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Chapter 457 I don’t want fame

 The woman seemed not to have expected it to be so smooth. She walked out, walked a few steps, stopped again, and said with a troubled face: "Your Majesty, I, it's not that I don't want to file a complaint, but I am a woman and I was caught by a bandit.

The reputation of the village has been lost. If I file a complaint, it will make it known to everyone! Then I won’t be able to behave as a human being, so I’m sorry!”

A woman next to her said: "Ah Ju, your husband-in-law was killed by these people. Will you file a complaint?"

The woman smiled bitterly and said: "I, so what if I file a complaint? He, he will never come back alive. For a dead man, I came out in public! Everyone will know what time I spent on the mountain and what I suffered, and they will all spit on me."

It can drown me. I will go back quietly, at least no one will know my past. In a few years, I can find someone to live with again!"

As soon as she said this, several women fell silent.

Jiang Lang frowned and said, "If you don't complain, these people may not be beheaded because of insufficient evidence!"

The woman hesitated for a moment and said, "Aren't there still them?"

More than thirty people would sue others, but she wouldn’t sue anyway.

She raised her head again and said with some confusion: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty, these people have done so many evil things. Since you are so capable, why don't you kill them directly? Why do you still go to the officials?"

I mean, isn’t this unnecessary?

Several people showed expressions of approval.

Mu Qingyu did not explain, but said calmly: "Let her go!"

Some people don’t want to stand up, but she doesn’t force them!

Why sue the official?

Because this is not only a bandit who is a copycat, but also a county magistrate who colludes with the bandits. If she does not sue the officials and let the county magistrate deal with all the officials involved, will she go to kill the county magistrate again?

However, there is no need to explain these words!

Seeing that Mu Qingyu's expression was not good, the woman left quickly for fear of being left behind.

Mu Qingyu said: "Who else wants to leave?"

Several more women came forward.

They gave various reasons.

Three of them were kidnapped from the village at the foot of the mountain. Earlier, these bandits also entered the village to rob, but there were few things in the village, and it was easy to cause chaos. Once word spread, the county magistrate would not be safe.

It's better to rob the road. Anyway, most of the people passing here are traveling long distances. They kill all the people and throw the bodies under the cliff to feed the wolves. There is no evidence of anyone, so they just report them missing. Who knows where the person is?

Missing? Even if they report to the county magistrate, the magistrate will help them get rid of them.

Moreover, the wealth those people bring is considered rich.

They once robbed several Beijing officials who left Beijing and returned home, and they only had boxes of silver!

But they no longer rob the village. When they are bored, they will go to the village to snatch the eldest daughter of the Yellow Flower, euphemistically calling her Mrs. Yazhai.

This is how these three women came to be!

Now they just want to go home with one hundred taels of silver.

One hundred taels, their parents could not earn so much in decades, which is enough for them to live a good life.

There are also a few people who were convicted of corruption. After paying the stolen money, they just stripped off their official status and were never allowed to enter the capital. They brought their families back to their hometowns, but they encountered these bandits, and the man lost his life. , the woman was snatched up the mountain.

How dare they complain?

They just hope to return to their hometown as soon as possible, or find a place where no one knows them, and live the rest of their lives.

Mu Qingyu didn't say anything to these people and gave them money to let them go.

She was very considerate for them, and the money she gave them included banknotes, silver ingots, and scattered silver. As long as they were smart enough and didn't show up with large sums, they should be able to keep it.

After such a round of distribution, Huang Pengyi and the three bandits were all shocked!

This is giving away free money to others. Are those people stupid?

The three bandits were even more confused. Why didn't you tell them to surrender?

Mu Qingyu ignored them. At this time, after the money was distributed, no one came to claim it.

Mu Qingyu glanced at the remaining dozen people and asked with her eyes!

A woman asked her: "Your Majesty, can we really sue them? What if we can't?"

Mu Qingyu said: "Don't worry, our people will escort you all the way, and our people will also pay attention to what happens next!"

The woman nodded slightly, thought for a moment, raised her head and said, "I don't want the money, I want to file a complaint!"

Mu Qingyu gave her a strange look and said, "Did you hear what those people who left before said?"

"I heard it!"

"Then do you still want to file a complaint?"

"I want to sue!" She nodded sharply, her eyes filled with sorrow, and her voice was choked with sobs: "My father, mother, brother, and younger brother were all killed by these beasts. My brother was only four years old when he died. He had nothing to do with anything. I don’t know. I covered his eyes tightly to prevent him from seeing the blood and the miserable condition of his father, mother and brother. I hugged him, thinking that we, brother and sister, would die together."

She gritted her teeth and pointed at Huang Pengyi and the other two: "But these beasts, they just took my brother away from my arms. My brother was so frightened that he burst into tears. He actually comforted me: 'Sister, don't be afraid!' I was just like that." I watched helplessly as they stabbed my brother's body with a knife in front of me, and blood came out of his mouth..."

"I think of this hatred every day. As long as I can get revenge, even if it takes away my life!" She knelt down towards Mu Qingyu and said: "I'm not afraid of death, just let me go!"

Mu Qingyu said: "You get up first!"

She glanced at the remaining fourteen women and said, "What about you?"

These fourteen people also stood up and knelt down.

Jiang Aqin was small and knelt in the last position. She raised her head hard and said: "I don't want fame, I just want these beasts to die!"

The others also nodded seriously.

Mu Qingyu was a little surprised.

There were more than thirty women, and she thought that at most four or five could stay.

Although each of them lived a life worse than death in the bandit village, as the first woman who left said, they were more worried that after being exposed, everyone would know that they had been robbed by bandits and lost their lives.

If you are innocent, you will live in endless ridicule and strange eyes from now on.

Mu Qingyu can understand this, let alone force it! What you need to complain is courage. If you don’t have courage, a slap on the wall in the lobby will frighten half of the coward, and you can’t even say anything.

How to file a complaint?

Unexpectedly, fifteen of them could be left behind.

She said: "Everyone, please get up!"

Looking around the women, she asked: "What are your plans after the complaint?"

Jiang Aqin frowned and thought about it seriously. She didn't know what came to mind, and her brows spread.

But a few women reluctantly held the corners of their mouths and showed dead smiles. At one glance, Mu Qingyu knew what they were thinking. They were not prepared to live anymore!

This chapter has been completed!
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