Chapter 959 Breaking through the bottleneck

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 On New Year’s Eve, Qingjiang City is really lively.

It is a city where fireworks and firecrackers are not allowed. At night, the sound of fireworks and firecrackers is everywhere.

Liu Muqiao returned to the orphanage.

He also bought several boxes of fireworks for his younger brothers and sisters to play with.

At this time, he is the king of children.

Xie Min organized the children to distribute fireworks while calling on people to pay attention to safety.

Jiang Wei is also busy.

Give safe fireworks to younger orphans, and give risky ones to older, smarter children.

Su Yajuan helped them light the fire.

Tonight, some aunts went home, and only two aunts helped Xie Min. Jiang Wei and Su Yajuan are the best here and can help Xie Min.

Catkins are back home.

Her boyfriend came to pick her up and take her back to her hometown for the New Year.

Liu Muqiao made dozens of fireworks bombs, which were particularly impressive when displayed, and his brothers and sisters watched with great joy.

Just as ten fireworks bombs were released, the phone rang.

Asking for help again.

Xie Min knew as soon as she heard the phone call that it was time for Liu Miqiao to leave.

Sure enough, Liu Muqiao said: "Mom, I'm sorry, there is work in the hospital again. A patient with acute necrotizing pancreatitis needs me to do an operation."

"Well, you go ahead." Xie Min was both happy and sad at the same time. She said, "Every Chinese New Year, 120 is extremely busy."

She is right. During the Chinese New Year, the 120 fleet is extremely busy. Lines 1 to 5 have to make medical visits, and often use the own ambulances in various hospitals.

New Year's Eve is a day of great reunion for Chinese people. People are drunk, poisoned by fake alcohol, duck bones stuck in the esophagus, acute pancreatitis attacks after eating too much, eyes are blown out by fireworks and firecrackers...<


Anyway, all kinds of patients may appear.

Liu Muqiao did not take Jiang Wei and Su Yajuan with him, and they spent the New Year with Xie Min.

When he arrived at the hospital, he went directly to the operating room.

"Two stations, not enough people." Du Xiaoping had just seen a few patients and was so busy that he was sweating profusely.

Meng Feiyun was mobilized to go back to the capital to celebrate the New Year with his parents, and several others were also mobilized. Now, less than one-third of them are staying in the hospital.

"How is your condition?" Liu Muqiao asked.

"I will have to do a partial pancreatectomy." Du Xiaoping said, "Both machines are available. You can do this lighter one, so you can go back early."

Go back early?

Pancreatic surgery, you said you can go back early?

Which surgery requires Liu Muqiao to perform is not a difficult one?

Now, under Du Xiaoping, Jiang Weiwei can perform simple pancreatic head cancer surgeries, not to mention general pancreatic surgeries. The surgeries that she cannot do are definitely not surgeries that ordinary people can do.

Jiang Weiwei originally wanted to be promoted in the last selection for the deputy senior professional title. Unexpectedly, at the review meeting, she was defeated by one vote.

Her thesis, theoretical examination, and interview scores were all very good. Because she was promoted under special circumstances, she needed a review meeting with experts.

Liu Muqiao was not polite to Du Xiaoping, so he got on the slightly lighter one. He first looked at the CT film, and found that there was already a large amount of necrosis in the pancreas, and part of the necrotic tissue had to be removed.

Liu Muqiao washed his hands and put on a surgical gown. When Jiang Weiwei was ready, he said: "You are the surgeon."

"Me?" Jiang Weiwei asked in horror, then understood, "Okay, thank you."

No thank you, okay?

This is Liu Muqiao's special care for Jiang Weiwei, asking her to practice her skills. Liu Muqiao is watching over her.

If only a few such surgeries could be performed, Jiang Weiwei could make rapid progress. How could there be such a good master in the world?

When Jiang Weiwei practices, Liu Miqiao will bear all the risks. Ordinary doctors would never dare to do this.

Jiang Weiwei used her skills, one knife, two took 12 knives to open her abdomen.

"I'm sorry, I'm still far away from your three-surgery operation!" Jiang Weiwei said.

"That's enough, you're the one treating it. 12 swords is already a high level. There's no need to pursue this skill, it's only useful but not useful."

Liu Muqiao has only moved his hands slightly so far to help Jiang Weiwei cut a few ligatures.

Jiang Weiwei is not bad, and with Liu Miqiao watching from the side, she is brave enough. After clearing the fluid accumulation, she is ready to cut off the necrotic tissue.

"Is this okay?" Jiang Weiwei drew two lines on the pancreas.

"Yeah, okay." Liu Maqiao agreed.

Jiang Weiwei went under the knife.

She did it step by step.

"Slow down!" Liu Muqiao shouted softly. He reached out for a vascular clamp and clamped the pancreatic duct. "You can continue."

The first piece of necrotic tissue was cut off.

"Wipe the sweat." Jiang Weiwei's forehead was covered with sweat. She was actually very nervous just now.

The circulating nurse quickly took a piece of gauze and wiped away her sweat, but the sweat from other parts of her body could only be allowed to soak into her clothes.

Jiang Weiwei has an unspeakable secret. The place where she likes to sweat most is not on her back, but below her waist.

"Not bad." Liu Muqiao agreed.

Jiang Weiwei hummed gratefully.

It is not easy to get Master's approval.

She is more energetic.

However, after three hours of progress, Jiang Weiwei felt a little tired. There was a piece of necrotic tissue on the back of the pancreas, which was difficult to operate and it was also difficult to perform the operation.

"You can do it!" Seeing Jiang Weiwei's hesitation, Liu Miqiao encouraged her.

"I'm a little scared." Jiang Weiwei said.

"As long as I'm here, what are you afraid of!" Liu Muqiao said this obviously against his will. In fact, he was also very nervous at this time.

Jiang Wei cheered up.

Hi, it actually worked.

Half an hour later, Jiang Weiwei finally overcame this difficulty.

"From now on, you will enter a new realm. In other words, you will officially enter the ranks of deputy chief physicians." Liu Muqiao said.

"Have I broken through the bottleneck?" Jiang Weiwei's voice was trembling, so excited!

The more bottlenecks a doctor breaks through in his lifetime, the higher his level will be.

Many doctors have never had a breakthrough in their lives. This kind of doctor is the ordinary doctor we usually see. Their medical skills are very mediocre, but they think they are of high level.

And being able to have three or four breakthroughs in a lifetime is impossible even for doctors with low level.

When is it easiest to break through?

First, when doctors practice medicine for about 10 years, some people will have a breakthrough; second, during their further training; third, after becoming a director; and fourth, during the development of new technologies.

There is a barrier period around 10 years. During this period, doctors are more humble, more aware of their own shortcomings, and it is also the period when they study most diligently.

Of course, this is not always the case. Some doctors who are not enterprising are obsessed with money and greedy for pleasure at this time when efforts are most needed, thus wasting this window period.

This window period is generally only 5 years. After these 5 years, the doctor will either improve his level or fall forever.

Jiang Weiwei was in this period.

She has achieved her first successful breakthrough. At such a young age, it can be said that she has a bright future in the future.

Jiang Weiwei is lucky.

Du Xiaoping also said he was lucky.

Du Xiaoping learned Vilishi through two breakthroughs in his life. In fact, this situation is quite special.

Logically speaking, it is difficult for a person like Du Xiaoping to enter the ranks of pancreatic surgery experts. By chance, he met Liu Muqiao.

This chapter has been completed!
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