Chapter 619 Meeting Liu Hanmo again

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 The second question was discussed for a long time. Regarding Zeng Xuefei and Hu Bolong, Liu Muqiao gave a more objective evaluation.

Finally, another question arises.

In other words, it's a digression.

"You are now a cadre under the management of Qingjiang University and no longer a cadre under the municipal management. You can speak without restraint. I want to hear your views on the entry of private hospitals."

Liu Muqiao thought for a while and said: "We should welcome the health industry. Public hospitals are the main body, and private hospitals are a supplement. It is a good thing for them to come in. In the future, one more competitor will give one more motivation for progress. We are not afraid of competition.

The result of competition is that it becomes more and more high-quality.”

The leader's eyes lit up and he said: "Hey, this is another voice I heard. Generally, hospital leaders are critical and believe that disorderly competition in medical care will disrupt the medical market and compete with public hospitals for food.

, will increase financial pressure on the Z government."

"Competition should be encouraged. Competition is vital and only competition can lead to progress. However, I don't think it is a wise decision for Liu Hanmo to invest in a hospital rashly and choose a location right next to our Antai Hospital."

"How do you say this?"

"He will live in pain!"

"Really? It is said that their arrangement has deep meaning."

"Want to annex Antai Hospital?"

"Maybe, there is this strategic plan."

Liu Muqiao was excited.

"Hey! He wants to annex us? It's more realistic for me to annex him."


"Leader, you laugh like this, don't you agree with what I said?"

"No, I believe you have this ability, but I want to remind you that private enterprises and private hospitals have more flexible mechanisms."

"The national situation in our country is that so far, there are no private hospitals that have done very well. At least the top 100 hospitals, there are no private hospitals."

"I dare not say anything about others, but Liu Hanmo, I approve of this person more. He rarely makes directional mistakes. Since he invested tens of billions to build a hospital in Qingjiang, then he must have a reason for success."

Liu Muqiao laughed coldly, "We'll see."

The conversation ended here. Liu Miqiao looked at the time and saw that it had taken half an hour.

He came out of the room and met He Junjie at the end of the corridor.

Obviously, He Junjie also saw Liu Muqiao.

He was originally going to enter the office, but when he saw Liu Muqiao coming, he stood still and waited for Liu Muqiao.

Perhaps, he thought Liu Muqiao would enthusiastically call him "Dean".

Liu Muqiao didn't call him, but looked at him as if he were a stranger.

Liu Muqiao's eyes were very cold and dull.

"Liu Muqiao."

Seeing that Liu Muqiao had no intention of greeting him, He Junjie called Liu Muqiao instead.

"Well, something's wrong?"

"Come in and sit for a while."

"No time."

"Just three sentences."

"Oh, after three sentences, there is no need to go in. You can just stand here. Just say it."

He Junjie swallowed hard.

"Say it, just say it if you have something to say." Liu Miqiao's patience is limited.

"Are you a professor? There seem to be 43 people with the professor level in our hospital." He Junjie suddenly said this.

Liu Muqiao sneered, "Well, if you add me, there will be 44."

"What did you say to Hu Bolong yesterday?"

"This is your second sentence, right? I told Hu Bolong that you opposed him being the vice dean. Originally, he was ready to refuse to be the vice dean, but after hearing what I said, he changed his mind.

He said he had to do it. What, you want to cause trouble for me?"

"Don't be too proud, Liu Miqiao, I'm warning you."

Logically speaking, this sentence is usually difficult to hear from He Junjie.

He Junjie is a person with strong administrative skills and cannot easily express his feelings. Most of the time, he is yin-minded rather than yang-yang.

This directly warns the opponent, unless in one case, he is too angry and loses the ability to control his emotions.

There is also a situation where he decides that his opponent is too weak and is so weak that he can declare war on the opponent unscrupulously.

Which situation does he belong to?

"I reported it to the organization and said that you are not qualified to be the vice president of Antai Hospital." Liu Muqiao was not polite.

He doesn't need to play yin, he and He Junjie can play yang openly.

"You bastard!"

Liu Muqiao was angry.

He hates being called this word the most. He is an orphan, and orphans hate being called this word the most.

He rushed up and slapped him - but he controlled his emotions and did not move.

He is still a patient.

Doctors will never touch a patient under any circumstances.

He's gone.

Never looked back.

However, the anger in his heart did not go out. In fact, the anger grew stronger and stronger. Suddenly, he suddenly turned to his Mercedes-Benz, started the car, and drove out of the underground parking lot.

He decided to go to the city.

He also needs to go to the city.

From now on—immediately, he will sign an agreement with the city. When the studio moves into Antai Hospital, it must complete certain procedures. This is a legal procedure.

He can go to see the city leaders, or the city leaders can come to see him.

He decided to meet the leader.

There is another important reason. He Junjie called him a "bastard".

His Mercedes-Benz S350 drove into the city hall gate.

The security guard raised his hand and saluted.

No questions asked, no registration required.

Liu Muqiao drove the car directly into the inner courtyard. A security guard waved to the car and directed the vehicle to park in the parking space.

Liu Muqiao asked the security guard for the room number.

"The second to last room on the east side, on the 6th floor, has no door number."

The security guard didn't even bother to ask if he had an appointment.

You can tell at a glance that this is someone who can meet with the leader at any time.

Went up to the 6th floor and prepared to knock on the penultimate door. The secretary came up.

"Please wait a moment, the leader is meeting with an entrepreneur. Come and sit here."

Liu Muqiao entered the secretary's office.

The secretary was very polite, made tea for Liu Muqiao, and then tried to ask: "Do you have an appointment?"


"What's your last name?"

"Free of charge Liu, Liu Muqiao."

"Ah! Are you Liu Miqiao?"

Liu Muqiao smiled.

"Okay, you sit down, I'll inform you first." After the secretary finished speaking, he went in through the other door.

Soon, the secretary came over and said, "Please come in."

"Aren't there entrepreneurs?"

"We met together, and just in time, the entrepreneur said that he knew you and wanted to have a chat with you."

Liu Muqiao was a little surprised, who is this person?

Come to the office of the city chief.

Liu Muqiao was shocked.

Isn’t the person sitting on the sofa Liu Hanmo?

"Mr. Liu." Liu Maqiao couldn't help but shout.

"Classmate Liu Muqiao, we meet again."

Liu Hanmo did not stand up to greet him, but his face was full of smiles, which was very cordial.

Liu Muqiao also smiled and said, "Yes, we met once in Shencheng. I didn't expect to meet again in Qingjiang."

Liu Muqiao still looked at Liu Muqiao and smiled, "In the future, we will have more opportunities to meet. I am planning to invest in a hospital in Qingjiang City. Please take care of me in the future."

This chapter has been completed!
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