Chapter 606 Heart palpitations

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 Chang Wei couldn't help but take a closer look at Liu Miqiao's surgery.

Suddenly, his heart "pop--pop-pop".

Jump up and down.

Heart palpitations!

Yes, this is heart palpitations!

This guy's surgery seems to have a magical power, which makes Director Chang Wei's heart palpitate.

Chang Wei watched it carefully, without blinking his eyes. The more he watched, the more fascinated he became. He didn't even want to blink. It was very attractive.


Cut it like this!


Can the blade still be used in this way?


More and more questions.

More and more surprises.

Could it be that I haven't done it right all this time?

Have I been using the wrong knife technique in the past?

Chang Wei finally couldn't bear it anymore.

"This little brother, why didn't you use an electric knife for the separation just now?"

"If you use electrosurgery to separate cancer tissue and normal tissue, there is no way to confirm it. This is a taboo. Do not use electrosurgery to separate."

Liu Miqiao didn't even raise his eyelids, he was working hard on isolating cancer tissue.

"It seems that your fingers are sharper than the edge of a knife, and they separate quickly and accurately. Can we practice to this level?"

"Anyone can."

Liu Muqiao answered very simply.

"Also, your knife skills, scissor skills, and tweezers usage are slightly different from ours. Is there anything special about this?"

"Of course there are particularities. These basic skills seem to be similar, but to become a skilled surgeon, you must have pure knife skills. If you are willing to be a mediocre surgeon, you can be sloppy with knife skills, scissors, etc., but

, if you want to become a brilliant doctor, that’s not possible.”


These few words were like thunder, and all the doctors were stunned.

It turns out that this is the essence!

That's the key!

Knife skills.

Cutting method.

Tweezers, pliers, etc. all have very strict methods.

This is just like swordsmanship, a slight difference can make a huge difference.

Doctors' methods are firstly learned from teachers, and secondly, their own habits. Over time, different doctors have different methods.

The knife skills are different.

There are different cutting methods.

Finally, I formed my own style.

Some deviations are large, and some deviations are small. Finally, unknowingly, some doctors have high standards and some have low standards, and they encounter their own bottlenecks at a certain period.

It turns out that this is my fundamental problem.

Well, it seems that there is still a long way to go.

After Weng Qingsheng woke up, he wanted to dance, he was so happy.

Finding the cause of the bottleneck is equivalent to solving half of the problem.

"Thank you."

Weng Qingsheng expresses his heartfelt thanks.

"Thank you."

Chang Wei, who was watching on the side, couldn't help but shouted deep in his heart.

Oh! Got it.

It turned out that Weng Qingsheng's purpose of borrowing a patient was to learn from this little brother.

Yes, this guy is an excellent teacher. You should ask him for advice.

Next, Director Chang Wei watched and asked questions. Gradually, he became the main student and Weng Qingsheng became the auditor.

Weng Qingsheng is not angry.

"Can you ask less questions?"

"To be a scholar, you must not be ashamed to ask questions."

"Do you want to lose face? Are you asking me?"

"Uh---I'm not sure about the wording, but it means the same thing. I don't understand it, so of course I have to ask."

"The patient is mine."

"Excuse me! The patient is ours."

"I borrowed it from you."

"Uh - you can also ask."

"I like to watch quietly, this is the most rewarding."


Weng Qingsheng and Chang Wei had a quarrel.

Their quarrel did not affect Liu Miqiao's surgery.

He is also happy.

Because his answer just now was not in vain. Both directors have understood the essence of surgical skills. In the future, their surgical skills will definitely improve to a higher level.

Liu Muqiao hopes that everyone who has had surgery with him will improve.

In fact, this is indeed the case. Anyone who has had surgery with him has learned a lot more or less.

However, some people understand it more deeply, and some people understand it more shallowly.

Hu Bolong and Du Xiaoping have made great progress. They have performed dozens of operations with Liu Miqiao, but their original starting points were relatively low.

Now, they are not far away from first-class players.

Weng Qingsheng and Chang Wei were already top-notch players. After today's surgery, they have become top-notch players.

In the next stage, they are ready to move towards becoming a super player.

Of course, being a top-notch player requires a lifetime of pursuit, which requires not only strong perseverance, but also full enthusiasm and special talent.

All three are indispensable.

Unconsciously, the operation continued for another half an hour. When Weng Qingsheng and Chang Wei came to their senses, they regretted it.

They quickly calmed down and watched the operation carefully.

The operation lasted 4 hours.

"Brother, you haven't introduced yourself yet. You are the surgical genius I have encountered - the most talented surgeon. You may not be old, but I have to admit that you are much better than me."

Chang Wei looked at Liu Maqiao's beautiful belly.

"He is Liu Muqiao of Qingjiang University." Weng Qingsheng introduced.

But obviously, this kind of introduction is of little value.

"He is a master of pancreatic surgery and once defeated Teng Ce."

Still no value.

Chang Wei is a good expert in intestinal science, but he doesn't know Teng Ce at all.

"He is an expert in neurology, brainstem puncture, surgical treatment of Parkinson's disease, and surgical treatment of epilepsy. He has made major innovations."

Chang Wei is still at a loss.

Enterology specialists and neurology are as separated as a mountain.

"He was hired as a professor-level researcher at Qingjiang University after just graduating from his undergraduate degree."


Chang Wei finally reacted.

If an undergraduate is hired as a professor, he is definitely a genius.

"Professor Liu Muqiao, I would like to ask you for advice on a few surgeries. Do you have time? As for the remuneration, it's easy to say. You can set a price."

Director Chang Wei, watching one operation is not enough. He still wants to watch it. He plans to watch ten.

He feels that after ten more surgeries, there will definitely be a breakthrough and he will be able to reach a higher level.

Liu Muqiao smiled slightly.

He did not answer Director Chang Wei's question.

He himself is not sure whether he has time.

Weng Qingsheng has already recruited 5 patients. Five major surgeries will take at least two days. The sports meeting will end soon and he has to rush back.

Liu Muqiao rarely left Antai Hospital for so long. If he didn't go back, he would feel bad.

After cutting the last thread, Liu Maqiao let out a long breath.

It's really a pleasure to have surgery during the game, and it's the best to play cross-over.

Director Chang Wei is still thinking about what happened just now.

"I will come to the Pancreatic Surgery Department for surgery the day after tomorrow. There are 5 surgeries. You can apply to Director Weng to participate in the surgery. As for whether I will be free after that, it is hard to say."

Liu Muqiao didn't want to refuse.

He knew that Peng Qianlong's banning order had not been invalidated.

The current method is actually a kind of penetration. Slowly, the penetration area becomes larger and larger, which is equivalent to a breakthrough.

Breaking through the siege is what Liu Muchiao dreams of.

Soon, the neuropsychiatric center and pancreatic surgery center of Antai Hospital will be opened for business. It will not be enough to rely on patients from Qingjiang City alone, and there will not be enough patients from Jiangdong Province.

He must expand his influence.

Therefore, he will not refuse every opportunity.

This chapter has been completed!
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