Chapter 565 After the Sun family appears as king

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 Nie Shandao: "Go back to your lord, our young lady has gone to get medicine for the master of the house!"

Chu Xinyuan: "..."

He looked at Zhou Chen.

Zhou Chen also smiled helplessly and said: "Maybe the young lady didn't know that the prince would come. The family master's illness made the young lady very worried. She had to cook the medicine herself. These days, she was really tired, but she still didn't

I am willing to take a rest because I am afraid that we old bones will be negligent in our work. Speaking of which, the head of the family is also blessed in his old age, and the young lady is so filial to a junior..."

Zhou Chen's words of praise were gushing and he expressed his apology for Mu Qingyu.

Chu Xinyuan was speechless. What do you mean Xu didn't know he would come? It was as if if she knew he would come, Mu Qingyu would be waiting here.

He was sure that maybe Mu Qingyu avoided it because she knew he was coming.

After such a long time, Mu Qingyu still had her prejudice against him. Although she acted very calmly when they met and the two of them talked normally as if nothing had happened, Chu Xinyuan could feel the slight alienation in her eyes.


Chu Xinyuan sighed softly, some things will always exist after they happen, and once they are done, they cannot be made up for!

He approached the bedside and looked at Pei Ji.

Pei Ji's face looks good, as if he is asleep, and his complexion is good.

This is the same as the Pei Ji he saw before.

This elder has picked up business skills, and the life of the Pei family has become easier and easier.

However, it was unexpected that Sun Younian would set his sights on the Pei family.

Jing Zhaoyin interrogated Sun Younian.

This man had a very tough mouth, and it was Chu Xinyuan who went there in person to pry open his mouth. Even Chu Xinyuan didn't know if he was lying or not.

Sun Younian said that the reason why he was eyeing Pei Ji was because he wanted the big mansion of Weiwuhou Mansion. He also said that he was the queen of the previous dynasty and the current Weiwuhou Mansion was the former Prince Xian Mansion.

The first Weiwu Marquis had the merit of following the dragon and was named King Weiwu. His title remained unchanged for three generations. The emperor rewarded him with the residence of King Xian.

King Weiwu changed this place into King Weiwu's Mansion. Although later on, with the changes from generation to generation, King Weiwu became Duke Weiwu, and Duke Weiwu became Duke Weiwu, and the descendants of King Xian became just ordinary civilians.

But as a descendant of King Xian, he never forgot to take back his ancestor's mansion.

At that time, generations of mighty kings had great reputations, but they did not dare to take action.

Later generations of Weiwu Dukes were also shrewd and capable, and their families were full of talented people. Their people did not fight against the officials.

Later generations of powerful princes also had their own abilities, and they could only look up to them!

However, in the last two generations, the Marquis of Weiwu had no successors, and the title could no longer be kept. Now, although the people living in the Marquis of Weiwu's mansion are descendants of the then King of Weiwu, they cannot even retain the title of marquis. They have not been able to succeed to the title for three generations, and

The descendants have withered, the successors have no incense, and only a crippled old man is left.

So he felt that the time had come, and it was time to fulfill the wishes of his Sun family from generation to generation, so he took action against Pei Ji, wanting to give this childless old loser a gift. Only if he died would the Sun family's descendants have

Opportunity to take back the Mighty Marquis Mansion.

This statement seemed like making up a story, but Jing Zhaoyin went to check the classics and notes and found that Sun Younian was really a direct descendant of the previous king Xian.

Although he was reduced to a commoner in the world, he was good at strategy since he was a child, learned some martial arts, and was good at poisoning, and he still had a small reputation in the world.

Chu Xinyuan still remembered that when he went to the prison to interrogate Sun Younian in person, his mouth was full of blood and his expression was crazy. He smiled ferociously at Chu Xinyuan and said: "If you, the Chu family, took the throne of the previous dynasty, someone will take the throne of the Chu family in the future."

! The ancestors of the Weiwuhou Mansion took over the palace of King Xian, so someone wanted to take back the Weiwuhou Mansion. It was just retaliation for retaliation. How could I be wrong? If not for the Chu family's rebellion, my Sun family would have been prosperous for generations.

Why bother wandering around the world when you have the time?"

Chu Xinyuan just sneered, revealing the despicable look on his arrogant face: "Even if the Chu family did not seize the throne of the previous dynasty to dominate the world, do you think you can sit back and relax with the throne of Xian Wang? Have you read the records in the history books? Xian

How did the king get the throne?"

Sun Younian glared angrily and became silent.

There are records in the history books that there was no such king and title as King Xian in the previous dynasty. The last emperor was absurd and unruly, and favored both men and women. He loved a very handsome man with a face like a crown jade, a man and a woman, and often dressed this man as a woman.

He was brought into the harem, where he had sex day and night, and sang and sang every night. For this reason, the king did not go to court early!

It would be okay if this person was a woman, but she was scolded as a witch who brought harm to the country.

But he was a man, and the loyal ministers in the court were useless in admonishing him. Instead, those treacherous people saw the opportunity, used compliments to please the man, and became famous in the court.

The imperial court was in chaos, and traitors were in power. Finally, some courtiers signed a letter asking for instructions to execute the man who caused trouble in the harem.

The emperor was furious and took the man he loved with him to the royal palace to escape the summer heat.

On that day, an assassin was suddenly encountered in the palace. The man blocked the emperor with his body, and blood flowed all over the floor. The emperor cried bitterly in the palace for three days, not thinking about food or food.

When news of this incident came back to the court, the loyal and honest ministers celebrated each other, and the traitorous thief changed his color.

The veterans originally thought that the male demon concubine was dead, and the emperor would be able to wake up from his addiction, revive the imperial court, and revitalize the country. However, when the emperor came back from the palace, there was indeed no male demon concubine around him, but the emperor insisted on sealing one.

King Xian, say that this King Xian has made a great contribution to the rescue!

To crown a person who has never heard of him as a king in one fell swoop is not a sign of divine grace, but rather child's play!

The courtiers objected, but no one objected.

What's more, those treacherous sycophants are looking for new backers. With their approval and compliments, the upstart king seems to have not only saved the country, but also seems to have won half of the empire for the court.

When King Xian came to thank him, people saw his handsome features, as delicate and delicate as a woman's waist, and some people had a bad premonition.

Sure enough, a palace concubine took a look at King Xian from a distance and told her father that this King Xian was the male enchanting concubine.

This is because he was not satisfied with misbehaving with the emperor in the harem, and ran to the front court.

But the emperor's mind has been made up, and no one can influence it.

The emperor personally ordered the construction of Prince Xian's Mansion and made it magnificent. After Prince Xian moved into the mansion, the emperor often went out of the palace incognito. The relationship between the monarch and his ministers was intimate.

King Xian was so delicate and charming in front of the emperor that the emperor wanted to give him his heart and soul. But this King Xian was not an easy man. He made money wantonly and bought offices and titles. Anyway, no matter what, he would do it by the emperor's pillow.

Just blow some air.

It’s strange that the previous emperor could keep his throne despite such nonsense. Rebel armies rose up all over the world, and the war raged for more than twenty years. A huge dynasty was overthrown, the king who had been prominent for decades was beheaded, and his children and grandchildren were all exiled to hard labor.

, Prince Xian’s Mansion has also become a house for rewarding heroes!

This chapter has been completed!
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