Chapter 487 Monster

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 Therefore, people like the Pei family’s concubines had to work every day.

Mu Qingyu gave them a deadline of three days to clear out a yard.

The concubine of the Pei family felt that Mu Qingyu was simply not a human being. Such a big yard, with more than a dozen houses in one yard, as well as gardens, lawns, window sills and corners, brick joints on the floor...

There are more than a dozen of them, all are masters, and they have never done any menial work. How can they clear one of them in three days?

Facts have proved that human potential is endless.

In the first three days, they only cleared half of a yard.

Mu Qingyu smiled. How could these deceitful people repay what they had done to the Pei family so easily?

So, that night they had another taste of being torn apart.

The next day, the yard was clean.

Because Pei Shimei never returned, they had imagined that the news had spread.

But Mu Qingyu told them that Pei Shimei ran out when it was time to get the antidote, became poisonous, and fell to death on the street. The body was waiting in the yizhuang where the government kept the unidentified corpse.

They didn't believe it, but Mu Qingyu was kind-hearted and took Pei Wenlang out directly and asked him to go to the Yizhuang to see the unattended body that died due to an "accident". A wooden board, a piece of white cloth, and a thin coffin

None. If no one claims it in a month, they will send people to carry it to the mass grave, dig a hole and bury it.

In the evening, when Pei Wenlang came back, his face was ashen.

Now none of them dared to run away.

Next, clean a yard every three days and take the antidote every three days.

No one has any objections anymore, and no one feels that it can’t be completed.

However, as they work every day, the Pei family members are extremely desperate. They expect His Highness the Sixth Prince to come to rescue them soon, but they have cleared seven courtyards. How many days has it been? There is no sound from His Highness the Sixth Highness.

Don't they have any news, and His Highness the Sixth Prince doesn't pay any attention to it?

This realization made them desperate.

It's not like they didn't plead with Pei Ji.

However, after experiencing so much, Pei Ji knew very well who they were, and to be kind to them was to be cruel to himself.

How to repay kindness with kindness?

Of course, repay grievances directly and repay kindness with kindness!

Besides, I was just cleaning the yard and doing some work. I neither killed them nor sent them to the official!

Based on what they did to the Pei Mansion, ten years of cleaning up the yard will not be able to atone for their sins!

Early in the morning, Mu Qingyu felt a little distracted. Since the last time she met Li Jingfeng with Dongfang Moye, her martial arts had broken through a small shackle, and her five senses were particularly sensitive. She understood that this was not an omen.

But there is real danger coming.

The first thing she thought of was that Chu Chengyu had found a master to come over and prepare to deal with her as an excuse to vent his anger on the Pei family.

I wonder if the big gift she prepared for Chu Chengyu has arrived.

Chu Chengyu slept peacefully all night. When he got up early, he went to Yusheng Courtyard where Li Jingfeng lived.

He said politely: "Senior Li, Senior Li!"

There was no sound at all in the room.

Chu Chengyu frowned. Although the courtyard was temporarily allocated yesterday and no servants have been arranged yet, there are two beautiful maids. They are the singers that Prince An bought and raised since they were young. Originally, he planned to enjoy them.

Doesn’t this make him want to vomit when he sees a woman? It’s just a good way to bribe Li Jingfeng.

How come you have only served Li Jingfeng for one night and are so unruly?

Chu Chengyu walked inside unhappily.

There is no one in the yard.

The door to the main courtyard is wide open.

Chu Chengyu listened but heard no sound.

The door is open, it’s impossible for someone to still be sleeping, right?

Chu Chengyu felt that this old man was not very reliable. He gave him all the food, drinks, money, and beautiful women, but why was there no movement at all?

Since you want to gain his protection, you must treat him as your master.

He had to ask when the old man was going to deal with Mu Qingyu.

With this thought in mind, he stepped in.

The layout and furnishings in Yusheng Courtyard are all top-notch. In the large main courtyard room, an exquisite screen divides the room into two halves.

There are clothes scattered on the ground.

Chu Chengyu understood it.

Although he doesn't like women now, he often did this kind of thing before.

I didn't expect that the old man would still be so anxious at such an old age.

When a normal person sees this situation, he should quietly withdraw.

But Chu Chengyu is not a normal person.

He is also a little perverted, because he is very curious, can an old man really show off his talents if he has a chicken skin? He can't do it anymore, but he can watch it!

With this dirty idea in mind, Chu Chengyu walked behind the screen secretly, even showing a lewd smile on his face.

As for the fear of being discovered and angry by the old man?

He’s not afraid!

Now he is the old man's food and clothing parent, the yard belongs to his Prince An's Mansion, the beauty is given to him, and the money is given to him. He is the prince, so he is afraid of a thug he raises?

At worst, give me more money. Things that can be solved with money are nothing!

However, at a glance, he suddenly fell to the ground, supported the ground with his hands, took several steps back, and blurted out a frightened and shrill scream: "Ah..."

What did he see?

On the large bed, the quilt had long since fallen to the side. A woman was naked, her head was facing down the bed, her eyes were wide open, but she had long since lost her breath. There was a big hole in her neck, and there was some condensation of blood at the hole.
His face was pale, as if there was no blood in his body.

And the other woman fell to the ground, also naked, with her eyes wide open and unwilling to close her eyes.

Judging from the marks on their bodies, the old man clearly asked them to serve him.

But when he turned his head, he sucked all their blood.

There was no old man in the room, only the corpses of two beauties.

Chu Chengyu was in shock. Before, he had hugged him so that he could see the fun in the old man's room. At this time, he had no such thoughts. He stroked his heart and felt that his heart was about to jump out.

Blood sucking, what is that?

Human or monster?

Regardless of whether they are humans or monsters, this old man is too careless. Since he has enjoyed their bodies, why should he let them die?

After all, a couple can live together for a hundred days, right?

Well, he has to think of a way. As long as the old man gets rid of Mu Qingyu, he has to stay away from him. Monsters that drink human blood are so scary!

He doesn't dare to ask where Li Jingfeng has gone now.

No matter where he goes? As long as he is willing to do it.

In other words, even if he refuses to take action, it is just a matter of spending some money to support it. How noble is his life? A gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall!

Chu Chengyu didn't know how he got back to his yard. There seemed to be the terrifying death scenes of the two women in front of him, which made his face turn pale and his legs became weak.

But before he could enter the hospital, the steward of Prince An's Mansion hurried over and said as he ran: "Your Highness, Your Highness, it's bad, something big has happened!"

This chapter has been completed!
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