Chapter 275 Rude

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 Mu Qingyu glanced at Ming Qinxue, and then at Ming'er who was crying out of breath. I'm afraid this little maid is a tearful girl.

"Then how did you find here?" she asked curiously.

Ming'er cried even more sadly: "Yes, it was Zhuo'er, the book boy next to the eldest young master, who saw that the slave girl was kicked out by the eldest master. He felt very pitiful, so he helped Ming'er pack the eldest lady's clothes and hired a carriage for the slave girl. Zhuo'er helped Ming'er pack the eldest lady's clothes.

My son said the eldest lady is here, so I came."

Ming'er was burping and sobbing, crying uncontrollably: "They, they threw all the lady's things out of the house. Those boxes and cages were filled with the lady's favorite clothes and jewelry, and they actually threw them on the ground.

He said that the young lady is no longer a young lady from the Ming family, and these things should be thrown out. Then...then the door is closed in front of the slave, wuwuwuwu..."

Mu Qingyu looked weird and said: "They threw out your clothes and jewelry together with Miss Ming's?"

"Well, the eldest son personally stood at the door and ordered his subordinates to throw it out. I have never seen the eldest son look so scary."

"Did you bring all those boxes and cages?"

"Yes, those things belong to the young lady in the first place. Since I came to see the young lady, I must bring them all. I can't make it easier for others. Besides, the carriage Zhuo'er hired is big and can fit it all!"

At this point, Ming'er became sad again and said with sobs: "The eldest young master is obviously such a good person, but why is he so heartless all of a sudden? Our young lady didn't do anything wrong. We just didn't get engaged if we didn't like it. What's wrong with that?

?Even the eldest young master treats the young lady like this, the young lady is so pitiful, woo woo woo..."

The corners of Mu Qingyu's mouth twitched: "What about your lady's things?"

"Ah, I forgot. On the carriage, Zhuo'er helped deliver it. He was still looking at the carriage." She said sheepishly: "Miss Mu, can you send a few people to help get the lady's things?"

Come here?"

Mu Qingyu smiled and said: "Then let's go and have a look!"

As expected, there was a spacious carriage parked in front of the house, and the book boy named Zhuo'er was standing on tiptoes to look into the yard, but the concierge Pan Shu was blocking his view.

When Mu Qingyu and Qinxue went out, Zhuo'er suddenly looked very embarrassed and awkward, but he quickly adjusted himself and said arrogantly with a straight face: "My young master said that the Ming Palace doesn't want these rags! Me and

Ming'er is a friend in private, so she came to help with this. Hey, hurry up and take these rags away. It's really taking me so long!"

He spoke so arrogantly and disgustingly that people from other places came to watch.

Ming'er was anxious: "Dear Zhuo'er, you are not allowed to be rude to the eldest lady!"

Zhuo'er snorted and said arrogantly: "She is your eldest lady, not my eldest lady. There is no such person in the Ming Dynasty, only Ming'er, you are stubborn, huh, I do it for the sake of the past.

I’ll help you this time, and after today, we don’t need to contact you anymore!”

As he spoke, he said to the coachman impatiently: "Come, help, put down these rags. I ran out secretly. If the eldest son finds out, I might even be kicked out. I don't dare to do anything more."


Sure enough, the coachman carried down all the boxes and cages with him. Four or five boxes and cages were arranged in a row. Zhuoer climbed into the car and left without looking back.

Mu Qingyu asked the servants of Mu Zhai to move the boxes and cages in together. These were Ming Qinxue's clothes.

The cage was delivered to Ming Qinxue's room.

The clothes were not heavy, but one of the boxes was quite heavy. Ming Qinxue opened it and found a full box of her jewelry; the clothes in the box were all new.

Her eyes were red.

Mu Qingyu didn't look at the boxes and cages, and Ming Qinxue didn't stay too long. She just opened them and took Ming'er out after taking a look.

Ming'er is still immersed in the gap that she is no longer the eldest lady, she is no longer a Ming family member, and she is no longer a slave of the Ming family, with tears still hanging on her face.

Seeing Mu Qingyu with a leisurely look in the courtyard, she thought of something, stretched out her sleeves to touch her tears, knelt down and kowtowed to Mu Qingyu: "Ming'er, thank you, Miss Mu, for taking in my young lady. Please let me stay with you at my house, Ming'er."

Stay with me, miss! My miss has no money now, but when we have money in the future, we will definitely pay it back to you. I...I promise to only eat one meal a day, and I will take care of all the living!"

She looked at Mu Qingyu pleadingly and expectantly, like a pitiful puppy.

Seeing Ming Qinxue looking at Ming'er with a wry smile, Mu Qingyu helped Ming'er up and said with a smile: "Okay, then you can stay with your lady. It just so happens that I don't have a maid here. Aunt Zhou

, you leave all Miss Ming’s affairs to this little maid, she is Miss Ming’s personal maid!”

Aunt Zhou was coming over with a pile of new bedding sheets. After hearing this, she handed these to Ming'er, who took them and went happily.

The next day, Kong Zhiyou went to Mu's house again. She happily told Ming Qinxue and Mu Qingyu about how she went to Dingyuan Hou Mansion yesterday to pay for the carriage.

She said: "I can't get used to Qin Wanshu's arrogant way of bullying others. If she bullies others, I will bully her. I am a very fair person. If she doesn't do anything wrong, I won't stare at her!"

"Pfft!" Mu Qingyu couldn't help laughing.

"Why are you laughing?"

Mu Qingyu couldn't help laughing and said: "So you did something wrong and knocked on her door in the middle of the night?"

"Okay, Mu Qingyu, you actually beat around the bush and called me a ghost?"

This time, even Ming Qinxue couldn't hold back her laughter.

The three of them had a laugh and started discussing business matters.

Kong Zhiyou volunteered to do market research to see what businesses in the capital are profitable.

Mu Qingyu didn't object and agreed with a smile.

The purpose of doing business is to make money. If Miss Kong is just a whim, the market research is enough to make her back down. As for Ming Qinxue, Mu Qingyu is quite relieved about her. One for a certain obsession in her heart.

For someone who can break off an engagement in public, as long as she wants to do something, she can definitely do it!

At the end of the day, Ming Qinxue went back to her room, and she said openly that she wanted to dress up a little.

Ming'er was very happy. The eldest daughter of her family did not forget about food and drink because she left the Ming family, and she didn't bother to put on makeup. This was good. The clothes of the young lady in her family were very beautiful. She brought them all. The young lady just got new clothes today.

Instead, she felt like she was such a clever little ghost!

Seeing Ming Qinxue's smiling eyes and the little expectation in her eyes, Mu Qingyu smiled sincerely.

What made Ming Qinxue make this decision may not necessarily be because he was a man, but more or less, it was because of such a man!

It should be that person that Ming Qinxue wants to see.

Now that Ming Qinxue has been expelled from the Ming family, it means that she has no relatives. If there is a man who is in love with her and lives up to each other, it will be a good story!

This chapter has been completed!
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