Chapter 646 Hands Full of Blood

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 When the blade was about to cut Shao Xingxian's throat, it stopped firmly.

Such ease of sending and receiving, such freedom of movement, it can be seen that the knife in that person's hand is as flexible as his own fingers.

The killers present were stunned. With such a sharp dagger and such murderous movements, if it had been any of them, Shao Xingxian's head would have been removed.

Because of the inertia of my hands, I can't stop even when I hear others telling me to stop.

But this Mr. Muyu did it.

These killers all live a life of robbing human lives, and are bloodthirsty and indifferent. They have no doubt that Mr. Muyu just had murderous intentions and was indeed prepared to kill.

Not to mention anything else, their dagger control skills alone put them to shame.

Shao Xingxian was like a balloon that was suddenly pricked by a needle, and died instantly. He felt that his neck was stinging and hot, and there was liquid covering the entire neck.

The fear in his heart was infinitely magnified. He wondered if his throat had been cut. Otherwise, why would it be so painful? Would he die?

He has seen people whose throats were cut, their tracheas were broken, they were breathing out, and blood was pouring out.

He even reached out and touched his throat, exclaiming: "I don't want to die..."

Although the voice was broken due to fear, there was no air leakage like after a trachea was severed.

I touched my hands full of blood, but I found that my throat was not broken yet.

Even the dagger didn't cut his aorta.

Did he save his life?


He gasped for air.

At this time, I was even more sure that his throat was still intact, and the skin was just broken, or just a little bit worse.

But he is still alive and well.

His mind went blank and he couldn't think at this time.

The few killers who were summoned by him did not make any move.

Because they already knew whose voice it was.

At this time, a person walked into the door, a man in black clothes and dark hair. He was tall and tall, but his whole body was like an unsheathed sword, cold and sharp.

But I couldn't see his face, I could only see his eyes, as quiet as the sea and as deep as the bottom.

His face is covered with a bronze mask.

The mask has soft and smooth lines, but the bronze itself has a dark green light, so even if the mask is exquisitely made, this man still feels a bit cold.

When Shao Xingxian saw the visitor, he didn't care to sigh about the rest of his life. He was afraid of being there. He quickly saluted respectfully and said: "I have met the owner of the building!"

All the killers also clasped their fists: "The original poster!"

The owner of Shenxi Tower is actually here?

The poster glanced at Ming Qinxue and Mu Qingyu, and said calmly: "Why are the swords facing each other?"

Shao Xingxian's hostility and tenseness in front of Ming Qinxue had long since disappeared. He quickly told what happened. The implication was that if the poster gave the order, he could immediately kill the two people in front of him.<


As for whether he can kill him or not, he doesn't worry. Now that all the masters of this branch are here, he has also escaped from the control of Mr. Muyu.

He was still secretly scolding Mr. Muyu for being stupid.

The poster asked him to be merciful, but this man was really merciful, and even got himself out of his hands. Now he had no way to make the poster and his people show mercy.

He had a complete advantage here. He almost didn't need Lou Zhu to take action, and he could cut these two people into pieces.

After he finished speaking, he said: "Lord, the reputation of Shenxi Tower cannot be trampled on. These two people are simply challenging our bottom line. This matter must not be tolerated!"

The host's dark eyes moved slightly, and he said calmly: "Your people overestimated their capabilities and took on this task without the ability. Now that they have failed, do you really want the government to settle this matter?"

When Shao Xingxian heard this, it seemed wrong. He hurriedly said: "Master, the Jianghu is a matter of Jianghu, and the government will never settle this matter!"

He spoke decisively, and his tone was full of pride and confidence.

If these two people were killed without any evidence, how could the government intervene?

"No way? Why are you so sure?" The host's cold eyes fell on his face, as if a knife was hanging above his head, making him wince unconsciously.

The voice of the poster continued: "As the helmsman, you are paranoid and don't know how to adapt. You make things that can be solved easily become complicated. You are stubborn, arrogant and self-righteous! Is it that your identity as the helmsman has made you inflated, or is it?

Are you this kind of person yourself?"

These words were not unimportant. Shao Xingxian's face changed drastically. He quickly knelt down on one knee and said, "Master, I'm wrong!"

"You admit you are wrong in your mouth, but you don't think you are wrong in your heart." The poster said coldly: "In your heart, you disagree and feel that this poster is unfair to you? Do you think it is enough for you to kill the two people in front of you?

, but have you ever thought about it? When they came, didn’t they arrange a back-up plan? They were killed here, do you really think you can hide it?"

Shao Xingxian was indeed unconvinced at first, but he didn't dare to show it at all due to the author's prestige. Now he was exposed coldly by the author, especially when he was stared at by that cold look. He only felt a chill on his back.

He knelt down with a plop and said: "Master, I realize my mistake!"

"Get up, we'll discuss your matters later!" After the poster finished speaking, he turned to Mu Qingyu and Ming Qinxue: "I'm so incompetent that I'm making you two laugh!"

"The host is too modest!" Ming Qinxue politely made business greetings.

The host said: "I agree to the conditions proposed by Miss Ming. If Miss Ming is interested in continuing business discussions with us, then let's sit down and continue talking!"

He pointed to the seat and said: "Please!" Then he said to Mu Qingyu: "Please!"

Ming Qinxue nodded and said: "Okay. But I suggest that the host change it to a pot of tea. This tea is too unpleasant to drink!"

With that said, she sat down again generously.

Mu Qingyu also sat calmly.

The poster laughed and said: "That's natural. I'm ashamed that my vulgar warriors have ruined the good tea!"

Ming Qinxue smiled but said nothing.

The host said: "Clean up the table. Prepare water, clean teapots and cups!"

After the poster agreed to Ming Qinxue's conditions, Shao Xingxian knew that what he did was not what the poster wanted. He quickly found someone to make up for it and went to do it himself. After a while, he brought over a clean teapot and teacup and a pot of water. He was attentive.

He added two pieces of charcoal to the small clay stove next to him and put the kettle on it.

The host waved his hand: "You all should step aside. Don't be rude in front of distinguished guests!"

Apart from the bronze mask covering his face, the face of this poster cannot be seen clearly, but the whole person embodies the light, wind and moon, the elegance and the forest. You don't even need to take off the mask to know that there must be a handsome face under the mask, which is extraordinary and refined.


All the killers responded in unison, and then disappeared from nowhere.

Of course Shao Xingxian also hurriedly retreated.

After all the irrelevant people left, the poster looked at Mu Qingyu and asked, "Mr. Muyu, does he also want to discuss business with me?"

Mu Qingyu smiled lightly and said calmly: "I have this intention, but not today!"

"I'm looking forward to it!" The poster smiled and was personable.

He boiled water and made tea himself.

The water boiled quickly, and the host's movements were elegant and casual, but also revealed a sense of nobility.

The aroma of the tea is fully stimulated, which is different from the tea Shao Xingxian brewed before.

The tea soup is clear and green, and the fragrance is fragrant.

This poster is obviously the leader of a world-famous killer organization, but at this time he is talking like an elegant scholar.

But it was obvious that he also wanted to promote cooperation with Ming Qinxue, so they had a great conversation.

Half an hour later, the negotiation was completed, and Mu Qingyu and Qinxue said goodbye and left.

Shao Xingxian came to the door quietly and said anxiously: "The host!"

The host waved to him.

Shao Xingxian walked in.

The host pointed to the recess on the table and asked: "Where did it come from?"

Shao Xingxian was speechless.

Without waiting for his reply, the host put the tea cup in his hand and closed it tightly.

He said: "Is this how you come?"

How dare Shao Xingxian lie? He nodded and said dryly: "Yes!"

The host asked again: "How did you get it out?"

Shao Xingxian swallowed his saliva and said tremblingly: "That Mr. Muyu reached out and slapped it on the table, and the teacup jumped out by itself."

"You saw his methods with your own eyes, and you still want to silence him?" the host asked calmly.

Shao Xingxian tried to excuse himself: "Lord, the orders we have taken over in our building have never made sense to push the money out again. That woman wanted to take half of the money away, and she threatened her subordinates that if they didn't comply, she would send the person they caught to jail.

Go to the government and let the government deal with it. I can't let the reputation of Shenxi Tower fall, so I suddenly got distracted. For the sake of my subordinates caring about the building, please give me a lighter sentence!"

The signal he sent summoned the killers outside Shenxi Tower to come over and drive those two people to death.

But who would have expected that this signal would be seen by the poster, and the poster would be summoned?

He didn't expect that the host would be more inclined to cooperate than agree with his approach.

Ming Qinxue is just a woman. Even if she is very smart and has achieved some achievements, in the whole capital, she is nothing. If the business and power in the capital are divided into nine levels, this little woman has no foundation at all.

, and she has no backing, so the total number of her businesses is at the seventh level at most. A rouge shop, a silk shop, a restaurant, a silver shop, the business is good but not top-notch.

At this time, he was still a little dissatisfied. He thought that maybe the poster valued Ming Qinxue's beauty. That little girl was indeed very good-looking, and she was worthy of being the most beautiful and talented woman in the capital.

The host said calmly: "The wind controls the building!"

"What is Feng Yulou? Does the poster mean that we should go to Fengyu Tower to buy some news?" Shao Xingxian thought to himself, maybe the poster also realized that this little girl is not as powerful as he thought, so he planned to buy information from Fengyu Tower and check it out.

Her details?

When they take on tasks or encounter some difficult problems, they often buy information from Feng Yulou.

After all, Feng Yulou’s news is true, detailed, and up-to-date.

The host looked at him with contempt and said calmly: "That little girl you don't like, she is the host of Fengyu Building."

Shao Xingxian opened his eyes suddenly and blurted out: "Isn't the owner of Fengyu Tower Lu Zhanglu?"

"That's the deputy!" The poster's eyes were even more cool: "Before the task reaches the helm, won't you check the identity of the other party in detail? Won't you conduct an actual assessment? Three thousand taels of silver, buy it

You really dare to put a price on the fate of the owner of Fengyu Tower!"

Shao Xingxian: "..."

Sweat rolled down my forehead.

After receiving the task, the task will be reported to the headquarters. After the headquarters records it, the task will be sent directly to the branch, and the branch leader will price it, and then put it on the task list for the killer to pick up the task. This is a normal operating process.

The price of three thousand taels of silver was determined by Shaoxing Xian.

The pricing of Shenxi Building is two to three times the original assessed price. If the buyer agrees, he will pay. If the buyer does not agree, Shenxi Building will not accept the offer. All he has to do is report that the headquarters task has not been negotiated.

This is not a matter of a lion's mouth, involving human life. If you can see people, why bother to find Shenxi Tower?

A weak woman with no strength, a person who left the family and struggled to survive alone in the capital without knowing martial arts. She was still a woman. How difficult could it be to kill such a person? He thought it was only worth a thousand taels at the lowest price.


Who would have thought that this man is actually a big crocodile behind his back?

Now he knows where he went wrong.

The poster's voice was somewhat sarcastic: "Not only him, but also Mr. Muyu, do you want to silence him too?"

Shao Xingxian's voice trembled: "Then what is Mr. Nana Muyu's identity? Isn't he just a businessman?"

He used to pay more attention to Mr. Muyu than to Ming Qinxue, but it was because Mr. Muyu was more mysterious than Ming Qinxue. He was also a businessman in Kyoto, but few people knew his details. There were also legends that he was born from a certain family.

Experienced junior disciples.

The poster’s voice was flat and authentic: “He is one of the owners of Sihai Tower.”

"What...what, Sihailou is not..." In the eyes of the building owner, his voice took a turn: "How can he become one of the owners of Sihailou?"

For a long time, Sihailou has only had one owner. How could another one appear here?

"You're right, it should have been impossible, but he did it!" The owner's eyes became dark: "Because of his joining and the use of his methods, Sihailou's profit increased by 30%


This is simply a boy who attracts wealth.

Shao Xingxian originally had a sense of luck, but now he has no such idea at all, and there is even despair in his eyes.

It's over, it's over, the flattery has been slapped on the horse's leg, and it has provoked people who should not be provoked. Even the poster praised those two people, not to mention that one of them is the poster of Fengyu Tower, and the other is one of the owners of Sihai Tower. He also

Can you survive?

He worked so hard to climb to the position of helmsman that he was a little proud and a little... arrogant. If he had known this, he would have learned to be a grandson!

The poster said calmly: "You are stubborn, conceited and arrogant. What crime do you think you deserve?"

Shao Xingxian did not dare to speak out.

This chapter has been completed!
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