Chapter 514 Feud

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 Ming Qinxue: "..."

She said speechlessly: "Someone bought my head, and you're just telling me now?"

Lu Zhang said slowly: "To be specific, someone wants to buy the head of the owner behind Wang Mingxuan. Just now, I got the news that Wang Mingxuan will change owners in the afternoon, so this is not an important matter.


Ming Qinxue: "..."

She did not doubt Feng Yulou's ability, so it was not surprising that Lu Zhang knew what he said a while ago. However, Wang Mingxuan was just a rouge shop, but it was bigger, the business was better, and the profit was more.

Other rouge shops have been squeezed out of business, and other advantages are gone.

Just for money, these people wouldn't kill her, right?

Ming Qinxue said: "What's the reason?"

Lu Zhang didn't talk nonsense and said directly: "You may not believe this reason!"

He carefully considered his words before he quickly and briefly stated the causes and consequences he had found.

In fact, after learning that the other party paid for a killer from Shenxi Tower, he immediately went to investigate.

It concerns their landlord, and this matter cannot be neglected.

Who doesn’t know that the killer of Shenxi Tower started with a thousand taels of silver, half of which was paid in advance, and the other half after completion.

It is said that someone asked Shenxi Tower to send an assassin to kill Pei Ji from the Weiwu Marquis Mansion. They paid half in advance, and Shenxi Tower sent out two assassins. Unfortunately, both of them left and never returned.

It stands to reason that Shenxi Tower should send more killers to continue. After all, this is also related to the reputation of Shenxi Tower.

But later, the matter ended at nothing. The person who hired the killer did not persist, and Shenxi Tower did not send any more killers to continue. The deposit was collected, and the two killers were lost, so that was the end of the matter.

But even if there was an example of failure last time, Lu Zhang did not dare to take it lightly. After all, Shenxi Tower always took action for human life, and it only missed that one time.

All the previous murder orders were completed at a high cost, and if the person was told to take the head, the head would be taken, and if the person was told to take the life, the life would be taken.

So Lu Zhang was very nervous at first.

Wang Mingxuan's rouge master comes from a well-known incense-making family in the capital, but there are people in any industry who cannot be dealt with. If these people cause conflicts of interest due to occasional conflicts of interest, they are small and short-lived, and they are called competitors; but if because of this, they are called competitors.

And if they don't give in to each other, and several generations are fighting for the same breath, even to the point of killing people, that's a feud!

Tao Xinlu, the chief incense maker of Wangmingxuan, was invited by Mu Qingyu. When Mu Qingyu provided the funds, Ming Qinxue was still in the doldrums after leaving the family. The three of them discussed together. If the Rouge Shop wanted to do well in business, it would be necessary to make perfume.

Master Xiang is the key. If the product is good, this is the hard power. Otherwise, no matter how good the marketing or service is, it will be useless.

Since we are hiring a master, of course we should hire the most famous master in the capital.

But since they are famous masters in the capital, they must have been invited away a long time ago, so where can they get their turn. It is useless to invite ordinary masters.

Mu Qingyu really found one, that is, this Tao Xinlu.

The Tao family and the Dong family are feuding families. Both families are famous for making incense and have excellent craftsmanship. However, later on, the Tao family fell into decline, but the Dong family prospered and prospered.

Decades ago, the eldest son of the Dong family had just passed the examination, and the official who had announced the good news had just left. The Dong family had a grand banquet for the guests, and the scenery was endless. The guests dispersed, and the wine was full. It happened that Tao Xinlu's sister and my mother were passing by on their way home from the town.

, Boss Dong saw Sister Tao Xinlu’s beautiful face, so he came up to do something with her.

The other five brothers from the Dong family all drank a lot and joined in.

Earlier, the Tao family and the Dong family had been beaten to death because they were traveling together.

Today, this generation of the Tao family has only given birth to a girl, Pianzi, and a single seedling, Tao Xinlu, while the Dong family has six brothers. The eldest has also won the imperial examination, and the Dong family is about to make a fortune.

The Tao family has a different surname that they have never dealt with for generations. Now that the Dong family has a bright future, who do they think the Tao family is?

Under the influence of alcohol, the boss of the Dong family, who was so full of energy that he almost reached the sky, simply hugged sister Tao Xinlu and began to chew her, raising and lowering her hands.

This kind of behavior is not only out of line, it is simply insulting.

Mrs. Tao hit Mr. Dong head-on, hitting Mr. Dong's waist. Boss Dong, who was in pain, turned around and called on his brothers to arrest him. He picked up a stone and threw it at Mrs. Tao's head.<


Mrs. Tao couldn't bear the heavy blow from the strong man. She fell to the ground with a hole in her head and blood was pouring out.

Sister Tao Xinlu rushed to hug my mother, but the six brothers of the Dong family did not let her go. They even ignored that Mrs. Tao was lying on the ground, taking in more air than out, so they pulled her into the house and treated her like a beast.


Sister Tao Xinlu had already made a promise. This time she and my mother went to the town to sell the embroidery they had made during this period in exchange for a few pieces of good cloth to embroider the dowry themselves. After such a thing, this marriage was naturally impossible, and she also

I no longer have the courage to live.

But my mother died tragically, and the Dong family is worse than animals. I am still lying on the road outside not knowing whether I will live or die.

She endured the humiliation and pain all over her body and crawled out the door and crawled to my mother's side, only to find that she had already passed away and was not closing her eyes.

At this time, Tao Xinlu, who came to pick up his mother and sister, came over. The sister of the Tao family was distraught. Under the questioning of her younger brother, she told what happened. Tao Xinlu was about to rush to the Dong family to fight for her life, but was pulled by her sister, who cried and said to him

: "If you can't avenge yourself, don't risk your life in vain! Report it to the official!"

The brother and sister took my mother's body home and went to sue the officials!

They did evil things when they were drunk. After they woke up, the six brothers immediately responded.

At that time, Boss Dong had just passed the imperial examination, and he had just stepped into the official career. If it was revealed that he was drunk and incompetent, and hurt people's lives, his official career would be cut off.

Therefore, he must not let this crime fall on him.

The fourth son of the Dong family took the initiative to go to the government office and surrendered, saying that he and the eldest sister of the Tao family had been in love since childhood and had been secretly dating each other for a long time. Today, the two had a private meeting and was discovered by the Tao family. In panic, he accidentally beat the Tao family to death...

The county magistrate who received the report from the Tao siblings had not sent anyone out yet when he heard the petition from the fourth child of the Dong family. When he looked at the eldest sister of the Tao family, his attitude changed.

Obviously, he is more willing to believe Dong Laosi's words. He has already determined that the eldest sister of the Tao family is unruly, had an affair, and killed my mother, but she still dares to frame someone here.

Even though Sister Tao crashed to death in front of the hall and died to prove her innocence, the county magistrate still did not believe her and only put Tao Laosi into prison.

For this kind of manslaughter without permission, the most the sentence can be is a sentence of exile.

The Dong family has money and people, and after some operation, they were only sentenced to three years in prison.

Two lives were saved. The real culprit of the Dong family, Boss Dong, went to participate in the Spring Festival of the next year, won the last Jinshi, and through smooth connections, became a county magistrate somewhere.


The burn has not healed yet. It is a deep second degree burn. The area is a bit large and it is very painful. When I type, it even hurts when I knock it. It is also a bit inflamed and the surrounding area is red and swollen. So I can only do my best to update in the past few days. Please family members.

Be considerate!

This chapter has been completed!
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