Chapter 757 Unhappy Chen Shi

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 Sue wakes up.

Liu Muqiao came to his bedside and said to him: "Your operation was very successful. I am very confident. In a week, you will start taking traditional Chinese medicine and undergo chemotherapy. You still have half a year of hardship to endure."

"Is it hard?"

"You mean chemotherapy, right?"

"Yes, I heard that chemotherapy is very painful."

"It's worth the pain to survive. I have seen 30 or 40 people who have undergone chemotherapy. If you are a fragile person, one chemotherapy is also very painful. If you are a strong person, dozens of chemotherapy treatments are not enough."

It's just an understatement. I believe that chemotherapy is not a thing for you." Liu Maqiao said lightly.

"Well, thank you for your encouragement."

"It's not encouragement. What kind of hardships have you never experienced as a boss? I don't believe that chemotherapy is a hardship for you. You know, many ordinary people can survive it."

Sue smiled.

Yes, he started his business at the age of 18 and experienced many ups and downs. By the time he was 40, he was still heavily in debt.

That is, when he was 40 years old, he succeeded.

His team successfully developed a high-end cosmetics. Since then, it has been on a roll. Not only did cosmetics occupy nearly half of the high-end market, he also quickly acquired more than a dozen luxury goods companies. By the time he was 60 years old, he became one of the top 500 companies in the world.

Strong, and its ranking has climbed rapidly, ranking 367th last year.

In the first twenty years of his business, he ate dog food, ate other people's leftovers, and bought clothes from dead people at the used clothes market.

Starting a business is sad.

"Dr. Liu, do you think Chinese medicine really has miraculous effects?"

"Yes, since using my traditional Chinese medicine, not a single patient from here has relapsed or metastasized. Of course, my traditional Chinese medicine has only been used for a year, and there are no long-term case reports. You will be a case in the future."
Sue's team all knows that the one-year recurrence and metastasis rates of pancreatic cancer are very high. Liu Miqiao said that so far, no one has relapsed or metastasized, which means that the effect of traditional Chinese medicine is really good.

Liu Miqiao said to Sue again: "Your general condition is good. You are 65 years old, have no obvious weight gain, and have no obvious underlying diseases. In addition, the surgery was done perfectly. It is expected that you will be able to get out of bed in a week. This time

I'm here. I hope you can stay a few more days and have some fun instead of being buried in the company all the time. As for the issue of corporate reorganization, there's no rush. After a year, you can proceed slowly."

These few sentences seemed ordinary, but Sue felt extremely comfortable hearing them.

After Liu Muqiao saw Sue, he went to the neuropsychiatric center again. Today is the ward round day for neurology department 4.

Liu Muqiao arranges ward rounds in a department every day and sees patients in person.

There are too many departments, and it will take a month to check them all. For departments, there are too few learning opportunities. Therefore, on the day when it is Liu Maqiao's turn to make rounds, all doctors will finish their work early.

Today, all the medical staff from the 4 departments were in place before 7 o'clock, and at 8 o'clock, Liu Muqiao arrived.

Liu Muqiao noticed that Chen Shi didn't seem to be in a very high mood and said hello to her.

Chen Shi was worried, so he tried his best to smile and smiled at Liu Miqiao.

Chen Shi's smile is very distinctive, and her smile is particularly beautiful.

Although the smiles of the beauties are all beautiful, the expressions are different. Even more beautiful words cannot convey the meaning. They should exude a kind of charming charm.

As the saying goes, "enchantment" should be better described with these two words.

Chen Jing must also have this kind of smile.

Shift handover has begun.

After Liu Muqiao heard the handover, the department director said a few polite words and asked Liu Muqiao to give instructions.

He didn't say too much. He talked about the situation of the entire hospital, especially the orthopedics department.

Even bad departments like Orthopedics have been saved. Are there any departments in Antai Hospital that cannot be saved?

Yes, thoracic surgery, cardiac surgery, internal medicine systems, and half of the departments still need to be developed. Therefore, comrades in the 4 departments of neurology still need to make sacrifices.

There is something in this sentence.

If other departments come up, the bonuses for neurology department 4 can be increased.

To put it clearly, the performance of the Neuropsychiatric Center and the Pancreas and Liver Center is somewhat balanced by other departments. The rich have to support the poor. This is the team.

No one in Department 4 of Neurology had any complaints. Their average performance was only 23,000. It could have been higher. They had no complaints, but Liu Muqiao had to make it clear.

In this way, no one will complain behind your back.

It is enough to say one thing at a time. This is a psychological knowledge in management. It highlights the key points and gives people a deep understanding.

If you talk too much, the focus will be lost and your attention will be distracted. Once you talk about important things, they will become unimportant.

"Ward round!" After just five minutes of speech, Liu Miqiao said two words loudly.

A group of people followed Liu Miqiao in a mighty and spectacular manner.

The undergraduate department has one chief physician, two deputy chief physicians, four attending physicians, six resident physicians, plus those who are in training and interns, totaling twenty-six people.

The hospital bed was crowded with people.

Fortunately, the ward in the new building has a lot of space.

We will stay with every patient for a while, which is a sign of respect for each patient.

As a patient, this kind of respect is very important. It is a kind of attention to people.

In fact, many patients' diseases are very simple. In the eyes of doctors, it is just that, and there is no need to worry about it.

"The blood supply of the vertebral artery is insufficient. This disease cannot be cured. It can be relieved through diet, exercise, and entertainment. You can also take some Chinese medicine."

There were seven or eight stars shining in Liu Miqiao's mind. He pulled the brightest star closer and took a look.

"Remember, I prescribed a pair of traditional Chinese medicine for him. The effect should be better than that of Western medicine. It is more effective in stopping dizziness."

Next, he reported a bunch of drug names.

"20g raw rehmannia, 20g paeonol bark, 20g uncaria, 20g yam, 20g poria, 15g cornus, 15g angelica, 15g chuanxiong, 10g earthworm, 10g gastrodia elata, 10g pinellia, 10g jujube kernel, 10g gardenia, 6g licorice

, Nanxing 6g, Bombyx 6g."

More than a dozen doctors quickly wrote it down in their notebooks.

Every doctor has a notebook in his pocket. They will write down Liu Miqiao's instructions in time. On the one hand, they can ensure 100% work execution rate. On the other hand, they all know that Liu Muchiao has many ancient Chinese medicine prescriptions in his mind. Once he writes them down,

One more skill.

To be a doctor, you do not need to be familiar with all diseases. Many people only treat one disease in their whole life. If they are proficient in one disease, they can eat meat and fish for the rest of their lives.

For example, some people only treat diabetes, some people only treat hemorrhoids, and some people only treat thyroid diseases. Being proficient in one disease can really last a lifetime.

Vertigo is one of the most common diseases in neurology, and its treatment is very difficult. There are no good and effective drugs.

When Liu Muqiao said this prescription, it was not just effective for this patient. He was definitely talking about a universal prescription.

The reason is that Liu Muqiao does not seem to be treating syndromes based on syndrome differentiation.

This chapter has been completed!
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