Chapter 658 Scared the baby

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 Liu Muqiao received the first batch of people who came to visit and study.

They came to visit the surgical robot used in the treatment of Parkinson's disease in the Department of Neurology.

Maybe it was introduced by the merchant.

They are from Spring City.

They are sighing.

In the Mainland, a municipal hospital has launched Parkinson's surgery, which is amazing.

They did not go to the big hospitals in Beijing and Shanghai because they were too advanced, so Antai Hospital was more suitable.

They are several people from the Affiliated Hospital of Spring City Medical College, including the deputy director of the neurology department, the director of the equipment department, and the vice president in charge of equipment.

A group of 5 people.

However, when they stood in front of the Neuropsychiatric Center building, they had to hesitate.

Is this a municipal hospital?

A building has 20 floors, and it’s just one subject.

Here, a building is still under construction, also with 20 floors. I looked at the banner and it said "Pancreatic Surgery Center"!

A municipal hospital actually has two such centers?

The vice president turned out to be a surgeon, and he fell silent.

They came to visit Antai Hospital, thinking that it is a relatively low-level hospital, so visiting here would have a psychological advantage.

Now, I'm scared.

The hospital has an independent "neuropsychiatric center" which is enough to scare people out of their wits, and there is also a "pancreatic surgery center" which is enough to scare people out of their souls.

I have never heard of pancreatic surgery becoming an independent "center".

What kind of evil hospital is this?

Try contacting the hospital.

Dean Pi received them.

Among the guests who came, there were three main characters: the vice president's surname was Guo, the deputy director of the neurology department was surnamed Tao, and the director of the equipment department was surnamed Liao.

"Please take a seat." Dean Pi led them to the reception room to sit down.

Office clerk Xiao Chen is busy making tea.

"The conditions are relatively simple, I'm sorry." Dean Pi said, he would sigh when visiting guests recently, there is a huge difference between the two sides.

"The eight regulations are relatively strict, but they are not enough if they are not simple." Vice President Guo said with a smile.

In fact, he despises this office building from the bottom of his heart. The earthen sofas from more than ten years ago are also very rustic in decoration, especially the terrazzo floor, which was a popular material thirty or forty years ago and has long since been eliminated.

"You have a great place in Spring City." Dean Pi still didn't understand their purpose of coming.

"It's not as beautiful as Qingjiang City. Dean, we came here to visit and study this time. It was recommended by Siemens. I heard that you bought a Parkinson's surgery robot and wanted to come and study." Vice President Guo said.

"Oh, this is just for show, purely for decoration." Dean Pi said.

"Decoration? Didn't you carry out Parkinson's surgery?" asked Director Tao of the Department of Neurology.

"It's open, yes, we have prepared 120 beds and two departments." Dean Pi said.

"Both departments, both are surgical treatments?"

"That's right, we don't admit people who receive medical treatment. We only admit people who need surgery."

"With so many operations, how many operations are performed on average every day? You just said that the robot is for decoration? How do you understand this?"

Dean Pi laughed and explained: "90% of our Parkinson's disease surgeries do not use robots, we use the Taoshift method."

Director Tao is no longer calm. He is an expert in neurology, and the Taoshift method has long been eliminated. It was an old method with a very low success rate.

This is hard to understand.

Dean Pi saw the confusion on his face and said with a smile: "Don't worry, you are here just in time. Today is Parkinson's disease surgery day. Dr. Liu will perform the surgery himself and there will be 10 surgeries this afternoon."

"Do 10 sets in one afternoon?"

"Yes, this operation is super simple and can be done in less than 10 minutes."

Dean Pi saw that they seemed to have a hard time understanding, so he said, "Let's do it this way. I'll take you there, and it might be better for you to talk to our professionals. Besides, the conditions here are too simple."

After speaking, Dean Pi took the guests to the Neuropsychiatric Center.

They use special passages.

The Toshiba elevator is fast and stable, without any sound, and it goes directly to the 19th floor.

Zhao Yilin was listening to the report from the department director on the 7th floor. When he saw Dean Pi coming with a guest, he sent the department director who was reporting away.

"Please, sit over here."

Zhao Yilin took them to the reception room next door, and the office clerk hurried over to receive them.

This time, Vice President Guo no longer has a disdainful attitude.

What is superiority?

Today, his eyes were really opened.

This is the first time I have seen an office like this.

Especially Zhao Yilin’s office just now was over 100 square meters.

He was speechless at how luxurious the decoration was.

Is it too extravagant and wasteful?

Isn’t this an obvious violation?

He couldn't even name the materials on the floor and walls.

After sitting down, Dean Pi made an introduction and explained the general purpose of the building.

Vice President Guo did not dare to speak anymore.

He has traveled to many places across the country and participated in many academic activities, but after listening to Dean Pi's introduction, he stopped talking.

This is not just something more money can do.

You must have Wang Zha.

Without strong technical support, such a building cannot survive.

Could it be that they have academicians?

Try to ask.

Zhao Yilin laughed and said: "Academician, there are not yet. However, there will definitely be in the future."

"Without academicians, how can your technology become the leading one in the country?"

Director Tao said that his technology was leading in the country, but in his heart he didn't think that this was just a compliment.

"We have Liu Muqiao." Zhao Yilin said loudly.

"What is Liu Muqiao?"

Director Tao knew it was bad before he finished speaking. It was okay to say this in their dialect, but in Mandarin, this sentence was almost a curse.

Dean Pi laughed a few times, and then prepared to introduce Liu Miqiao. As soon as he started, he received a call from Hu Bolong.

Another medical dispute.

Orthopedics! Orthopedics again!

Another patient with a femoral fracture died.

What the hell!

Dean Pi is angry!

He himself is engaged in orthopedics. I remember when he was the director of orthopedics, there wouldn't be so many disputes.

He was going to investigate it himself.

Dean Pi left the guests to Zhao Yilin and returned to the office. Hu Bolong, Section Chief Qin and the Director of Orthopedics all came.

"Tell me what's going on?" Dean Pi tried not to get angry.

"A 66-year-old man was hit by a motorcycle and suffered a fracture in the middle of his femur. He was sent to the hospital and was undergoing a CT scan. Unexpectedly, the patient suddenly suffered cardiopulmonary arrest." The director said.

"What about analyzing the reasons?"

"It's probably a heart problem again."

"What about pulmonary embolism?"

"It's also possible. It's best to mobilize the family members and agree to do an autopsy."

"I already tried it, but my family rejected it right away."

"Hey, what's the matter? You can review it yourself, which number is this!" Dean Pi's anger finally broke out, "Just close it! No more orthopedics!"

Hu Bolong said: "I have a way, which may solve the orthopedic problem."

Dean Pi asked urgently: "What can I do?"

"You have to do Liu Muqiao's job. Only he can do it."

"He? What can he do?"

"He went to the orthopedics department to check."

This chapter has been completed!
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