Chapter 726 You must pay for this

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 The operation was successful.

Liu Muqiao was not in a hurry to go home, he was kept in the hospital.

This hospital is the largest and highest-grade hospital in Malaysia. Their medical level is second-class in the world, which is very good.

Liu Muqiao estimated that compared with China, it is close to the level of the Affiliated Hospital of Shanghai Medical University, but not higher.

It’s a pretty good hospital, and Liu Muqiao is willing to share his achievements with them, especially since one of their hospital leadership teams is Chinese and speaks standard Mandarin.

The topic taught by Liu Muqiao is the latest progress in stroke treatment.

What he said is the latest, it is indeed the latest. Liu Miqiao is the absolute leader in the treatment of stroke.

There has been no news about the nerve regeneration factor developed by Smith and his colleagues at Hopkins Hospital for a long time. Most of them were stillborn.

Recently, Hopkins Hospital has imported Huatuo Regeneration Pills in relatively large quantities.

Originally, it was very difficult for traditional Chinese medicine to enter the US market, but Liu Miqiao didn't care. Whether you use it or not is really none of his business.

In the end, they became anxious and came to negotiate with people from Hopkins Hospital to introduce this breed.

Liu Muqiao raised the price from the original price, and the price of medicines in Xicun was doubled.

The US Food and Drug Administration has specially approved this traditional Chinese medicine variety.

Liu Muqiao thinks it is a good thing to earn foreign exchange. Huacheng French Pharmaceutical Factory specializes in producing products for Xicun.

Today, Liu Muqiao lectured specifically on "New Advances in Stroke Treatment". More than 500 people attended the lecture. The auditorium was full, and even the aisles were full of people.

Liu Muqiao focused on minimally invasive puncture technology and Huatuo Regeneration Pills.

The response was so good that doctors from several hospitals invited Liu Miqiao to treat patients, including those with brainstem hemorrhage.

Erin is very happy.

She hired someone to take care of her father. Their family was very big, and she was not actually needed to take care of her father. There were many people rushing to take care of her.

There are more than 30 people working for his father, and everyone hopes to perform well at this time.

It has been decided that Irene will take over from her father, so everyone is vying to express themselves in front of the new master.

Irene had nothing to do. She stayed with Liu Miqiao.

After Liu Muqiao finished his lecture, he was invited to Keelung General Hospital to undergo a puncture for old brainstem hemorrhage.

Most of these patients have brain cysts compressing nerves, and the value of puncture is much greater than that of ordinary cerebral hemorrhage.

The patient has been in a vegetative state for 3 years.

The car is driving slowly on the street.

Aileen and Liu Miqiao are sitting in the back row.

She pestered Liu Muqiao and chatted non-stop.

She was very excited - not the ordinary kind of excitement, but the kind of excitement that had a sweet feeling in her heart.

Liu Muqiao was also a little excited.

How could he not be excited to be with such a beautiful woman?

Especially because she is so enthusiastic and proactive, her eyes are always focused on Liu Maqiao's face. This eye-to-eye feeling is really heart-pounding.

This is not the first time I feel this way.

Liu Muqiao had the same feelings as Zhu Bing and Su Yajuan that time.

Irene's palms were tender, smooth and warm, and there seemed to be a strong current flowing through her.

Irene was very proactive. She grabbed Liu Miqiao's hand and put it on her lap.

Liu Muqiao wanted to struggle, but couldn't bear it, and was even more reluctant to give up.

Eileen is only 21 years old this year and has just graduated from Keelung University. She originally wanted to study in Europe, but she didn't expect to take over her father's class in advance. We will talk about studying later.

Erin is majoring in "Advanced Nursing", and it doesn't really matter whether she goes to graduate school or not.

"Dr. Liu, I hope you will often come to Nanyang to make flying knives, so that I can see you often."

Erin is telling the truth. The education she received is the West Village culture, which is different from our ancient oriental culture. She will not be subtle or hide it, and she will express her thoughts immediately.

Why doesn't Liu Muqiao not want to?

He just wanted to break through the "alliance"'s ban. Besides, the market in Nanyang is not small. This market alone is enough to keep Liu Muqiao busy.

Making flying knives also has another purpose, which is to attract patients from outside to come to Antai Hospital. There are a large number of Chinese in Nanyang, and they still have feelings for their motherland.

She added: "Why don't you join our 'alliance'?"

Liu Muqiao said: "I didn't join the alliance because I didn't want to be restricted. Besides, I don't make a living by making flying knives. My goal is to be a hospital."

"As a hospital, we can also help you."

"Yes, by joining the alliance, you can also recommend patients to us. However, there is another big problem. I don't want to be specialized in a certain discipline. I am not specialized. I used to do pancreatic surgery and now I do intestinal surgery.

Liver surgery, and maybe heart surgery in the future, your alliance will not allow it."

"You really don't understand. How can one person be proficient in so many subjects?"

"Yes, I can't understand it either."


The two of them chatted and laughed all the way, and soon they arrived at Keelung General Hospital.

Keelung General Hospital is the second largest hospital in Malaysia and is also very large.

Liu Muqiao was slightly surprised. The appearance of this hospital seemed to be larger than the First Hospital of Beijing University.

When he inquired about it, he found out that it was indeed larger than the First Hospital of Beijing University. This hospital had more than 5,000 beds, making it a very large hospital among hospitals.

Generally, the number of beds in large hospitals is mostly controlled at about 3,000 beds. Such hospitals are relatively easy to operate. No matter how large the hospital is, the management difficulty will increase a lot and the cost will also increase significantly.

Keelung General Hospital has 5,000 beds. Compared with domestic hospitals, it should be in the top 10.

Liu Miqiao and Aileen arrived at the ward under the leadership of the director of the Neurology Department of Keelung General Hospital.

First look at the medical records, then look at the patient.

Too fat!

When Liu Muqiao saw the patient for the first time, he couldn't help but marvel, how could he be so fat?

The patient is a female, white, and weighs 300 pounds.

Liu Muqiao is worried about how to get to the operating table?

However, he cannot ask such questions. He is a medical expert and can only ask medical questions.

The patient's blood lipids are too high.

Blood pressure control is also poor.

I'm not that old, just over 40 years old. I had a stroke and cerebral hemorrhage three years ago. The bleeding site was the brain stem. I'm very lucky that I didn't die.

"Is there hope?"

The family asked Liu Muqiao.

In fact, their family members do not have high hopes. In the past three years, they have not rested. They have invited professors from England, France, and the United States for consultation, but there has been no effect at all.

"Yes." Liu Maqiao said.

When he looked at the MRI, it was the first time he saw such a large cyst, which was a full 5 milliliters.

Logically speaking, such a patient should have died long ago.

Since he is not dead and there is such a big cyst, the treatment effect should be good.

"If it works, I'd rather spend an extra $50,000. But if it still doesn't work, I won't pay a penny."

In the past few times, they have spent 300,000 US dollars.

Eileen quit and said: "Treatment itself is not guaranteed. You can't break your promise. If you agree on 80,000 yuan, then every cent is a lot. Otherwise, we will withdraw."

The patient's family members originally had a good deal with Irene, but now they see Liu Miqiao is so young, they feel very uncomfortable, and they feel like they have been deceived.

However, Liu Muqiao was personally invited by the director of the neurology department here. You dare not say that he is a complete liar.

"We have been disappointed three times!"

"I don't care how many times you are disappointed. Dr. Liu is an expert in this field, and he is the number one expert. His appearance fee was originally supposed to be 100,000 US dollars, but now it is 80,000 US dollars, which is a friendly price." Irene said.

Liu Muqiao raised his hand and said, "No more arguing. Let's make a bet. If it works, you can give me 130,000 yuan. If it doesn't work, I won't take a penny."

This chapter has been completed!
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