Chapter 677 The scapegoat

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In Kouling Town, there are white tombs hanging all around.

It looks like a ghost town.

Dead bodies can be seen everywhere, and coffins are piled aside.

Only those who still have some strength are moving the dead bodies.

He completely ignored the entry of Luo Shunchen and others.

This situation is really weird, even Ji Ruyan sees it, it's so unusual.

Mir took them to the largest house, where Akun was guarding the two pitiful children, a boy and a girl.

The boy is estimated to be eight years old, and the little girl is no more than six years old.

The brother and sister hugged each other. The little girl hugged the boy directly and fell asleep on his lap.

The lips of boys and girls are very dry, and white skin can be seen.

When Akun saw Jiang Chengzi, he cupped his hands and said, "Young Master, these two brothers and sisters are the only ones alive in this town."

Jiang Chengzi nodded and turned to look at the boy, "What are your brother and sister's names? What happened in this town?"

"My name is Meng Yong, and my sister's name is Meng Yao. We are both from Kouling Town. That day, a weirdo came to the town. The weirdo accidentally put some black powder into the well water in the town. After that, everyone drank the

Well water has become like this."

Meng Yong shivered all over when he thought of what happened that day.

That weirdo, just thinking about his weird smile still makes him very scared.

Meng Yong's fear caused Meng Yao, who was lying on his lap, to wake up.

"Brother, how are you?"

"Brother, it's okay, go to sleep."

Meng Yong reached out and touched Meng Yao's hair, signaling her to continue sleeping.

Ji Ruyan sat in her own space and took out some food and a bottle of water to eat together, "Don't even sleep, let's eat something first."

As soon as Meng Yao saw the pot of water, his eyes suddenly lit up. His hesitation in wanting to take it but not daring to take it made Ji Ruyan feel distressed.

These two children have been short of water for such a long time. They must have played some trick with that weirdo to make the people of Kouling Town become like this.

Ji Ruyan handed the water to Meng Yong, "When did this place become like this?"

"Three days ago."

Three days ago?

Could it be that when Ji Ruyan and the others set off from Dunlezhou, someone started to plot!

Damn it!

These innocent villagers have suffered on their behalf!

Moreover, those who knew Luo Shunchen could have reached Kouling Town three days ago by taking the normal road from Dunlezhou.

Because it takes two days to travel from Dunlezhou to Poisonous Scorpion City, if she had not stayed in Poisonous Scorpion City for three days, they would have definitely arrived at Kouling Town three days ago!

Luo Shunchen narrowed his eyes slightly and his tone became sinister, "It seems that those people really want us to die!"

He has always known how much the person who wanted him dead wanted his life.

Now that he has sneaked to Danren Cliff, he still refuses to let him go!

Do they really think he has no ability to fight back?

Ji Ruyan smiled bitterly, "How much do you hate people? You actually let him make such a decision, that you would rather kill ten thousand people by mistake than let him go?"

"I don't know."

Luo Shunchen shook his head. He had been searching for the real person behind this for so many years, but he still hadn't found out.

Just when everyone was silent, the Scorpion Girl suddenly spoke, "This is not a place where you can stay for a long time. It's better to leave first!"

"What's wrong?"

Ji Ruyan turned around and asked.

The scorpion woman frowned, "Many poisonous snakes are coming in this direction!"


The ten updates are completed today, and we are ready to add monthly tickets! Let the monthly tickets fly!

This chapter has been completed!
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