Chapter 882 The road is very wild

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 Liu Muqiao wanted to make a breakthrough. He felt that in this world, everything should be reasonable. If it is not reasonable, it will not work and it will not be allowed.

Is it possible for a hospital to carry out such a large-scale construction project because of the selfish interests of a few people?

People, living in this world, can and should be selfish, but they cannot be too selfish. Sometimes the collective interests are higher than personal interests. What's more, the demolition is based on the policy, and the compensation is higher or lower.


What else do you want?

Unreasonable requests must not be agreed to.

"I want to meet them!" Liu Maqiao said firmly.

"Don't be stupid. You are good at surgery and an expert in medical treatment. However, dealing with gangsters and scum is not your strong point. Leave these matters to the people in the subdistrict office. They are professional." Dean Pi said earnestly.

Talk to Liu Muqiao.

"No, I feel uncomfortable when I hear such unreasonable people. I have to meet them."

Dean Pi had no choice but to instruct Zeng Xuefei to take the security section chief and follow Liu Miqiao to meet with several nail households.

The first target household was a family named Jiao. An elderly couple in his family were the main force resisting the contract this time.

They have two daughters, both of whom are married and have grandchildren.

Jiao Yang is a retired employee of a state-owned enterprise. After working all his life, he retired as an ordinary worker.

Now with retirement salary, life is not bad.

He was the first to object to this demolition. He could not give any convincing reasons. He just insisted that this house was inherited from his ancestors and had the atmosphere of his ancestors. Besides, if it was demolished, his ancestors would be demolished.

The soul comes back and cannot find a home.

"Fart!" Liu Muqiao heard this and shouted loudly.

Jiao Yang was stunned at first, and then his fierce look showed, "Are you here to fight? Tell you, what is my profession? I am a fitter. For someone like you, I can knock you down with just one hand!"

Liu Muqiao laughed twice and said: "You are a fitter, you are very strong. But, do you know what my profession is? Let me tell you, my profession is a doctor. A big man like you, I can lift a big man like you with just a raise of my hand."

You're crazy!"

As he said that, Liu Muqiao waved his hand, and Ma Zuimu got under Jiao Yang's nose.


Jiao Yang fell to the ground.


Zeng Xuefei was frightened.

"Go back." Liu Maqiao smiled slightly.


"He will come to me."

"Aren't you here to reason with him?" Zeng Xuefei asked doubtfully.

"Reason with them? If you can reason with them, do you still need me to intervene?" Liu Maqiao looked very happy.

Liu Muqiao took Zeng Xuefei and the others back to the hospital.

Dean Pi said: "How about it? Do you know how difficult it is? I told you not to get involved and let the professionals from the subdistrict office handle it."

The reason why Dean Pi said this was because they came back too quickly, less than twenty minutes before and after, so it was impossible to reach an agreement.

Zeng Xuefei explained the process again, and Dean Pi was shocked. It took him a long time to come to his senses and said, "Is this okay?"

"There is no way, he has moved all the ancestors out, and trying to reason with him will definitely be a waste of time, so I can only act like a rogue." Liu Muqiao laughed.

"There are two more, how do you deal with them?"

Dean Pi said suspiciously, he thought that Liu Miqiao's approach was very wild. If it were anyone else, he would definitely not be able to do it. If he reported it to the superiors, he would lose his job. But Liu Miqiao didn't have this worry. He was not worried about losing his job.

Not only is Liu Muqiao capable, he also has a backer to protect his shortcomings - Principal Zhou Yiming. He is a good character, but he has one shortcoming: he likes to protect his shortcomings.

Therefore, the city will give him seven points.

"As for the other two, let me see how the effect of this one is first. If the effect is good, they should come to the door to sign. If the effect is not good, I will come to the door again." Liu Muqiao said.

"I'm afraid it's not good for you to be like this. When people stick to you, they will complain about headaches today, heartache tomorrow, and stomachache the day after tomorrow. By then, you will be in trouble."

What Dean Pi said is also based on experience. Medical disputes often happen like this. It is very troublesome to go through the identification process. It causes headaches, heartache and no equipment to test. It is what he says, which is very troublesome.

Unexpectedly, Liu Muqiao laughed and said: "As long as he dares to stick, I will make him really painful!"

When Dean Pi heard this, he couldn't help but shuddered.

Others may not be able to do it, but Liu Muqiao can definitely do it. If people really stick to him, they will suffer endless hardships.

Dean Pi didn't say much. He had a hope in his heart that Liu Miqiao could really do it.

To be honest, these nail-biting households are really a headache. Nowadays, policies are very tight, and we try to avoid conflicts in the demolition work.

The hospital's working group headed by Zeng Xuefei has done the work many times, and the street office even goes to it once a day. If someone doesn't sign the agreement, you can't beat him or scold him.

As for forced demolition, it is a last resort and will not be used unless it is a last resort.

As a last resort, we have to wait until at least this time next year to use it.

We waited a year before construction started, and the day lilies were already cold.

Liu Muqiao didn't wait in the office building. He went back to his office and when he walked in, he saw Jiang Wei a little panicked.

"What the hell are you doing?" Liu Maqiao asked.

"No." Jiang Wei replied nervously.

"Don't lie to me, tell me, what were you doing just now?" Liu Miqiao stared at Jiang Wei.

"I... am trying on this pair of earrings." Jiang Wei said quietly.

"Why did you put it away? Put it on! Put it on! I was just wondering, it's been a few days since I gave it to you, why don't you put it on for me to admire." Liu Muqiao said with a smile.

"I'm not a vase."

"Can't you just appreciate beautiful women?"

"Am I considered a beauty? There are too many beauties in the world!"

"Haha, Jiang Wei, there is no need for you to be modest. You are so beautiful, you can't deny it. Come on, put it on and show me."

Jiang Wei turned around, put on her two earrings, and turned around slowly.

"Oh! So beautiful!"

Liu Muqiao exclaimed.

Jiang Wei was so embarrassed by his words that she quickly ran away. However, after a minute, she turned around again and let Liu Miqiao appreciate it.

Liu Muqiao felt his throat was dry, his heartbeat was racing, and his face was hot.

"You are so beautiful, Jiang Wei." Liu Miqiao swallowed hard.

"Su Yajuan is beautiful." Jiang Wei said.

"Uh... you are all beautiful."


As he was talking, someone outside asked, "Is Dr. Liu here?"

When Liu Muqiao heard it, his voice sounded very familiar. Good guy, he came so quickly.

The person coming is Jiao Yang, the nail-biter, followed by his wife.

Jiang Wei greeted him and said, "Why are you looking for Dr. Liu?"

"I came to him to clear up a misunderstanding. I have no other intention. Please let me know, girl, that a person named Jiao is looking for him."

Jiang Wei was not sure of this person's origin and said, "Wait a moment and I'll see if he has free time to receive you."

"No, no, girl, I must ask you to tell him that I must see him."

This chapter has been completed!
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