Chapter 39 Fighting fire with fire

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 On the first day of the first lunar month, Ji Ruyan went to the General's Mansion alone.

Chu Lanqian took Feng Ruxue out of Poisonous Scorpion City and returned to Minqing Town.

When I just arrived at the gate of the General's Mansion, I was about to knock on the door, but at this moment the door opened with a "squeak", and the person who opened the door turned out to be an Annu.

As soon as Annu saw her, his originally somewhat sad expression was like seeing a ray of sunshine, and he was overjoyed, "Miss Ji! You are finally here. My master just vomited a mouthful of black blood and is now unconscious!"

"Let's go! Let's go in quickly."

Following the footsteps of the dark slave, Ji Ruyan walked into the room.

On the bed, he was lying there, his face was pale, his lips were even gray-white, and there was already a trace of black hair in the hall.

This is a symptom that toxins have entered the heart meridian. In this state, he has not taken any pills for at least a month. Did that person not give them to him?

That's why he is in such pain.

Mir stayed by his bedside and saw that he was still unconscious, walking around restlessly, as if he was holding back his temper, and finally clenched his hands into fists, "No! I will never let anything happen to the master, no matter what. Whether the master wants to kill me afterwards, at least I must wake him up now! Someone, bring up the elixir!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the An slave rushed forward, holding the crescent knife in his right hand, placed it on his neck, and said in a cold voice: "Dami! You must not make random decisions for the master, otherwise I will kill him now." You!"

Mir sneered, "Death? When have you, Mr. Rice, ever been afraid of death? As long as the master wakes up and wants me to die, I will kill myself and I will never dirty your hands!"

The two were at loggerheads. Ji Ruyan had already stepped forward and fed him the Hundred Poison Pills that his senior brother Chu Lanqian had asked for, then helped him up and sat in front of her.

Relying on the internal strength cultivated in the past ten years, I directly catalyzed the Hundred Poison Pills and resolved them bit by bit.

Over the years, Ji Ruyan has gained not only a small world, but also a secret that even Chu Lanqian doesn't know: the left hand that absorbed the flame jade has the function of seeing through.

Of course, this perspective function was not available from the beginning.

But when she possesses inner strength, it slowly emerges.

As long as she touches his body with her left hand, she can see through everything about him.

Just like, she can also fully know her physical condition.

In the past ten years, she has not even gotten sick once, and Chu Lanqian has never doubted it.

Because of the rare medicinal materials in Xiaoqian's world, normal people can naturally maintain their health and longevity by taking them. In addition, Ji Ruyan is a martial arts practitioner, and Chu Lanqian, who is equivalent to a doctor, can stay in the space at any time. How could she get sick easily?

When the Hundred Poison Pills entered his body, he twitched acutely, and finally opened his eyes violently, spurting out a mouthful of black blood. His eyes were lifeless, and he was about to fall down.

However, Ji Ruyan directly fed him another precious resurrecting pill at this time, and then stopped.

The Resurrection Pill, which was close to an elixir, melted in his mouth, making him feel as if he was drinking snow spring water in June. He was very surprised.

Mir rushed forward anxiously, "Miss Ji, how is the master? He just vomited a lot of blood!"

"Don't worry, he can't die. I said that as long as I am here, even if the King of Hell comes, he will have to retreat for three miles! Here is the medicine I left for him. You can just take it to him regularly every day. I still have something to do.

I want to leave. If you need Ji Ruyan in the future, you can come to Fengtian Mansion in Minqing Town to find me. Even if I am not there, my uncle will tell me. Farewell!"

Mir took the flimsy bottle of medicine with a confused look on his face. He always felt that he had heard the name Ji Ruyan before, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

This chapter has been completed!
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