Chapter 167 Looks like it’s shrunk

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 Mu Qingyu said: "Then you are waiting to get paid and start walking?"

The waiter said: "From the beginning of the month to now, no one has come to eat. If we are still here, isn't that a waste of time?"

"Okay, take out your employment contract and look at it. After settlement, close the business!"

This restaurant has been damaged to such an extent that it cannot open even if everyone gathers. Kong Yijia knows that this is Pei Yi's dowry industry, but he is trying hard to damage it. It takes a long time to build the restaurant's reputation, and it will not take long to cause damage.

She takes over now and doesn't want to change her name. After all, the word "濑" has a different meaning.

Then the layout needs to be adjusted, renovated, and every detail inside needs to be redesigned. How Kong Yijia destroyed it, she has to restore it again.

After sending these three people away, she wrote the words "Closure for rectification" with her own hand, and then locked the door with her own hands.

This Yiyun Tower has temporarily withdrawn from the stage of Beijing restaurants.

The originally good mood suddenly turned bad.

She didn't even have the heart to eat out and returned to Mu's house early.

The restaurant's reopening is not something that will happen in a short period of time. Mu Qingyu feels that it should be left to professionals.

Who are the professionals?

She actually is!

But Mu Qingyu doesn't want to bother with these things. If the result of having many properties is that she has to worry about these properties day and night, she might as well not give them up.

When Mu Xianyu returned to Mu's house, it was already past meal time. The cook she hired at Yahang didn't cook well, so she decided to cook it herself.

There is only a small piece of pork ribs and a small piece of pork liver in the kitchen.

She took the ingredients to the small kitchen in the inner courtyard, chopped the ribs into small pieces, mixed them with flour, removed the dirt and excess grease, and then washed them with clean water.

Wash, take out, and marinate for a while with onion, ginger, garlic, salt and other seasonings.

Crack two eggs in a bowl, beat them up, add some flour into it, and mix it into a sticky paste. Coat the marinated ribs with a layer of batter, put it in the oil pan and fry it.

The spareribs on the plate are golden and crispy, especially beautiful.

Next, process the pork liver.

This pork liver was probably bought by the housekeeper for herself to eat. Mu Qingyu had a whim. A batch of wine from Qiu Sizhen's house came out of the cellar. She was going to give some to her grandfather. She hadn't tasted it yet, so she wanted to make it spicy.

Pork liver goes well with wine.

Cut the pork liver into finger-thick strips, rinse away the blood, drain the water, add salt, spice powder, and starch and mix well.

Heat the oil until it is 70% hot, add the pork liver and fry until it is ready.

Put the base oil in the pot, stir-fry the chili powder, garlic sprouts, and spices until fragrant. Add the fried pork liver and stir-fry. When it comes out of the pot, the aroma will fill the kitchen.

One of the two dishes is golden and the other is deep red, dotted with green scallions. They are very beautiful and the aroma fills your nose.

Mu Qingyu was very satisfied and brought the prepared dishes to the dining room on the right side, along with a jar of wine.

It was two pounds per jar of new wine. She used the recipe of modern Moutai, and the wine was much stronger than the wine of this era. This wine should be ranked high even in the Moutai distillery, and my grandfather would definitely like it!

Pour the wine into the exquisite jug and get the wine glass.

But when she came back with the wine glass, she couldn't help but be stunned.

There were not many raw materials in the kitchen, so she only made a plate of crispy pork ribs and a plate of spicy pork liver. But now, what did she see? On the left plate, there were three pieces of pork ribs, and on the right plate, there were three strips of pork liver.

Mu Qingyu wiped her eyes, a little unbelievable. With her 2.0 vision, how could she see that the dishes on the plate had shrunk?

This chapter has been completed!
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