few decades ago, he was only 14 years old. He followed the army to conquer the world. He went through life and death, was injured 7 times, survived catastrophes 3 times, and still had a piece of shrapnel on his body.

His lumbar spine is curved and his cervical spine is also deformed.

These are the wounds left on the battlefield.

Liu Miqiao rubbed it slowly, gradually increasing the strength. The old man gritted his teeth, seeming to be in pain and enjoying himself.

I have been doing this for half an hour.

The old man said "Ah" and then said: "Okay, you can rest, it's okay, it's so comfortable. I feel comfortable all over."

Liu Miqiao continued the massage for a few more minutes before ending it and said, "Sir, if you leave, how can you still play bridge at that table?"

The old man smiled and said: "There is always a time when the music comes to an end. In fact, when we play bridge, we just find an excuse to chat together. The three of them like to live in the capital, so I'd better go back to my hometown. However, going back to my hometown

, I no longer have many acquaintances from the past, so I moved to the city."

Liu Muqiao asked again: "Are you still going back to the capital?"

The old man said with a sad face: "Hey, I can't help myself, and my children and grandchildren don't want to live here with me. Let's talk about it after a while."

This chapter has been completed!
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