Chapter 1043 Verification successful

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 "Woo--Woo--" The train made a whistle sound and started to start. The wheels slowly rolled forward and began to accelerate.

"Go at full speed!" Zhang Tuohai pushed the speed to the highest level, and the speed of the train began to slowly increase.

When they saw the locomotive leaving, all the players were stunned and had no idea what was happening.

"Why did the locomotive leave by itself? Why did it leave when the stopover time was not yet up? Could it be that the locomotive was changing?"

Just when these players were confused, the conductors in charge of the carriages noticed something was wrong and immediately jumped out of the carriages and chased towards the front of the train.

"Don't send me off, stay." Zhang Tuohai raised the grenade launcher and pulled the trigger at the pursuing conductor.

Boom, boom!

Grenades were fired one after another, and the broken shrapnel blew up the conductors and knocked them over.

Seeing that the conductors were chasing after him, the players also knew the seriousness of the problem, jumped out of the car one after another, and fired at Zhang Tuohai with their own weapons.

However, the distance between the two sides is getting farther and farther, reaching 400 meters away. Except for some rifles and machine guns with extremely long ranges, the remaining guns can only perform strokes, wasting bullets in vain.

Zhang Tuohai didn't bother to snipe with them. All he wanted to do was to interfere with the other party's shooting, block their pursuit route, and just wait for the locomotive to run away.

"Hurry up and chase." Several players clearly understood that if Zhang Tuohai was allowed to run away, they wouldn't know what to do.

Whether to stay in the ice and snow park forever or wait for the controllers behind the game to correct this error and send another train is something that needs to be considered later. Their main purpose now is to stop this train or let themselves get on it.


A group of people are chasing after them quickly.

However, before he could even take two steps, he was repulsed by a grenade.

There are shell fragments flying everywhere, which is not something they can resist.

Just when Zhang Tuohai thought that everything was settled and he would be able to run out soon.

Suddenly, I saw a figure rushing out of the smoke.

Zhang Tuohai took a look and saw that it was the salesman on the train. He was pushing a trolley in his hand and rushing towards the train at a speed faster than Usain Bolt.

Upon seeing this, Zhang Tuohai quickly pulled the trigger one after another, shooting grenades at the opponent.

But he saw the salesman holding up the trolley in front of him.

Various fragments hit the trolley, but not even a dent was left.


After the smoke cleared, the salesman suddenly raised the trolley in his hand and smashed it towards Zhang Tuohai.

Zhang Tuohai quickly lowered his head, and the trolley flew over his head, hit the locomotive directly, and was embedded into the car.

The salesperson took advantage of this moment to rush in front of the train, and was about to rush to the front of the car.

At this moment, Mozi rushed over with the MP5 in his hand and pulled the trigger in front of the salesperson's face. The bullets in the gun hit the salesperson like raindrops.

"I want you to pay the price!" The salesman grabbed the edge of the train with one hand and stretched out his other hand to grab Mozi's ankle.

"Consider your own price first." Zhang Tuohai rushed over and stepped on the salesperson's hand. Then he took out a grenade, pulled out the safety, stuffed it into the salesperson's mouth, and then used his backhand to

The butt of the gun knocked the salesman down.


The grenade exploded in the salesman's mouth, and smoke filled the air.

After a long period of acceleration, the speed of the locomotive reached its maximum value, quickly widened the distance, and galloped away into the distance.

At this time, it doesn't matter whether the salesperson lives or dies, because the distance between the two parties has been widened, and they can no longer threaten me.

There are many players in the distance who are shooting at the locomotive.

However, the distance between the two sides has widened. Shooting again from this distance is just to see Zhang Tuohai off.

Watching the train leave the ice and snow amusement park area, Zhang Tuohai let out a long breath.

Finally escaping, he proved his suspicion and successfully escaped with the locomotive.

At this moment, the neutral voice sounded in Zhang Tuohai's ears: "Warning, warning, you have left the predetermined area, please return immediately, please return immediately, otherwise you will face the most severe punishment! I am going to give you

Carry out the severest punishment!"

The voice lost its rigidity at the end and became a little angry.

"What should I do? The game controller seems to be angry. Should we drive the car back?" Mozi asked anxiously.

"Don't worry, it's not a big deal. Just keep driving and pretend you didn't listen." Zhang Tuohai said nonchalantly.

After a series of verifications, Zhang Tuohai discovered a problem, that is, Barbara had limited control over the world. It seemed that the entire world was built in a hurry, with various loopholes and bugs.

Then, Zhang Tuohai guessed that this world was probably because Barbara was not convinced. In order to fill the hole left by Weaving Night, she hurriedly cut off a piece of the original world, then hurriedly made a world, and dropped Zhang Tuohai

Come in.

Therefore, this world is very independent, and there are many places that Barbara cannot directly control.

These can be confirmed from many aspects, such as the way to leave, such as Mozi's identity inquiry, such as the punishment of illegal players, etc. Some series show the incompleteness of this world. In order to achieve her goal, Barbara did many things

It all needs to be completed through the characters inside, rather than direct intervention.

Based on Zhang Tuohai's experience in controlling more than a thousand worlds, Zhang Tuohai concluded that Barbara had limited control over this world and did not have full authority.

Therefore, Zhang Tuohai wanted to do an experiment to verify his guess.

Now the verification results have come out, proving that he is right.

As expected, Barbara has limited control here.

In this case, can he also control the locomotive to continue running forward without stopping at the stops he passes by?

Judging from the previous rules, it seems that there is no penalty for not staying.

Because everything is anchored on the train ticket.

If there are not enough train tickets, the player will not be able to exchange for supplies, nor will he be able to continue riding the train, and will be kicked off by the conductor.

Now, they control the train, all the conductors are gone, and the only anchor point has disappeared.

Barbara seems unable to control them.

The endless noise in my ears also proves this point.

Barbara was like a child, making noises in Zhang Tuohai's ears.

Like a buzzing mosquito.

"Scream, keep shouting, and continue to enjoy your last good time. When I go out, your butt will be swollen." Zhang Tuohai said with a smile.

This chapter has been completed!
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