Chapter 586: Sick

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 Ji Ruyan had no idea about the matter between Zong Zhouhou and Wen Bin. What she was thinking about now was that Wan Dehou was really a disgusting person.

This kind of temperament is so similar to that of Si Youguo's Gujun, who actually hides the military talisman.

Is it possible that he has the pervert of the Protector of the Country Gu Jun and hides the military talisman on his body?

Ji Ruyan thought about it for a while. The Protector of the Country Gu Jun was awesome, but that didn't mean that Wan Dehou would hide the military talisman in his body without fear of pain.

I walked leisurely all the way back to the Imperial Preceptor’s Mansion.

Xiang Yining had been waiting for her for most of the day, and came up to her with some worry, "Where have you been? I've been looking for you for a long time. I went to your room early in the morning and found that you were not there!"

"I just went to the palace to meet Emperor Xuan."

Ji Ruyan did not hide her whereabouts and said directly.

Xiang Yining looked her up and down and found that she was not injured, so he breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Your uncle has a high fever. I have asked a doctor to see it. He said it was caused by a sudden attack of the heart, and it lasted for too long.

I didn’t get a good rest, so I took medicine and fell asleep.”

Uncle is sick?

Ji Ruyan was shocked and hurried towards Feng Tianyou's room.

Xiang Yining also followed behind, but they were going in different directions.

One is to get food, and the other is to see a patient.

Ji Ruyan pushed open the wooden door of the room and walked to the bed, feeling a little guilty.

My eldest uncle Feng Tianyou is only in his forties, but for the sake of the entire Feng family, he has turned his hair gray on his temples.

He was asleep at this time, and his face was unusually red, which made Ji Ruyan a little worried. She reached out and touched his forehead and found that he was still a little feverish.

Then she got two drops of spiritual spring water from the space, mixed some water with it, and fed it to her uncle to drink. Then she sat on the bed and watched over him.

After thinking about it carefully, I realized that my eldest uncle was really tired during this period, and he moved a lot for her marriage.

Afterwards, troubles kept happening at the Feng Family Pharmacy, and he was worried about his cousin Cien's marriage, and also worried about his cousin Yaoni's partner. The marriages of his two direct children had not been settled, which was his biggest headache after all.

The status of businessmen is low, so how can a daughter from a wealthy family be willing to marry into the Feng family, whose industry is business?

No matter how worried her uncle was, she would still ask Cousin Ci En to find a woman who could respect the merchant and get married.

While I was thinking about it, the person on the bed did not sleep peacefully.


Feng Tianyou's tongue was dry and his mouth was dry from sleeping. Ji Ruyan quickly poured him a glass of water and continued to feed him.

Drinking a glass of sweet water made Feng Tianyou wake up. He opened his mouth and asked, "Ruyan, are you back? How is things going?"

Ji Ruyan sighed, "Uncle, don't worry, everything has been solved. In a few days, the Feng Family Pharmacy will be able to open again. And Emperor Xuan agreed to protect the Feng Family Pharmacy, and we

What we have to pay is to provide medicinal materials to five million soldiers."

When Feng Tianyou heard this, he was surprised and happy, "Is this true?"

"It's true."

"But how could Emperor Xuan agree?"

Ji Ruyan helped him sit up, took two pillows for him to lean on, and then slowly said: "It was Ruyan who entered the palace to make a request to him. Originally, I wanted to share the profit with the Feng family's annual income.

Thirty percent should be given to the Tiandu Kingdom’s treasury, but Emperor Xuan said that he only needs to use that 30% to provide medicinal materials for five million soldiers. Uncle, Ruyan has made the decision for the Feng Family Pharmacy without permission, will you blame me?"

This chapter has been completed!
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