Chapter 622: Smart ears and eyesight

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 Pei Song pretended not to know what happened in the Weiwu Hou Mansion more than ten years ago.

He knew clearly what good deeds Pei Wenlang and his other brothers had done, and even how wealthy and prosperous they were after returning to Liangzhou, but because these brothers had given him benefits, Pei Song not only ignored them, but even said a few words. No fair words have been said.

Now, does Pei Jiti have any hidden meaning when he mentions more than ten years ago?

Pei Song hurriedly said: "What happened back then was that the traitor surnamed Mu really bullied people too much. When I heard about it in my hometown, I was filled with anger..."

He said it in a very angry and heartbroken tone, as if he had been unable to do anything about it after learning about it, so he had trouble sleeping day and night.

Pei Ji was surprised: "How could my uncle know what was going on in the capital when he was in his hometown? My uncle is very smart!"

Pei Song: "..."

Does Pei Ji mean that since he knew what was going on in the capital, why didn't he help?

He immediately added: "I only hate a commoner who cannot compete with the methods of a third-rank official in the DPRK..."

Pei Ji chuckled softly in his heart, but did not expose it, just sighed: "Uncle Clan is right, don't say that Clan Uncle you are all in white clothes, even I am a direct descendant of the noble family, the Mighty Marquis Mansion, although I have not yet I inherited the title and held some minor official positions, but I can't deal with the traitor named Mu, let alone the clan uncle?"

Pei Song felt relieved when he heard what he said. He nodded in agreement with a look of guilt: "That's right. We have been very worried about you in these years. Fortunately, when I saw you today, you were in very good spirits. That Mu It seems that the thief doesn’t dare to do anything bad to you anymore!”

Pei Ji shook his head and said: "Uncle Clan is wrong. First of all, my life has not been good at all in these years. I am disabled and old, have no money and no one, and am impoverished. Not only that, but there are also batches of nobles from the capital. After that, dandy boys came to my house for fun, made me learn to crawl on the ground, and made me eat mud..."

As he slowly spoke word by word, Pei Song's face turned blue and white, while Pei Zeyi and the other three showed contempt. If a person lives like this, he might as well die!

Pei Ji also said that he was a direct descendant, and yet he survived like this.

Pei Junxian and other nephews looked at Pei Ji just like their fathers, imagining him being stuffed with mud and crawling like a dog, and even couldn't help but laugh.

Pei Song hurriedly said: "Ah Ji has suffered! Fortunately, Ah Ji has survived. Now the situation of the mighty Marquis Mansion is not bad. Along the way, it seems that the yard has been renovated and the lawn has been tidied! The servants have also been It’s very well-behaved, and it’s a home of bells and dishes!” This house has a lot of floors, and although it’s an old building, it’s neatly kept.

However, he also knew that what Pei Ji said was true.

What was the original scene of the Weiwuhou Mansion? After Pei Wenlang and his gang took away the gold and silver, the Weiwuhou Mansion has been suppressed by the Mu Mansion. Every word about poverty is a glorification. I heard people who returned from the capital say , even the outer wall of the Weiwu Hou Mansion has collapsed, and anyone can step in and step on it.

Someone who was brave once saw a group of young men in bright clothes bullying an old man with disabled legs. They yelled at the old man like a dog, stepped on his shoulders and face with their feet, and stuffed the old man with balls of smelly and dirty mud.

in his mouth, smeared on his face, and then they laughed.

At that time, how did Pei Song and others feel after hearing about it in their hometown?

Looking back now, their feelings at the time were: Pei Ji got into trouble for a girl's movie, and even hooked up with his own son. Wasn't he originally his son-in-law? How did he end up becoming a life-and-death feud?

In the final analysis, it is Pei Ji who does not know how to behave. A girl will die if she dies. The other party is a high-ranking official of the third rank in the court and has a bright future. With such a relative, even if the Mighty Marquis Mansion cannot continue to seize the title, at least it can maintain its wealth.


It is not certain that if a promising third-rank official can speak well in front of the emperor after being promoted, and say a few nice words, it is not impossible for the children of the Pei family to ascend to the throne.

This is a great life, but to go against the other party and make the house restless is extremely stupid.

Thinking of the teachings of our ancestors, we drove all those who were born into the common family to their hometowns, saying that they would prevent the family from being in trouble by not distinguishing between the direct family members and the common people.

But now let’s see who caused cholera in the family?

In their hometown, they listened to the story of Pei Ji's poverty while living a prosperous and prosperous life. They completely forgot that even if the successive heads of the Pei family sent their children back to their hometown, they never treated them badly.

When I sent them back for the first time, didn't I give them a lot of money? They also tried their best to find official positions for them. If there were children from the common branch who wanted to take the imperial examination, they would do their best to help them.

Even for those children of the common branch who committed crimes and committed crimes, the master would never turn down anyone who could make a fortune.

But in their hearts they only resented the humiliation of not being able to stay in the capital and being sent back to their hometown.

Of course, Pei Song would not say this.

Pei Ji continued: "Second, the Mu family has never stopped suppressing the Pei family in these years. But because the Pei family only has a useless old bone like me, and Mu Mingyuan has become a first-class official in the court, I feel that

It was a loss of status to bully me anymore, so I calmed down a bit. But the Pei family is gone and has no successor. This is also a fact!"

He added: "Thirdly, the reason why my uncle thinks I am in good spirits is because the Pei family has a new head. I stay with the new head, and I am taken care of by her. I have something to eat, and that is why the Pei family is like this."

The situation!"

Pei Song's heart skipped a beat when he heard him say the word "new head of the family" again and again.

He knew that Pei Wenlang and the others came to the capital some time ago. Could it be that after this period of time, Pei Wenlang and the others really took over the Pei family? Which of his brothers is the new head of the family?

Pei Song felt a little regretful.

They had already known the news that the Pei family was getting better, but they just wanted to wait and see, so they stayed put.

He once scoffed at the impatient behavior of the Pei Wenlang brothers, but now it seems that he made a mistake.

His voice was a little rough, and he asked reluctantly: "I heard that Wenlang and the others had a good time in the capital, why didn't I see them?"

Pei Ji said: "They are indeed living a good life, eating and drinking, and enjoying joy and happiness that they have never enjoyed before!"

Sure enough!

Pei Song thought to himself: The Pei Wenlang brothers are really cruel. He remembered that they fled back to their hometown with the gold and silver from the Weiwu Marquis Mansion. Because they went back in a hurry, they didn't even have a place to stay at first. He kindly accepted them and helped them establish the land system.

Land, buying slaves and servants, and taking good care of them.

Now that they have a good life, they don't even send any news back.

That’s not right, I still came back with a few people who had their hands and feet cut off. They said they encountered bandits on the road and had their hands and feet cut off.

Now that all of them have arrived at the Weiwuhou Mansion, they don't even know how to come out to greet them. Now that they are the new head of the family, they don't take them seriously.

Pei Song tentatively said: "Aji, you are also a direct member of the Pei family. Even if there is a new head of the family, you should be able to speak up, right?"

This means that he should still be the home of Pei Mansion, right?

Pei Ji shook his head and sighed: "My uncle didn't know. When the Pei family was in such a situation, I almost starved to death! I can't thank you enough for having a mouthful of food. I don't want to care about other things, and I can't care about them."

.A person must be content, uncle, are you right?"

"Ahem, yes, yes!" Pei Song responded and then said, "Then can Aji inform us, can we meet Wenlang and the others?"

Zhou Chen's lips twitched as he listened, asking the master to inform the slaves?

Oh, yes, people like Pei Wenlang are not considered domestic slaves, they are not even worthy of being domestic slaves!

Pei Ji had a gentle attitude and a good temper. He said to Zhou Chen: "Go and ask the head of the family for instructions!"

Zhou Shen said: "Yes!"

When he said this, Pei Song even thought that Pei Wenlang had become the new head of the Pei family. He felt a little regretful. It was too late and he couldn't even keep up with the hot shit.

Pei Ji is no longer the head of the family, so what use does his jade ring finger have for Pei Ji?

No, the great-grandfather of the Pei family who pinched Grandpa’s finger was also Pei Wenlang’s great-grandfather. Pei Wenlang must also listen!

Thinking of this, Pei Song said: "Aji, do you want to return that finger to me?"

Pei Ji was startled and said: "Huh?"

Pei Song said with some embarrassment: "Look, you are no longer the head of the family. This finger is for the head of the family to see!"

Pei Ji said meaningfully: "If this ring is given to me, I will naturally remember what my great-grandfather once said, but the head of the family may not recognize it!"

Pei Song said: "They are all descendants of the Pei family, how can they deny it?"

Pei Ji added: "If my uncle takes this ring back, then this ring has nothing to do with me. The family head will decide on my uncle's affairs!"

"That's natural!" Pei Ji still has some confidence in Pei Wenlang and others.

In any case, he had given Pei Wenlang a favor at the beginning, and the Pei brothers would not deny him even this face.

I think Pei Song's clan has always been the clan leader in his hometown and has a prosperous population. If that incident hadn't happened suddenly, would they have been able to rush to the capital with their whole family?

Thinking of that incident, Pei Song was a little frightened.

The Pei family is wealthy, and as the head of the Pei family, he has a transcendent status in the local area.

In Wang'an Mansion, Zhupu County, Liangzhou, even Master Futai would give him three points of face.

In the past, the direct branch of the Pei family treated the common branch very generously.

The concubine branch of the Pei family enjoys a large amount of silver sent by the master's family every year. This is what the master's family does when they succeed to the title. They feel that the concubine branch of the Pei family is also a member of the Pei family. They are in the capital and should help them more.

I can’t write two characters for Pei.

Of course, the silver coins were sent to the clan leader, who distributed them to the various branches of the common people.

Pei Song's grandfather was supported by the mighty marquis of that generation. He first became an official, and then became the new patriarch after losing his official position. The original patriarch had nothing to say.

The general branch always takes the wishes of the main branch as its will. Of course, the person who the main branch wants to support can only abdicate and make way for others.

However, since Grandpa Pei Song became the leader of the clan, many other common branches have never enjoyed the benefits of the main branch.

The former clan leader felt something was wrong, and the main branch suddenly cut off its silver support to the general branch?

But Grandpa Pei Song said that because the Pei family's concubine never provided any help to the master's family, but only knew how to absorb benefits like a vampire, so the Marquis replaced him as the clan leader and cut off the previous support of silver.


The former clan leader thought the same thing. They, the common people, are in their hometown and cannot help the main branch. Besides, the main branch is the Marquis, and they are just ordinary people, so there is no need for their help.

Without the financial support, it is only the poor children of the concubine who have problems studying. Fortunately, because of the previous support, the family education has been established, and the children will not become illiterate and blind.

After the former patriarch believed these words of Grandpa Pei Song to be true, he conveyed these words of Grandpa Pei Song to the original general branch. But how did he know that the main branch had never stopped supporting them, but they were all obtained by Grandpa Pei Song. Only those who are very close and know the inside story can

Get some.

Later this became a common practice.

Even if Pei Ji did not inherit the title, he still followed the tradition of his ancestors. At that time, Pei Yi was not married, and the Pei family gave the concubine 20,000 to 30,000 taels of silver every year.

This piece of silver has naturally fallen into the hands of Pei Song, the patriarch. How much does Pei Song want to share? Why not let him do it? Anyway, the people in the Pei family will not check whether the money is in the real place. Besides, what is real money?


Those common people may be close or distant, far away or near. Thirty thousand taels of silver sounds like a lot, but if we really want to distribute it, how many taels will each family get?

Therefore, the patriarchs of the Pei family have always been close to their own family. Some who are close will get some favors, while those who are distant or honest will never enjoy the benefits sent by the master's family in their lives. They don't even know about it.

There is such a thing!

For a long time, the nephews and nephews of the head of the Pei family have been extremely wealthy. Not only that, they also spend money like water!

Although the Pei family suffered a disaster more than ten years ago and no longer has such a large sum of money to support them, he has accumulated savings over several generations and is now one of the most wealthy households in the entire Wang'an Mansion.

After Pei Wenlang and his companions returned, it was said that this act of defrauding the main branch and escaping was to cut off the financial resources of Pei Song's family. The reason why he was still able to get his help was because of the benefits that Pei Wenlang and his brothers had given Pei Song.

, which made him feel more affordable than the two to thirty thousand taels of silver per year.

After all, silver has a price, and antiques, calligraphy, paintings, jewelry, and jade are priceless!

Six months ago, his most beloved son Pei Zekai got into trouble because of money.

The most famous local brothel bought a beautiful woman and auctioned her first client in a grand ceremony.

Pei Zekai saw that woman, and just one glance made him feel that her bones were soft and her legs were weak, so she was destined to win. He was rich and had a total of ten thousand taels of silver.

But unexpectedly, there was someone asking him for a price. He was a man who looked like a thin and frail scholar.

In the end, the frail man bought it for 20,000 taels.

Of course Pei Zekai has money, but he is the youngest of four brothers in his family. Although he is loved and valued by his father, the only money he can withdraw from the account at a time is five thousand taels.

This number can make countless people in Wang'an Mansion live for a lifetime, but in the hands of people like him, it means nothing.

How dare you steal a woman from him?

Do you think there is money?

Since he doesn’t know whether to live or die, he’s not welcome.

That night, Pei Zekai led his men into the brothel, robbed the woman, and beat the frail man to death.

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