Chapter 92 Stroke

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 Liu Muqiao continues to answer questions.

The answers include the most cutting-edge diagnosis and treatment technologies for stroke, including interventional treatment.

Zhao Yilin was suspicious, we didn’t carry out intervention, how could he know so much about intervention? Even the details were explained so thoroughly.

Smith asked a few more questions about neurorehabilitation, which is the most cutting-edge research in stroke treatment. He never expected that Liu Muqiao knew so much about the most cutting-edge research.

"I hope to cooperate with you to jointly study neurological rehabilitation. This direction should have great development prospects." Smith extended the invitation.

Liu Muqiao smiled and said, "I'm sorry, I probably won't make too much effort in this area."

Smith was quite surprised by this sentence.

The reason is simple. This is the first time that he invites others to participate in research. Normally, only others apply to join his team, but now, this person actually refused.

You know, Smith's research is at the forefront, and it would not be surprising at all to win the Nobel Prize in Medicine and Physiology someday.

To put it bluntly, the topic that Smith is currently researching is aimed at the Nobel Prize.

Liu Miqiao refused to cooperate, not for anything else but because his knowledge of stroke was only "expert level" and not a master level. As for Parkinson's disease, his knowledge was a master level. If he wanted to develop, he might as well be treating Parkinson's disease.

Making a fuss about illness.

The next step he wants to study is non-surgical treatment for Parkinson's disease. Of course, it is not the current backward drug treatment.

"Mr. Liu Miqiao, since you know so much about activating dormant nerve cells, why don't you join my team? You should know that my team is at the forefront of the world in this regard. Can you give a reason?"
"The reason is very simple. I am interested in many things. For example, the taoshift treatment for Parkinson's disease seems very meaningful to me."

"Taoshift therapy is the focus of your next research? Do you think this method is still valuable?"

"Some, it is more valuable than the current CT-guided surgery."

No longer calm!

The buzz in the audience started again.

I disagree!

This is too much.

The taoshifut method was carried out before CT and other equipment were available. How come it has regressed?


Liu Muqiao looked down with a smile. He coughed twice and waved his hand, "Mr. White Anderson, it is said that you are very accomplished in Parkinson's disease. Please tell me your evaluation of taoshift."

Anderson stood up and said loudly: "Taoshift shows signs of old trees sprouting new sprouts. It has more value than the method currently used. As long as the difficulty of puncture accuracy is overcome, this method is actually more viable. I actually

This is also a topic I am researching."

Liu Muqiao turned around and looked around.

What I said, you guys are talking about it, look at what others said, this is what a professor at Charlotte University Hospital said!

Are you still discussing?

Still buzzing?


It seems that the moon in foreign countries is still round!

You see, it’s surprisingly quiet down there now.

"Everyone, the taoshift method has expanded its indications by at least 70%. In the past, hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, and surgical treatment were all contraindications. However, taoshift basically has no contraindications. You said, it is not very good for patients. Does it make sense?"

Some people doubt that these are not contraindications?

Liu Miqiao said: "Yes, it's not a contraindication. Think about it, without anesthesia, just use 10 mg of diazepam to put the patient into sleep for fifteen minutes, which is the entire operation time. Do you think there are any contraindications?" Equipment, the existing equipment in all tertiary hospitals is enough. To put it bluntly, MRI is enough, there is no need for other equipment at all."

No expensive equipment required?

And it only takes fifteen minutes?

In the past, it took at least two hours to prepare. These two hours were very difficult for patients.

Now, taoshift only takes fifteen minutes and is still in sleep state, so there is basically no pressure on the patient.

Why are you off topic?

Someone pointed out that they are experts in stroke. This opportunity is rare, especially since Liu Miqiao's team has created a miracle of ultra-low mortality. Many experts want to gain more knowledge. How can you suddenly discuss Parkinson's disease?

The problem is that the half-hour time for speaking and asking questions has passed, and the second person to speak on the stage has already arrived at the podium, waiting for Liu Muqiao to give up his seat.

Liu Muqiao hurriedly said, "I'm sorry." With an apology on his face, he stepped away from the main podium.

Someone raised their arms high.

"I have one last question!"

"I have a question too!"

"Give us another five minutes!"


It seems that if Liu Muqiao continues like this, the venue will get out of control.

When the organizing officials saw that the situation was not right, they quickly negotiated.

"10 minutes, can 10 minutes work?" He asked for Liu Miqiao's opinion and then the next speaker's opinion.

Finally, the organizer announced, "Two questions in the last ten minutes. Please raise your hands."

Good guy, the host of the meeting made a "dong" sound, but luckily there was a stool to hold him up, and he almost fainted from fright.

Hundreds of hands!

Not to mention 10 minutes, 100 minutes is not enough.

The report was reported to the person in charge of the conference, and several leaders discussed it and decided to hold another special session tomorrow.

The abbot announced loudly: "This ends today. At 5 o'clock tomorrow afternoon, Mr. Liu Miqiao will be invited to give a lecture on 'The Latest Progress of Stroke'."

Everyone cheered.

Suddenly, a strange sound, "Gudong!" attracted everyone's attention.

Sima Lin Yi fell to the ground.

Many people laughed.

You have to cheer, but don’t jump! If you fall, does it hurt? Is it embarrassing?

A man who was almost sixty years old fell to the ground. Of course it was embarrassing. Everyone laughed and tried to pull him up.

"Don't move! He's having a stroke!" It was Liu Maqiao who spoke.


120 came to the rescue quickly.

They sent him to the famous Wuxuan Hospital, whose neurology department is quite famous.

Emergency inspection.

Sima Linyi had cerebral hemorrhage, thalamic hemorrhage, and blood volume of 15 ml.

Then, doctors from Wuxuan Hospital conducted emergency consultation.

It is unanimously believed that if puncture and drainage are carried out as early as possible and effective treatment is carried out within three hours, good curative effects can be obtained, and it is likely that there will be no sequelae.

The opinions are unified, but some people have raised objections to the specific methods.

"Operate immediately without waiting for the family." Someone suggested.

"The problem is, Sima Lin Yi's assistant has not arrived yet. No one has signed. Who is responsible for the risk? I think it is better to wait. At least his assistant can sign."

"I have a different opinion. We won't do this surgery."

"Don't do it?"

"Yes, let's ask someone else to do it."

"In our Wuxuan Hospital, the Department of Neurology is a brand department. If we don't do it, let others do it. What you say is puzzling."

This chapter has been completed!
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