Chapter 744 A bolt from the blue

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 The buffet party is more lively than a formal party.

First, the people at Antai Hospital are really so happy. They have been ordinary for decades, but suddenly this year, their business has increased several times, and they are competing with the affiliated hospitals for the limelight. How can they be unhappy?

A year ago, the salary of employees at Antai Hospital was hovering around the monthly salary level of several thousand to ten thousand. Now, the income is several times more, comparable to that of affiliated hospitals. There is no reason to be unhappy.

In the past, people envied the affiliated hospitals. When girls and boys heard that they were from affiliated hospitals, their worth immediately increased a lot.

Now, when people hear that you are from Antai Hospital, they will immediately look at you in a different light.

Second, everyone really loves Liu Muqiao, not only because of his high popularity, but also because he has brought real and huge changes to Antai Hospital.

Everyone participated in the carnival.

Sing and dance.

Liu Muqiao was invited many times, and even Jiang Wei, who was with him every day, also asked him to dance.

"Are you happy?" Jiang Wei danced while chatting with Liu Miqiao.


"For the first dance, why did you choose Chen Shi to dance? You two know each other before?"

"I don't know, I suddenly had a whim."

"Isn't it because of Dean Pi?"

"So, you heard it too?"

"Yeah, I heard it."

"This is why I asked Chen Shi to dance."

"Well. You are a very good dancer. Did you dance often in the past?"

Liu Muqiao said: "Actually, I rarely participate in such activities. Dancing, this seems to be the third time."

Jiang Wei said: "You have a very good sense of music. Have you ever studied vocal music?"

Just now, Liu Muqiao and Chen Shi sang a song together, "The Love Song of the Red Dust", which was very nice.

"No, I just like to hum when I am alone."

"Liu Muqiao, what's wrong with you? Being excellent is not enough. You seem to want to dominate every line of work."

"Thank you for your compliment."

Jiang Wei burst into laughter, "I ask you to sing a song, you won't refuse, right?"

"Okay, what song should I sing?"

"Uh, let me think about it, okay, do you dare to sing "Ten Fingers Tightly Linked"?" Jiang Wei said.


Next, the two sang a song together, "Ten Fingers Tightly Linked".


How is that possible!

Jiang Wei, how can you sing "Ten Fingers Tightly Linked" with Liu Miqiao!


Indeed, in the eyes of everyone, Liu Miqiao is the younger brother and Jiang Wei is the elder sister. This sibling relationship is not allowed and we all agree.

Some laughed, some shouted, some screamed, some cried.

I cried a lot.

Several nurse sisters secretly cried. They are fans of Liu Miqiao. He is now singing "Ten Fingers Tightly" with other girls. How is this allowed?

My heart is trembling, I'm about to have a cardiac arrest.


Two hours later, Liu Miqiao returned to his seat.

He wants to be quiet and quiet.

It was the first time that he was so crazy today. Soon, he returned to his true self. He wanted to be a quiet boy.

He is sitting on his seat.

Su Yajuan has returned to her seat.

Jiang Wei was invited away by Hu Bolong, and they were dancing.

"Liu Muqiao, clasp your fingers tightly, is your heart trembling?" Su Yajuan seemed a little jealous.

Are you jealous of Jiang Wei?

Liu Muqiao was a little surprised.

He did not answer Su Yajuan, but smiled.

"Chen Shi, are you familiar with me?"

Liu Muqiao wants to cry.

Here we go again!

Just then, Dean Pi came back.

He couldn't help but feel tired, and a slight sweat broke out on his forehead.

He sat down, drank a few sips of Coke, and ate a few pieces of fruit.

"Yajuan, can you help me invite Chen Shi over? I want to ask her something." Dean Pi said to Su Yajuan.

"It would be more appropriate to ask Liu Muqiao to go." Su Yajuan did not get up.

"Su Yajuan!" Liu Maqiao was slightly angry.

"Okay, I'll just be your matchmaker." Su Yajuan pouted and stood up.

"Hey, girls are really hard to take care of." Liu Maqiao said to himself when he saw Su Yajuan leaving.

"Liu Muqiao, are you feeling emotional now? I'm just afraid that it will be more difficult for you in the future. You should decide on one as soon as possible to avoid difficult decisions in the future." Dean Pi said.

"I plan not to consider this matter within three to five years. In the next few years, I will work hard to see if I can catch up with the affiliated hospital. By then, I will consider starting a family."

Dean Pi shook his head and said: "Actually, it's not necessary. It's best to have both love and career. I think Su Yajuan is good. If you think it's okay, it's best to settle down early."

Liu Muqiao did not directly answer Dean Pi.

"Love may only come once in this life. Alas, time goes by forever. Some things can only be recalled in dreams. Mu Qiao, cherish, hold on, and never let go of those things that cannot be let go."

Liu Muqiao turned his head and said, "Are you feeling emotional?"

Dean Pi nodded and said: "It turns out that there is no fragrant grass anywhere in the world. It is a lie."

"Are you thinking about your first love?"

"Well, you are not someone else, I can tell you. I don't think about it now, I have thought about it all my life, but as I get older, I have changed the way I miss you."

Liu Muqiao couldn't answer directly. These are two generations, one is the past and the other is the future. They can't find a common language.

Chen Shi is here.

She has changed her clothes.

A casual suit.

"Chen Shi, sit down. Are you from Qingjiang?" Dean Pi pointed at the chair and said.

"Yes, Dean, I am from Qingjiang."

"Do you have any relatives abroad?"

"Yes, my grandmother was abroad."

"Do you have your maiden name?"

"Yes, I have my maiden name."

"Why aren't you abroad?"

"My grandmother sent my mother back a long time ago, and later she came back."

"Your grandmother's name is Chen Jing?"

"Hey, how did you know?"

"How is your grandma now?"

"It's not bad. However, she doesn't seem to be very happy."

"Really? Can you tell me about your grandmother?"

Chen Shi said: "Dean, do you know my grandmother?"

"Yes, if I'm not mistaken, your grandmother and I are classmates."


Chen Shi suddenly became very nervous. She was a little hasty and panicked.

"Chen Shi, can you arrange for me to meet your grandmother?"

Chen Shi shook his head and said, "I can't."


"Because, my grandma will not agree to meet you."

"Does he hate me?"

"No, she said she was sorry for one person in her life, and I guess that person should be you. Dean Pi, please don't see my grandma. I'm worried that she won't be able to bear the blow. Her story is very long, and I can't

I know it completely. Let the past be bygones. Really, my grandma often said this."

Dean Pi said no more.

There are many people here, and besides, the people in front of me are grandchildren. There is a wide gap in the middle, and some things cannot be explained clearly.

"Chen Shi, what happened just now is a secret between you and me. Can we keep it a secret? You can go back." Dean Pi waved his hand. He did not want to be questioned by Zhao Yilin.

Because Zhao Yilin has already walked this way.

"Oh, one thing I can tell you is that it was my grandmother's wish that I apply for Antai Hospital. She also said that if I fail the exam, she has a way to let me enter this hospital. It should be because of my relationship with you.


This sentence was ordinary, but when Dean Pi heard it, it was like a thunderbolt from the blue, a loud noise, and he couldn't recover for a long time.

"Old Pi, what's wrong with you?" Zhao Yilin looked at the pale Dean Pi, stunned, as if he was possessed.

Liu Muqiao didn't say much, and Su Yajuan was also frightened.

They all saw the scene just now.

Chen Shi has gone far.

"Lao Pi, Lao Pi, don't scare me!" Zhao Yilin said nothing while pinching his man.

This chapter has been completed!
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