Chapter 1159 The weird tavern

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 The city of Doll City is not very big, and one street is not long. Zhang Tuohai walked to the end in half an hour.

But Zhang Tuohai visited every doll shop on the street and couldn't find the kind of dolls in the hands of pirates.

"That's weird, they're not sold in the store, so where do these guys' dolls come from?"

Zhang Tuohai wandered around the street twice and still couldn't find the source of the problem.

Seeing that it was getting late, Zhang Tuohai thought it would be better to go back to the ship and have a meal before thinking about what to do.

As for the food in the Doll City, he was not going to eat it until he found out the root cause of the matter.

What if those pirates became like this because they drank alcohol?


A flash of lightning flashed in Zhang Tuohai's mind. Is it possible that these pirate dolls were obtained in a tavern instead of a regular doll store?

After all, with the character of these pirates, they wouldn’t go to a doll shop, right?

With a new breakthrough, Zhang Tuohai wanted to check it out immediately, but found that the pubs in the city were closed during the day and only opened at night.

"Then wait until tonight!"

Zhang Tuohai slowly returned to the ship.

"How is the situation?" Zhang Tuohai asked.

"Everything is normal. No one wants to get on the ship, and no one wants to get off the ship. Even the pirates are very quiet. Everyone is hugging their dolls and not even moving."

Polly the Parrot said.

"So obedient? Let me go and have a look?"

Although he knew that those pirates had become abnormal, Zhang Tuohai was still shocked that these pirates who had started competing to climb the mast out of boredom the day before were able to stay in the cabin all day the next day.

This is already a distortion of human nature.

Zhang Tuohai quickly came to the door of the cabin, and two fully armed Unsullied were guarding the door.

"No one has come out?" Zhang Tuohai asked.

"No one came out, they didn't even have the intention to come out. Miss Yin Lisabai even came over once to deliver a meal, which was freshly made roast chicken, but no one ate it. They all hugged the dolls and never let go for a moment."<


An Unsullied One said.

"Open the door and let me take a look." Zhang Tuohai said.

The Unsullied opened the door.

After the door opened, the scene inside shocked Zhang Tuohai again.

The pirates were all lying on the floor, holding the puppets in their arms and murmuring in a low voice. There was a bucket of cold roast chicken on the table next to them.

The roasted chickens are all in the same condition as when they were delivered, even the oily skin has not fallen off.

This is simply unimaginable to those greedy and lustful pirates.

You know, when Lisa White took over the kitchen and cooked the first roast chicken, the pirates chewed up all the chicken bones and ate them, without wasting any.

It is simply unimaginable that it can be placed here without moving at all.

The most frightening thing is that the puppets in the pirates' arms are all staring directly at Zhang Tuohai, with the same half-smiling expression on their faces, which makes people feel chills running down their spines.

"Lie to Kangxi"

After staring at those puppets for a while, Zhang Tuohai asked the Unsullied to close the door.

Although he barely lacks men now, and controlling the sails has allowed him to save a lot of manpower, it is not unacceptable to lose this group of pirates now.

But after all, they are the team that started their career. If possible, Zhang Tuohai would not want to lose them so quickly.

He plans to go to the tavern in the city at night to find the root of the problem. If it can be solved, it would be best. If it cannot be solved, he will think of other solutions.

"First, guard them tightly and temporarily close their contact with the outside world. If anyone wants to come out, kill them directly."

Zhang Tuohai said to the guard at the door.


The Unsullied nodded in response.

That's what's good about them, they can faithfully carry out all Zhang Tuohai's orders, whether they are reasonable or unreasonable.

After having dinner on the boat, Zhang Tuohai moved a chair and sat on the deck to watch the sunset.

After the sun went down, the lights in the Doll City gradually went out, and the lights in several pubs in the dock area came on.

"It's time to set off and have a look."

Zhang Tuohai stood up, got off the White Bird and walked into the port area.

After finding a brightly lit tavern, Zhang Tuohai walked in.

When I opened the heavy wooden door, there was no heat wave or noisy drinkers as I imagined.

On the contrary, it is deserted and strangely deserted.

Zhang Tuohai initially thought there were no customers, so the tavern was very quiet.

But when he glanced around the lobby, he saw that dozens of tables were almost full of drinkers. All of them were unshaven and looked like sailors who had been wandering the sea all year round. They were all wearing shabby clothes and they were all sitting there drinking without saying a word.
After discovering that the door of the tavern was opened, these people all stared at Zhang Tuohai with half-smiling expressions.

Regarding this situation, Zhang Tuohai felt his scalp numb.

Because the smiles on their faces are very much like the smiles on the puppets' faces.

"Is this where the eighth achievement is?"

Zhang Tuohai had a guess in his mind.

He put one hand on the devil's head and walked towards the bar.

"New guest? The first beer is free, so I treat you, but you need to pay for the rest."

The bartender said and placed a glass of golden beer on the table.

"Let your boss come out, or the puppet seller."

Zhang Tuohai sat on the chair, but did not touch the glass of wine.

The bartender didn't say anything, but kept wiping his glass.

At this time, a man in simple clothes walked over slowly, sat next to Zhang Tuohai, and said with a smile: "This guest, if you have anything to do with the boss, why don't you go to me? Why don't you go to me?"

, let’s do something interesting.”

As the Liuying said, she had already put her hand on Zhang Tuohai's thigh and touched it upward.

"Get out!"

The next second, Zhang Tuohai had already put the gun in his hand on the head of the wandering warbler.

However, the Liuying did not show the appropriate panic. Instead, he looked at Zhang Tuohai with a half-smile.

The expression is the same as that of the dolls around the pirates.


Zhang Tuohai felt that he was suffering from PTSD. Seeing this expression, he subconsciously pulled the trigger.

Moreover, the pyrotechnic mode was also activated.


The gunshot rang out, and a huge fireball hit the woman's head.

The woman's head was immediately shattered.

However, the expected scene of blood and flesh splattering did not appear.

Instead, there was a scene of sawdust breaking into pieces.

The woman's bumpy body has also turned into a wooden doll connected with hemp ropes.

The doll fell to the ground, just like the dolls around the pirates, except that it was missing its head.

This chapter has been completed!
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