Chapter 398 This is a real fire

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 The emperor smiled and said: "What did you do to make me angry, and you need my forgiveness?"

Probably because of Concubine De's understanding over the years, he has less worries and more peace, and there is still a bit of joking in his tone!

Concubine De said: "I am worried about Xian'er, so early this morning I sent Nanny Xu to Tianlao to see him..."

The emperor understands.

He suppressed his smile and said, "So, you know everything?"

Concubine De said: "Although I am acting in accordance with the normal palace rules, it is the emperor's intention to imprison Xian'er. I should not have sent a nanny to see her, but I am also a mother!"

The emperor walked to the throne and sat down, and said calmly: "I know in my heart that nothing will happen to him! No one will hurt him again! Lao Wu, I have locked him up too!"

When he said this, he felt a little guilty. If it weren't for Chu Jingxian's bad appetite last night, even if he ate half a star, he would be dead now. Therefore, he knew this, and he was just talking about it at this time.

Concubine De lowered her head and said: "I know that Xian'er has become a bit of a playboy in recent years. He has a perverse temper and cannot say sweet words. He must have conflicted with the emperor with his words. Please don't have the same understanding as Xian'er. He is just a child!"<


Now that Lao Wu is locked up, is her string safe? No, not really!

The emperor laughed and said: "Can I still argue with him?"

Concubine De said: "Thank you, Your Majesty!"

The emperor was startled at her thank you, then shook his head and said: "You, as the saying goes, a loving mother often loses her son. It's because you doted on him too much that the seventh child stayed in the prison for one night. I

It looks like you have been in a prison all night! Don’t worry, I’ll keep my word and I’ll let him out tomorrow!”

Concubine De said: "Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Tomorrow is still too late, but she knows that the emperor's previous intention was to lock him up for three to five days, and she would not be able to say anything more until tomorrow.

"Get up quickly. You are not in good health. You have been tossing and turning. For some reason, isn't it making Lao Qi worried?"

Concubine De stood up with the help of Nanny Xu.

The emperor said: "I know how you feel. I am also his father. Don't think too much about it. Come and talk to me!"

Concubine De said: "I will ask someone to bring boiling water to make tea for the emperor!"

"Very good, your tea is well brewed and I taste it well! You play chess with me first!"

Concubine De forced herself to smile, and asked someone to prepare water and tea, and asked Nanny Xu to bring the chessboard.

At this time, the news that Chu Xinyuan was imprisoned in the heavenly prison once again shocked the courtiers.

What happened in the past two days? First His Highness the Seventh, then His Highness the Fifth, and in just two days, two princes entered the prison?


Chu Yuncheng frowned and said angrily: "Is this Chu Xinyuan stupid? He has already obtained the position of commander of the Gyeonggi Guard. Now that he is imprisoned in the sky prison, the Gyeonggi Guard commander will definitely have to find someone else. Old Seven is a dandy, and there is no way to deal with it. Is it necessary? Why is he so stupid?"

His admirer sighed: "It seems that women are misleading, and the usually calm King Liang has also lost his sense of proportion."

"What kind of woman misleads people?"

Mu Liao said: "Have you not heard, Your Majesty? It is said that the King of Chu liked the princess whom King Liang abandoned. The two brothers were fighting for a woman. This was a real fire. That's why they wanted to kill the other one." ."

"Stupid, really stupid!" Chu Yuncheng was so angry that he yelled: "What kind of woman does this world want? For the sake of a ruined flower, what's the matter? The king of Liang was stupid, but he missed me. Now Chu Chengye must be eyeing the post of commander of the Gyeonggi Guard. If his people are allowed to take it, wouldn’t my previous efforts have been in vain?"

The staff thought that when King Liang got the post of commander of the Gyeonggi Guard, His Highness Prince Ding did not do much! But of course he would not say this.

Prince Liang belongs to his own prince, and Prince Liang is the commander of the Gyeonggi Guard, and the Gyeonggi Guard is the force on his prince's side. Now that the situation of Prince Liang is unclear, it is indeed necessary to make early plans.

He suggested: "Your Highness should make preparations early. The position of commander of the Gyeonggi Guard is of great importance, and King Jing will naturally keep an eye on it. But no matter who is watching, the final decision will be made by the Emperor. So what we have to do is to choose Two suitable candidates, preferably those who have caught the emperor's eye before, will have a greater chance of winning!"

Chu Yuncheng frowned tightly and cursed: "If you don't succeed enough, you will fail too much! You know how to cause trouble!"

Mu Liao didn't dare to answer. To be fair, since King Liang secretly took refuge in his own prince, he has been sharp and calm, steady in his work, and step by step. Under his planning, His Highness the Fourth Prince has gained a lot of practical benefits.

At this time, another Mu Liao said: "The King of Liang asked the Gyeonggi Guards to surround Master Qi's residence, and it was also His Highness's manpower that was lost!"

Chu Yuncheng glanced at him: "When King Liang did this, he had already discussed it with me. Qi Chichun occupied people's fields and allowed slaves to commit murders. He had four lives in his hands, and he also blatantly and arrogantly influenced the government to handle the case. He is hopelessly stupid and can no longer be saved! I asked Chu Xinyuan to handle this matter. Otherwise, if we only deal with people who respect the king, the emperor will suspect that Prince Liang is my man!"

Mu Liao didn't dare to say anything more and just said: "I see, your highness is really a mastermind!"

Of course they didn't know that the reason why what Qi Chichun did was exposed was because someone was pushing it.

Na Mu Liao, who had been silent, said: "Your Highness, I feel that instead of looking for new personnel to take over the Gyeonggi Guard, it is better to rescue King Liang. This is the easiest way!"

Chu Yuncheng snorted: "Don't I know this? But you don't even look at what Chu Xinyuan did! He poisoned the King of Chu. The evidence is conclusive and irrefutable. The father is furious. Do you think he can still do it?

Can he be rescued? I am going to catch him. Aren't I going to do it in spite of my father's anger? What if I am caught by him?"

While no one knows that Chu Xinyuan is his, it's too late to put this matter aside. What kind of idiot is this, actually thinking of saving Chu Xinyuan!

Mu Liao didn't say anything either.

Chu Yuncheng said: "Okay, let's discuss suitable candidates!"

This matter has been settled like this. Chu Yuncheng doesn't care about Chu Xinyuan's life or death. After all, when this person can be used by himself, then use him; if there is a risk, then abandon it!

Respect the Prince’s Mansion.

Chu Chengye is also discussing who can replace the position of commander of the Gyeonggi Guard.

The Gyeonggi Guards, together with the patrolling guards, are responsible for the stability of the entire capital city. The Gyeonggi Guards are responsible for the security of the four gates, and their status is second only to the Forbidden Army. The Forbidden Army is personally led by the emperor, and Jiang Mao, the commander of the patrolling guards, is also loyal to the emperor and can be controlled by everyone.

Not moving.

Their eyes are on Gyeonggi Guard.

Being allowed to go by Chu Xinyuan before made them really annoyed for a while.

Now, Chu Xinyuan is in jail, which is great news.

It would be foolish not to take advantage of this moment to pull Chu Xinyuan down and quickly capture the Gyeonggi Guards in your own hands!

This chapter has been completed!
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