Chapter 1009 Jumping Crocodile

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Looking at Mozi's firm eyes, Zhang Tuohai knew that she was trying her best to prove that she was not just a vase that could only hold her back, and that she wanted to prove the value of her existence.

If he interferes forcefully, it will destroy Mozi's confidence and make her fall into a useless inferiority complex.

"Okay, then, conserve your energy. Rest when you are more than half exhausted, and leave enough energy to be ready to fight. Do you understand?" Zhang Tuohai pulled out a mace and a machete from the pile of items.
"I understand." Mozi nodded and picked up the things.

The two people walked along the river.

At the riverside in the early morning, there are many animals coming here to drink water.

There are many predators, but most animals have an underlying unspoken rule, try not to hunt near water sources.

Even if there are animals that don't open their eyes occasionally, they are scared away by Zhang Tuohai's fierce mace.

Zhang Tuohai is too lazy to hunt them.

It's still early before noon. If you want to kill now, you have to carry it all morning. It's too tiring. It's easier to wait until noon to hunt again.

The two people walked upstream along the river until noon, when the sun hung high in the center of the sky.

Mozi still persisted without saying a word, but judging from his increasingly heavy breathing, Mozi's physical strength was almost reaching its limit.

"So that mountain is on the other side of the river?" Zhang Tuohai looked at the drawing in his hand, and then at the red mountain peak rising from the ground on the other side of the river.

They judged that the mountain peak opposite was their destination.

However, the river here is very wide, and there are logs floating on it.


Zhang Tuohai looked carefully and realized that they were not logs at all, but huge crocodiles.

There is only one head floating on the water, which looks similar to a log that fell into the river. If you really think it is a log and swim next to it, it will definitely let you feel what Thomas's Slalom is.

"There are too many crocodiles here. It's hard to live here. Why don't we find another way?" Mozi was a little scared looking at the crocodiles on the river, and pulled Zhang Tuohai's clothes and said.

"It's just a few crocodiles, let them take us across the river." Zhang Tuohai looked at the distribution of crocodiles in the river and said calmly.

"Let them take us across the river? Are they willing to agree?" Mozi said, "I don't know much, so don't lie to me."

Although she was only a middle school student, she knew how ferocious crocodiles were, so how could she carry them across the river?

Don’t worry, they will agree.

Zhang Tuohai raised Mozi with one hand and directly carried Mozi on his shoulders. He took a few steps back and rushed forward. When he was about to reach the shore, he jumped high and then, heavily

fell on a crocodile.

Zhang Tuohai, adding foam, and the heavy mace add up to three hundred kilograms.

The crocodile almost lost its breath after being smashed.

Zhang Tuohai pressed his feet harder and the crocodile was almost trampled over, but Zhang Tuohai had accurately landed on the next crocodile.

Before the next crocodile realized what was going on, he felt another huge force coming from behind. Zhang Tuohai led Mozi and jumped onto the next crocodile.

In this way, Zhang Tuohai stepped on one crocodile and jumped up and down on the river. Finally, he finally stepped on the last crocodile and jumped onto the shore.

The crocodile that was stepped on was very angry and wanted to go ashore to bite Zhang Tuohai.

However, thinking of Zhang Tuohai's huge strength, the crocodiles were scared again and shrank back into the river, silently and silently.

In the woods across the river, Zhang Tuohai's former teammates, fitness coach, man with eyes, long-haired woman and bun-head all looked at Zhang Tuohai in shock as he jumped across the river.

Open your mouth so wide that you can swallow a goose egg.

"I, am I right? He actually stepped on a crocodile and jumped across the river. How did he do it?"

The man with glasses said in disbelief.

"I don't know either." The fitness coach shook his head. Although he had been watching with his own eyes, he still couldn't believe that Zhang Tuohai actually did it.

That was a crocodile, the overlord of the water. Moreover, Zhang Tuohai was carrying a person on his body. Under so many unfavorable conditions, he was able to jump over the river on a crocodile. What kind of balance and jumping ability did he have to do this?


He couldn't do it anyway, none of the coaches he knew could do it.

"Have you noticed the things he is carrying? There are extra clothes and weapons. Where did they come from? Could it be that he really killed the butcher?" said the girl with the bun head.

"How is it possible? The butcher is so powerful, how could he..." The fitness coach opened his mouth as if to retort, but he closed his mouth mid-sentence.

Compared with hunting a butcher, crossing the river on a crocodile is obviously less practical, but Zhang Tuohai really did it.

Now that Zhang Tuohai has done the more difficult thing, hunting the butcher doesn't seem so scary anymore.

"Is it true that butchers are not that scary and can be killed?" the fitness coach thought secretly.

At this time, the long-haired girl was full of regrets. When Zhang Tuohai invited her to hunt the butcher together, she should have agreed.

At that time, she should have thought that it was impossible for an ordinary person to be able to carry one person and catch up with a large army without changing his expression and his heart not beating.

However, she was frightened by the butcher's terror and chose to retreat.

If she had been braver at that time, everything might have turned out differently.

The long-haired girl is filled with regret.

"How about we also hunt a butcher?" the fitness coach suggested.

Several people around were silent.


Zhang Tuohai jumped over the river and came to the other side of the river.

After landing on the solid ground, he put Mozi down from his shoulders.

This time Mozi finally understood why Baozitou vomited like that yesterday.

The ride just now was more exciting than a roller coaster.

Her stomach was also churning, but she held it back.

Now, food means physical strength, and nothing can be wasted.

In an environment of shortage of supplies, vomiting is such a luxury.

After resting for a while, Zhang Tuohai went to the river and caught two fish.

He originally planned to lure a crocodile over to kill the meat, but when the crocodiles saw him going down into the river, they hid far away and refused to give him any chance.

"A bunch of cowards." Zhang Tuohai was a little depressed because he didn't catch the crocodile, so he and Mozi had a meal of grilled fish.

After taking a short rest, the two people walked towards the red rock next to them.

According to the map prompts, this should be the location you left.

The two people walked around the huge red rock and found that the rock was surrounded by cliffs and there was not even a place to climb.

"How to get up here?" Mozi raised his head, looking at the red rocks and not knowing what to do.

"Simple." Zhang Tuohai took out the arrow from his waist.

This chapter has been completed!
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